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My Day

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Wednesday, February 1, 2006

So the storyline goes by as i relize what a great one, Rey will be the champ

Posted by vTm at 12:01 AM EST
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Sunday, November 13, 2005
Eddie passes away
eddie has passed away and left a family and tons of freinds like my family

we will all miss you eddie

Posted by vTm at 5:15 PM EST
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Saturday, September 17, 2005
take a look at this autograph signing in ny states lol.. golddust and the dudleys is desperate for money so please give to our poor superstars (not)

Super Tickets ($150 AM) includes the following:
-Admission to the show
-Part 1 and 2 of the 3 hour Question and Answer Session
-1 autographed photo or item of each star
-1 polaroid with each star
-First on line for Autograph and Question & Answer Sessions
-Commemorative Wrestlefest poster
-Entrance into a raffle to win a Commemorative poster autographed by all the stars

Admission and Question & Answer Package – $50.00
This package includes the following:

-Admission to the show
-Part 1 and 2 of the 3 hour Question and Answer Session
-Commemorative Wrestlefest poster
-Entrance into a raffle to win a Commemorative poster autographed by all the stars
-General Admission – $15.00
-General Admission entitles you to entrance into the vendor’s room

Autograph Prices:
-Dudley’s $40
-Midnight Express $30
-Jerry Lawler $20
-Terry Funk $20
-Bobby Heenan $20
-Dustin Rhodes $15
-Larry Zbyszko $15
-Magnum TA $15
-Tony Atlas $15
-Missy Hyatt $15
-Nikita Koloff $15

Polaroid Prices
Dudley’s $30
Midnight Express $20
Jerry Lawler $15
Terry Funk $15
Bobby Heenan $15
Dustin Rhodes $10
Larry Zbyszko $10
Magnum TA $10
Tony Atlas $10
Missy Hyatt $10
Nikita Koloff $10

Posted by vTm at 12:01 AM EDT
Updated: Monday, September 19, 2005 2:24 PM EDT
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Thursday, September 15, 2005
Sept 11
September 11 is today so in memory of the victims and the heros that died I shot bin Ladens face off

he deserved it...
well bye amigos I gotta go to work

Emoticons by cutekittyweb

Posted by vTm at 3:15 PM EDT
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Monday, June 27, 2005

I'm planning to make a ECW movie with vamist.. it would be proffessionally made by me. I just hope I dont get knocked out silly like this:

Posted by vTm at 12:01 AM EDT
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Saturday, June 18, 2005
Summer fun
Mood:  accident prone
Topic: My Day
Today was alright I spent two hours diving off the three bridge area in riverdale. the hard part was getting out of canal.
everyone was there diving and jumping into the water. It was very cold, freezing actually. I have no reason why it was

Posted by vTm at 12:01 AM EDT
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Friday, June 10, 2005

One year ago from today I started my website up and going, haha its been a year already. oh well I had fun writing in my blog which will be a year old on the 18th. I have not been writing in it lately becuase ive been busy with my new job and my new school.

lets see what has happened these past few weeks.... well not really anything. all ive been doing is working for the family business, the families sport. Rey thanks for getting me the job I guess.

Cornwall has been waiting for a wwe event to come to the civic complex for a bit now. As people know the wwe is traveling to kingston and ottawa but Jim Ross has not yet booked the civic that we know of. the last tv show done here sold out and about more than 3,500 people watched Bret Hart get fired by Vince Macmahon. (1997)

Posted by vTm at 12:01 AM EDT
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Thursday, May 12, 2005
Just Stuff
Topic: My Day
60 years ago the allies won the battle in Europe and beat the Nazis. Matt's grandpa which is not with us anymore fought in world war II. He was a great soldier, he lived though the D-Day battle and continue on to beat the Nazi's but. He fought until he got shot 4 times by Nazi's in the west end of Germany but He recoved and lived to be a old old man 'till 1999 when he died by natural causes.

Ive been watching the parades in Europe this month and all I could think of is how Canadian, American, French, and British soldiers sarcifise themselves for us.

MSN Messenger:
Well sorry to everyone on my msn , I will not be on much anymore. I dont have the internet anymore..... waaaaaaaah..........

