From today:

WWE severs relationship with Jeff Hardy regrets to inform its fans that WWE has severed its relationship with Jeff Hardy effective today. We wish Jeff the best of luck.


It isn't too much of a surprise that WWE announced today it has fired Jeff Hardy. Hardy has had a habit of missing shows on a regular basis. The general feeling has been that Hardy no longer enjoys the grind of being on the road all the time and was getting sick of being a full time wrestler.

WWE had recently cut back his house show schedule, hoping it would rejuvenate him, but it didn't. Last week they removed him from house shows completely, for what was thought to be "personal reasons."

Jeff doesn't have the same passion for the business that his brother, Matt Hardy, has. Jeff has saved much of the money he has earned in the last few years, and doesn't have to wrestle anymore. It will be interesting to see what he does now.