WWE RAW Results: 04-28-03 - Steve Austin Returns!
Location: Boston, MA
Commentators: Jonathan Coachman, Jerry Lawler
Reporter: Fred Cook

The Raw music video plays, the pyro explodes, and we are LIVE from the FleetCenter in Boston, Mass! The Coach welcomes us to Raw as he and the King quickly recap Backlash. But first...

The Y2J Countdown hits 0.00 and out comes the Ayatollah, the Rock Star, the Living Legend, the King of the World, the Highlight of the Night, Chris Jericho comes out to a ring which contains two chairs.

While he was walking around Backlash last night, he saw a giant stomach wrapped in a kilt, only to realize it was Roddy Piper. But if the 175 year-old Piper can drag Piper's Pit out of the mothballs and bring it to SmackDown, shouldn't Raw have its own, much hipper show? It should, and so we debut "Chris Jericho's Hi-Lite Reel."

The inaugural guest is a tremendous athlete, and one who destroyed the Rock last night: Goldberg! Goldberg comes out and takes a seat.

Jericho says that his victory over The Rock was impressive, even though Jericho has defeated the Rock on numerous occasions. But this isn't about him. Goldberg and he have a long and storied history back from WCW, and if he remembers correctly, he challenged Goldberg numerous times and Goldberg never accepted. Goldberg says that if he's asking again, then he'll be glad to kick Jericho's ass right now. Jericho tells him that this isn't about wrestling; it's about interviewing.

His first question is, "Who in the hell do you think you are?" He waltzes into WWE, Spears the Rock, and acts like he's better than everyone else. But why? Why come back from Japan, or his fifty-seven animals at home, or whereever he was?

Before Goldberg can answer, Christian's new music hits and he comes out on the stage. Since Rock named Christian his favorite wrestler, it seems that he is the new People's Champion. And since he's close with the peeps, how did it feel last night when the People booed Goldberg's ass out of the arena. These people are so desperate to cheer for something, because their baseball team hasn't won anything since 1918, and yet he still got booed. Goldberg says that the fans pay their hard-earned money to see these shows. They can boo him or cheer him, and he'll be cool with it. He was brought here to get in the ring and destroy anyone who gets in his way, and if he remembers correctly, the fans gave him quite a response when he took down Christian last week.

Jericho says that no one paid money to him Spear anyone. The word around the lockerroom is that no one wants Goldberg here. Christian agrees, and says that he's not the only one who feels that way. He calls out others who agree with him, and Rosie, Jamal, Rico, Victoria, and Stevie Richards join him on stage. Christian says that they have nothing in common except the belief that Goldberg should leave the WWE. He just shows up and main events a pay-per-view? All of these people deserved that spot before Goldberg, especially Christian. He's a multiple-time multiple-belt Champion.

Goldberg tells them that if they have that big of a problem, they can come in the ring and tell him. Stevie rallies the troops and they go to the ring. Richards slides in the ring, but everyone else stays out. Richards turns to see what happened, and gets Speared to the mat.

The Hurricane vs. Chief Morley Morley starts by shoving Hurricane away, then mocking his stance. Helms goes and gets his cape, wrapping it around his waist and mocking Morley's Val Venis character.

Helms scores a spinebuster and hits a snapmare into a sleeper. Helms goes to an armbar, but Morley scores with a knee to the gut. Scoop slam by Morley , then stomps to the back. More knees from Morley, then an overhead underhook suplex 1-2-shoulder up.

Morley drives a knee into Helms' back, then applies a reverse chin lock. Helms runs into a spinebuster and Morley goes for a lazy pin 1-2-kickout 1-2-kickout.

Punches to the gut by Helms, but Morley counters with clubs to the back. Vertical suplex by Morley, then another. He goes for another, but Helms floats over and hits the Eye of the Hurricane. Clotheslines by Helms, then a swinging neckbreaker 1-2-shoulder up.

Helms looks for the Shining Wizard, but Morley catches him and hits a sit-out powerbomb 1-2-shoulder up. Scoop slam by Morley, who goes up top for the Money Shot, but Helms rolls away in time. Helms hits the Overcast 1-2-3!