My weekend:
Well i went down to snye on the weekend and I was riding 4-wheelers, it was so fun, Matt and my bro couldnt come though anyway. After Snye I went on a date with such a hot girl
-We went to a mexican resterant (yum)
-We walked and talked in the park.
-We watched a movie
-I buyed her a dozen roses (Scott told me to do that for her)
-:D She Kissed me!!!

Gees I love hot blonds, but this girl is special, I think I like her alot... maybe that senorita would be my girlfreind one day, lol.

Posted by vTm at 11:37 PM EDT
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Monday, January 17, 2005 Looking good, Rey+belt, Va-mist championship vacant
Over 3000 visiters and the site is huge now and looking good. I'll be helping vTm making the Bio's
and club member pages.

Also another thing I like to tell you is that smackdown is not the same without rey as a champ waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. Bashams they are not champ material anyway.

VAMIST championship news:
As you might know, the title was vacated with a vTm not able to defend it. There will be a 8 man tournament with this months top players. The game is going to be updated with better pages soon. vTm will send us some good templates

Posted by vTm at 12:07 AM EST
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Thursday, December 16, 2004
Mood:  a-ok
I was in the square when It happen. the light wen of on us and there was total darkness. there was a few people trying to shoplift in the small stores, lol.
when I went outsie I realize that it happen to the whole town that morning.

In about 1 hour the power returned. Man those people can screw stuff up real you remember the northwest blackout. New york City, Toronto, Niagra, Ottawo, millions and millions and I mean millions of people were without power.

Rrrr I forgot to say hi, its ben awhile since I was online on the web. Sorry about that Scotty V, Shane, Jenna, big L and everybody else. well I am back and now I am gone.

VA-Mist 4 Vida!

Posted by vTm at 2:52 PM EST
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Thursday, November 18, 2004
cena vs. Carlito, Wrestling history in the complex 1998-2004
Mood:  celebratory
Topic: WWE
John Cena has got a title shot for the united states championship this thursday against Carlito the man who takened him out. I all ready know whats going to happen on smackdon and it is going to be a great match.

Cornwall Civic Complex Wrestling History
This is Intresting list I found. Take a look at it it'll make you laugh probably t some points like the kiss my ass match. lol. Oh yah and Edge says he never got a world heavyweight or wwe title shot, well thats a bunch of bull.

EWA Saturday August 9th, 2003 at 7:30PM
“Cornwall’s Own” Sakrilige, Soulrage, Danny Dallas, Dru Onyx, Face Of Death, Giovanni, Kona, "The Natural" Steve Royds, Oddyssey, "Showtime" Shaun MacMillan, "2 Xtreme" Max Alexander and Tag Teams Heavy Explosives, Jokers Wild, X-Rated & The Ebony Express were all there.

January 17, 2003

Monday, May 13, 2002 at 7:30PM WWE
The live non-televised event did feature all of the action and excitement of World Wrestling Federation events, including your favourite superstars.Check out this Superstar line up:

Kurt Angle, Chris Jericho, Billy & Chuck, Edge, Rikishi, DDP, Christian, D'Von Dudley, Tajiri, Hurricane, Al Snow, Maven, Faarooq, Tazz, Lance Storm, Billy Kidman, Scotty 2 Hotty, Albert, Test, Hardcore Holly, The Big Valbowski, Perry Saturn, Godfather, Mark Henry, Hugh Morrus and divas Ivory, Torrie Wilson, the long-legged Stacy Keibler, Sharmell and Victoria.

Posted by vTm at 1:05 PM EST
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Saturday, November 13, 2004
Welcome to and
Mood:  bright
Topic: Webmaster
thanks to our main webmaster "vtm" we have our own domain names. and will display our wrestling3/mistman site and pro-rune. Well I write much write now, cya all and thanx for visiting

Posted by vTm at 11:38 AM EST
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Wednesday, November 10, 2004
November 17th The return of Mistman
Mood:  quizzical
Topic: MSN

In a week from now I will be able to go back on msn messenger. I will be on after school at 3pm. I guess you all missed me, oh well. I will not be on for long on that day becuase I will be bring my brother down to my friends house. If you saw me on messengr this month it wasn't me but james my bro.

I made up a form to join the VA-Mist club: (yes or no)
1.Does Vince Macmahon have a grandson?
2.Is Disco Inferno in TNA?
3.Do you live in S,D&G?
4.Do you go to GV?
5.Do you go to Saint jose or St. Lawrence?
6.Are you a fan of rey mysterio?
7.Are you a male?
8.Are you a female?
9.Are you between ages 11 and 17
10. Was Andre the Giant, Hogans opponent at WM VII?
send your answers to ,He will handle the forms.

Well I got to go, before I go I wanna add that got such cool new design its awsome

Posted by vTm at 10:20 AM EST
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Tuesday, November 9, 2004
Raw Preview
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Raw

In-Ring Segment: Triple H speaks, Eric Bischoff
We join the show live in progress. Triple H is on the mic and said that him returning tonight will spell a lot of problems around the locker room. He said him leaving should have taught everyone a lesson, but it didn't. Triple H announced that Ric Flair would not be here tonight and that because of that, Batista is very angry. He said the attacks against Flair took place right under the very watchful eyes of General Manager Eric...Bischoff (who says his own last name to cut Triple H off). Bischoff comes down and tells Triple H to come to grips with the fact that all four members of the winning team at Survivor Series this Sunday will get control of RAW for a full month. Triple H grabs Bischoff and he tells Triple H not to do this, pointing out that he is the GM of RAW and that laying his hands on him would force him to strip him of the World Heavyweight Title. Triple H eventually lets go and Bischoff continues. Bischoff says it is quite simple, this Sunday at Survivor Series, it will be Triple H's team vs. Randy Orton's team. The four members of the winning team will then each get the helm of RAW while he is on vacation. Bischoff said if chaos insues, so be it. He said if he was Triple H, he wouldn't worry about those stipulations. Bischoff said he should concentrate more about keeping that belt around his waist after Survivor Series. Triple H assures Bischoff that his team will win and that he will keep his World Heavyweight Title. He tells Bischoff that no one can beat him for his title. Bischoff agrees with him and asks the fans if they want to see action tonight. Bischoff announces the first match of the night and requests the bell to be rung. Lilian Garcia introduces Batista followed by his opponent...Randy Orton. Orton comes out and we go to commercial.


Batista vs. Randy Orton
We are back from commercial and the match is already in progress. Both Orton and Batista lock up and Orton breaks it up until Batista responds with an elbow to the face. Orton goes for the RKO, but Batista pushes away and rolls out of the ring. Triple H is at ringside as well and stares down Orton. Orton taunts at both Batista and Triple H. Batista gets back into the ring as the fans chant R-K-O. Orton gets in some lefts and rights on Batista, but Batista lifts him up and throws him into the corner. Orton fights back with two uppercuts, which sends Batista out of the ring. Orton follows Batista outside and nails his head off the guard railing. Both come back in the ring as Triple H walks around staring down Orton. Batista works on Orton in the corner with some elbows and kicks. Orton lands a shoulder block, thumb to the eye and another shoulder block launching Batista through the ropes to the outside. Triple H checks on Batista and helps him come to. Batista rolls back in and gives Orton a snapmare followed by a headlock. Orton eventually fights back and gets on his feet. Orton lands some elbows to Batista's ribs and takes down Batista with a big shoulder block. Orton signals for the RKO, but Triple H trips him up from under the ropes. Batista takes down Orton with a big clothesline, but the referee signals Triple H to the back. Triple H gets in the ring and gets in the referee's face. Triple H then storms off up the ramp as Batista can't believe he got kicked out. Batista gets back in the ring attempting to pin Orton, but he holds onto the ropes. Batista kicks Orton outside of the ring as we go to another commercial break.