In the back, Triple H goes to his locker room, and Flair tells him about his new article in Raw Magazine. All the articles and all the discussion prove that he is the greatest wrestler in the business today, and the best Heavyweight Champion of all time. Trips says that he doesn't care if everyone else thinks it, but if Flair does, it means everything. Trips says that Flair is such a legend that he deserves gold around his waist. That's why he went to Bischoff and got them a Tag Title shot.

Five Minute White Boy Challenge -Rodney Mack vs. White Boy Teddy Long brings out Rodney Mack for another Five Minute White Boy Challenge. But first, he has something to say about Larry Bird. Some people here might think Bird was a god, but if he was black, Whitey wouldn't have given him a chance. That's what makes Teddy and Whitey different, because Teddy's White Boy Challenge is all about equal opportunity.

Mack gets in the ring and starts chopping away on White Boy's chest. Back elbow by Mack, who then chokes White Boy on the ropes. As the first minute passes, Mack goes back to the chest-chopping. White Boy sidesteps Mack and gets in some shots, then a back elbow. Big boot by White Boy, who goes second rope. He leaps into a Rodney Mack clothesline. Mack rams White Boy into the ringpost, then the running powerbomb 1-2-3! Mack passes the Five Minute White Boy Challenge in 1:58.

Teddy tells everyone that this is another instance of never going back once you go back. But now, he'd like to introduce the woman who turned Backlash into Blacklash. Jazz comes out, donning her new Women's Title belt as red, green, and black balloons drop from the ceiling.

In the back, Trish Stratus looks on in disgust at the woman who used the ropes to pin her for the Title.

In the back, Trish Stratus comes into Bischoff's office asking for a rematch. Bischoff says that she doesn't have a rematch clause. Trish says that she'll do anything to get another shot. Bischoff says that if that's the case, why not have a match tonight against... Eric Bischoff? If she beats him tonight, she gets a Titleshot next week on Raw. She agrees. Bischoff adds that if she loses, she has to spend some quality time with him. And if she thinks she was screwed last night, just wait until she gets to his hotel room. Trish says that she'll see him tonight.

In the back, Stacy asks Test for some explanation about last night. Test says that he knows she doesn't have eyes for Scott Steiner, just like he doesn't look at Torrie. But why did she get Steiner to tag with him tonight? Stacy says that she sees potential in them, and that they could be Tag Champs. Plus, Steiner can be good for Test. Test says that he can see himself as a champion, but not with Steiner. He'll team with Steiner, but all he really wants is for her to trust him again. Stacy agrees that she wants to trust him as well.

WWE World Tag Team Championship -Kane and Rob Van Dam (c) vs. Triple H and Ric Flair Kane and Flair start off, with Kane shoving The Nature Boy across the ring. Flair comes back with chops, but Kane lays into him with rights to the face. Military press slam by Kane, who grabs Flair before he can tag. Tag to RVD. Flair pokes Van Dam in the eye and tags Triple H.

RVD catches Trips with a spinning heel kick, then knocks him out of the ring. Flair checks on him, so Van Dam leaps out onto both of them. He rolls Trips in the ring but keeps hitting Flair. He gets in the ring and Trips nails him with a clothesline.

In the back, Shawn Michaels looks at the television and gets on the phone, telling someone that "he is in the ring right now; he's a sitting duck."

As we return, Kane is choking Triple H. He lifts Trips up and tags in RVD. He slams Trips and Van Dam hits a legdrop 1-2-shoulder up.

Punches in the corner by RVD, then a spin kick. Van Dam hits a dropkick to the face, then a snapmare and a spinning legdrop 1-2-kickout. Flair catches Van Dam with aknee to the back, allowing Trips to spinebuster RVD. Tag to Flair.

Chops by Flair, then stomps. Flair chokes RVD, then distracts the ref and Kane, allowing Triple H to get in some cheap shots. Flair goes to the famous chops. Trips knees RVD in the back and tags in.

Exchange of punches, with RVD getting the better of it, only to run into a high knee 1-2-broken by Kane. Trips calls for Flair and they fake a tag. Flair hits akneedrop on RVD 1-2-shoulder up.

Exchange of punches. RVD knocks Flair down, but Flair wraps his legs around RVD's feet, keeping him from leaving the corner. Trips tags in and takes the prone RVD down. Trips distracts the ref as Flair goes out and wishbones RVD. Elbow drops by Trips, then a knee drop. Tag to Flair.

Flair applies a kneelock and then smashes the joint into the mat. Trips tags in and applies a leglock. Van Dam gets to the ropes and Flair tags in. Flair goes for the Figure Four, but RVD rolls him up 1-2-kickout. Tag to Triple H.

Trips takes Van Dam down again, but this time RVD hits an enziguri. Both men make diving tags. Kane smacks away on Flair, hitting a back body drop. Clothesline to Trips, then to Flair, then to Trips again. Clothesline in the corner to Flair, then to Trips. Sidewalks slam to Triple H, then a Big Boot to Flair. He knocks Triple H out of the ring and goes up top. Flying clothesline to Flair 1-2-broken by Triple H.

Trips quickly goes for the Pedigree, but Kane back bodydrops him. Kane goes for the chokeslam, but Flair chops into his knee. Kane goes for the chokeslam on Flair now, but this time Triple H takes out his knee. Flair applies the Figure Four, when RVD flies in and takes out Triple H. He hits the Rolling Thunder on Flair to break the hold, but Triple H catches him with a DDT. Pedigree to Kane. Trips pins, but Kevin Nash's music hits and Nash comes out with a sledgehammer. Trips quickly forgets about the match and runs out through the crowd. Nash follows him, into the back.

Meanwhile in the ring, Flair thinks he has the match won, when Kane sits up behind him and Van Dam starts to get up. Flair goes for chops, but Kane catches him with a chokeslam. Five Star by RVD. Kane pins 1-2-3!

In the back, Trips thinks he has gotten away when Nash spots him. Trips dives into his limo, and speeds off, but not before Nash smashes up the windows.

-Scott Steiner and Test vs. Chris Nowinski and Rico Steiner and Nowinski start off, with Steiner chopping away. Side belly-belly by Steiner, who is already busted open. Rico comes in and attacks from behind, but Steiner nails him with a clothesline and an elbow drop. Nowinski distracts Steiner, and Rico kicks him out of the ring. Outside, Nowinski rams Steiner into the ringpost.

Back in the ring, Rico kicks away on Steiner, then locks in a sleeper. Steiner hits a back suplex. Outside, Steiner and Test are arguing. Test runs in the ring, only for Nick Patrick to force him out. This allows Nowinski and Rico to double suplex Steiner and double elbowdrop him 1-2-shoulder up.

Clubs to Steiner's back as Nowinski tags back in. Steiner again hits a belly-belly and tags in Test. Test clotheslines Nowinski, then does it again. Tilt-a-whirl slam to Rico. He clotheslines Nowinski and Rico in the corners. Sidesteps Nowinski, who hits Rico. He takes down Nowinski 1-2-broken by Rico.

Rico kicks Test into the corners, hitting a leaping sidekick. Elbow to Nowinski and a clothesline to Rico, but Nowinski knocks Test away. Tag to Steiner, who comes in and takes out Nowinski 1-2-3! Stacy runs in and celebrates with Steiner, causing Test to pull her away and leave the ring.

After the match, Steiner reminds all his freaks to holler if they hear him. Before he can leave, Rene Dupree and Sylvan Grenier come out. They roll tape from two weeks ago of Steiner telling all the anti-war people to go to hell, or France. They say that if they were American, they would retaliate with lethal force, but they are lovers, not fighters. They get in the ring, but Steiner starts taking them down with clubs and clotheslines. He takes Dupree outside, allowing Grenier to take out his legs. Le Resistance whip him into the stairs and start stomping away. Double spinebuster to Steiner.

In the back, Bischoff warms up as Morley tells him that everything is taken care of for tonight. More over, he suspended the Dudleys indefinately again. Bischoff says that this is his night to get Stratusfied.