We are back from commercial and Orton is attempting to fight back, but Batista ends the comeback with a big neckbreaker. During the break, Batista launched Orton into the steel steps on the outside. Back live, Batista throws Orton into the corner with force. Batista does the same in the opposite corner. Batista connects with a big suplex and goes for the cover, but only gets a two count. Batista applies a headlock and Orton gets back on his feet yet again. Batista prevents a comeback by launching Orton into the corner shoulder first, who connects with force and falls to the outside partly landing on the steel steps. Batista rolls Orton back in and applies a body scissors neck submission. Orton fights back, dodging a charge from Batista in the corner and connecting with a dropkick to his knees. Orton lands a standing dropkick followed by clotheslining Batista over the top rope and going over as well. Orton connects with a DDT on the outside and rolls back in. Orton rolls back out to stop the referee's 10 count. Orton rolls Batista back in, goes up to the top and Batista tries to prevent an attack by landing an elbow to Orton's gut. Batista climbs up with Orton, but Orton bites his face to knock him off. Orton stands up, jumps and connects with a big cross-body for a two count. Batista is now busted open and Orton connects with an inverted back breaker. Batista dodges the RKO and connects with a big spinebuster. Batista goes for a powerbomb, but Orton counters into a sunset flip for a two count. Batista dodges an RKO attempt, charges at Orton in the corner, Orton ducks and rolls up Batista for the 1, 2, 3.

Winner: Randy Orton

After the match, both men stare each other down.

- They plug that Chris Jericho's guests on the Highlight Reel tonight will be WWE Women's Champion Trish Stratus and Lita. Plus, Chris Benoit and Edge will battle later tonight.

- A promo runs hyping The Undertaker vs. Heidenreich at Survivor Series this Sunday on Pay Per View.


- "Ugly" by The Exies plays. It is the official theme song for Survivor Series.

- Backstage, Randy Orton is with Chris Jericho, Chris Benoit and Maven. He said that victory was just a start of things to come. Orton puts over that if they win at Survivor Series, they control RAW for four weeks. Out of no where Batista takes out Orton. WWE officials break up the scene as Orton yells at Batista.

- Jim Ross and Jerry "The King" Lawler plug the match between Chris Benoit and Edge later tonight. A video airs showing how the feud between Benoit and Edge all started at Taboo Tuesday when Edge walked out on Benoit during the World Tag Team Title Match against La Resistance. Despite Edge walking out, Benoit defeats both members of La Resistance to capture the World Tag Team Titles for himself. Last week, we see Edge taking his half of the World Tag Team Titles backstage from Benoit. Footage is shown of the re-match against La Resistance where Edge distracts the referee, allowing La Resistance to pick up the win and regain the World Tag Team Titles. After the match, Edge grabs one of the World Tag Team Titles and knocks out Benoit. Edge gives Benoit a Spear followed by locking on the Crippler Crossface.

- We are then shown footage courtesy of after RAW last week. A bloody Benoit tells Edge that on Monday night his family and children won't be watching RAW because he will do something they shouldn't see. A graphic hits the screen plugging Benoit vs. Edge later tonight.


- Footage from the Detroit Pistons opening game on Tuesday last week shows members of the team wearing replica World Heavyweight Title belts.

Non-Title Match
Tyson Tomko w/ Christian vs. Shelton Benjamin
The match starts with Tomko going after Benjamin with some hard elbows to the back. Benjamin fights back with a knee to the face followed by a back breaker. Christian distracts Benjamin at ringside, allowing Tomko to military press Benjamin hard on the ring. Tomko throws Benjamin to the outside, allowing Christian to get in a few cheap shots. Tomko rolls Benjamin back in, but Benjamin fights back with some hard lefts and rights. Benjamin hits a russian leg sweep and attempts a kick to the gut, but Tomko pulls him forward and connects with a big slam. Benjamin drops Tomko's head off the top rope and then connects with a clothesline off the top. Benjamin misses a splash in the corner. Tomko looks to take advantage, but counters off Tomko's shoulders. Benjamin superkicks Christian off the ring apron and gives Tomko the T-Bone Suplex for the 1, 2, 3.

Winner: Shelton Benjamin

After the match, Christian complains to the referee about what Benjamin did to him. Benjamin walks up the ramp and taunts at Christian with the Intercontinental Title.

- SmackDown ReBound: The Tough Enough contestants go through training and Torrie Wilson announces that each contestant will undergo her Sex Test next week. Michael Cole and Tazz announce that the first elimination will take place this week on SmackDown. They also plug Big Show vs. Kurt Angle for SmackDown this week as well.

- Backstage, Trish Stratus is shown getting ready for the Highlight Reel which is up next.