In the back, Goldberg finds Booker T warming up. Booker says that he's been through what Goldberg is going through, being the new guy around. But now, everyone knows that he is Booker T, five-time five-time five-time five-time five-time WCW Champion. He saw what Jericho and the others had to say earlier tonight, but they don't speak for the majority. But more than anything, he wants to welcome Goldberg to the WWE.

-Booker T vs. Christian Shoulder block by Booker, then a short-arm clothesline. Reverse thrust kick by Booker, followed up with chops in the corner. Back bodydrop by Booker 1-2-kickout.

Christian chokes Booker on the ropes, then brings him outside. He smashes Booker's face into the stairs and rolls him into the ring. Stomps by Christian, but Booker starts fighting back, only to be caught with a dropkick 1-2-shoulder up.

Christian locks in a sleeper. He moves to the blatant chokehold for as long as the referee allows. Booker starts coming back with right hands, but Christian hits a back elbow. Christian goes second rope, but Booker blocks him and hits a flapjack.

Booker starts chopping away, then hits a sidewalk slam for a two count. Booker knees Christian in the gut and looks for the scissors kick, but Christian backs out. He ducks the jumping calf kick and looks for the Unprettier. Booker pushes him away and hits the scissors kick. Spinaroonie by Booker T, as Three Minute Warning run down.

Rosie and Jamal take Booker down, splashing into him in the corner. They beat on him until Goldberg runs into the ring. Clothesline to Rosie and Jamal. He knocks Rosie out of the ring, allowing Rico to club him in the back. Rico runs off the ropes to get more velocity, but Goldberg catches him with the Spear. He picks Jamal up and hits a massive Jackhammer.

As Goldberg celebrates, Christian clotheslines him over the top. Outside, Rosie takes him down, but Goldberg keeps coming back. He knocks Rosie against the barrier, and then Spears him straight through it!

No DQ -Eric Bischoff vs. Trish Stratus Bischoff comes out for his match against Trish, and announces that it is now No-DQ. Trish nails Bischoff with a spinning heel kick, knocking him down. As she celebrates, Victoria runs in and starts clubbing away. Trish is eventually able to knock Victoria from the ring, but then Jazz runs down and starts beating up on Trish. She takes her outside and slams away.

Back in the ring, Jazz applies the lifting double underhook. Bischoff calls Jazz off, saying that he wants to make sure she stays concious. He wants to make sure that she has as much fun tonight as he will. He knows that a former Women's Champion must have something to teach him, and he knows some things he wants to teach her. He has plans for one of the more memorable occasions in Trish's short and illustrious career. Bischoff pins 1-2-3!

In the back, a limo pulls up while Bischoff continues talking to Trish. The door opens, and Linda McMahon steps out. Bischoff sees this and starts calling for medics to help Trish.

Linda McMahon comes out, speaking on behalf of the Board of Directors. Part of their job is to evaluate and monitor upper-management, including Raw General Manager Eric Bischoff. Since Bischoff conducts his business in public, she insists that he come down to the ring so she can do hers.

Bischoff reluctantly comes to the ring, and immediately starts complimenting Linda's good looks. He tells her not to take what he said to Trish seriously. He was just saying that for compelling television. Besides, he is much more interested in a mature woman.

Linda sarcastically says that Bischoff is just too charming. He has made her job here tonight so easy. Bischoff's actions this past month, including tonight, are unprofessional, abusive, harrassing, and bordering on ego-maniacal. There are some members of the board who don't feel Bischoff is fit to be General Manager at all.

But they have reached a compromise. Starting tomorrow morning, a new General Manager will share responsabilities in a 50/50 relationship. The new co-GM is someone more in tune with the fans, someone who is more sensitive, and someone who will keep Bischoff in line. Please welcome the new Co-General Manager of Raw...

The glass breaks, and Stone Cold Steve Austin marches out! Austin asks if Bischoff is a little nervous. He must be thinking that there is no way that they can be partners and work together as a unit. Austin extends his hand, but Bischoff relents. Austin says that he's getting the feeling that Bischoff doesn't trust him. Austin gets Bischoff to agree that he wants their relationship to work. They shake hands on the agreement to work together. Austin then reminds Bischoff that the action doesn't go into effect until tomorrow. With that, he kicks Bischoff in the gut and Stunners him

Credit: PWS