Chris Jericho's Highlight Reel w/ Trish Stratus & Lita
Chris Jericho is shown in the ring and gets on the mic. Jericho welcomes everybody to the Highlight Reel as pyro goes off in all four corners. He plugs that at Survivor Series this Sunday, his team will win and they will get control of RAW for four weeks. Jericho makes mention of the referee in the ring so his guests tonight don't tear each other apart before their match this Sunday at Survivor Series. Trish Stratus comes out first with the WWE Women's Title in hand. Lita comes out next and tries to get in Trish's face. Trish gets on the mic and asks why Jericho would even have Lita on his show since her video last week explained her as a walking kiss of death. Trish said Jericho's show will be canceled because he had Lita on. Jericho said the only thing that will be canceled is his subscription to Sluts & Gardens since he is standing out here with the biggest slut of all. The fans chant SLUT. Trish tells Lita she has been out of action too action that is. She said while Lita was out making babies and getting fat, she was making history and winning titles. Lita gets on the mic and said she has been dreaming for the past 7 months that she could get her hands on Trish. She said after finding out she was pregnant to that "son of a bitch Snitsky" taking the thing she loved the most away of her, she said all her frustrations will be taken out on Trish this Sunday. Lita said Trish was right, she is the walking kiss of death and asks Trish to pucker up.

Gene Snitsky's music hits and he comes out with a baby. The baby starts to cry and he tells it to shut up. Snitsky asks the baby what his name is. He said Lita won't ever know the name of her baby. Snitsky asks Lita what is wrong. He asks Lita if she is scared if he will drop the baby. Snitksy said the baby is his and then kicks it high in the air. Obviously it was a doll at this point. Jericho tells something to Lita and then goes after Snitsky. Jericho kicks Snitsky out of the ring and then dropkicks him in the face through the ropes. Snitsky comes back with a big boot to Jericho's face. Snitsky then rams Jericho's back into the steel post and Lita looks on with a worried look on her face. Snitsky leaves up the ramp.

- Triple H, Batista, Edge & Gene Snitsky vs. Randy Orton, Chris Benoit, Chris Jericho & Maven at Survivor Series this Sunday is plugged.


In-Ring Segment: Simon Dean's "Simon System"
Simon Dean's music hits and he comes out. JR apologizes for the attack last week on behalf of World Wrestling Entertainment. Dean introduces himself and says he will choose one lucky person from the audience to use his Simon System for a free years supply. Dean picks out a woman from the front row and says based on her body odor, her girth doesn't allow her to shower properly. Dean tells her that if she uses his Simon System, she can fit in a normal shower within 30 days. Dean picks out a man in the front row. He asks if he is tired of asking for help after a bowel movement. Dean said using his Simon System DVD's will help him rectify his rectum. Dean begs the crowd in Austin for more help to find the luckiest person in the world. Dean picks out another woman and she comes into the ring. Dean asks her name and where she is from. She says her name is Laura and is from Austin, Texas. Dean says based on her response, things really are big in Texas. He said if any state should use the Simon System, it is Texas. Dean asks her the last time she has had sexual relations. She tells him that is none of his business. Dean says he is sure it has been a very long time. He then asks her to try his brand new Simon System liquid fat burner. She agrees and Dean mixes up a cup in the ring. The woman drinks it and Dean said based on her size, it would take around 20 gallons a day to see some results. The woman throws the liquid in his face and leaves the ring. Dean chases her down and pours the liquid over her head. Dean leaves laughing as the woman is shown upset going back to her seat.


- We are back and the 56th National Guard Brigade from Austin, Texas is shown at ringside for tonight's show.

Non-Title Match
Triple H vs. Tajiri
As Tajiri comes down the ramp, Gene Snitsky takes him out from behind and throws him into the guard railing. Snitsky stomps on Tajiri, picks him up and drops him on the top of the guard railing. Tajiri gets on his feet and Snitsky connects with a big boot. Triple H is shown looking on from the ring smiling.

Winner: No Contest

Triple H gets on the mic and introduces Gene Snitsky to the crowd. He tells Snitsky that what he just did was impressive and Triple H welcomes him to the team. Snitsky grabs the mic and says he has never been much of a team player. He tells Triple H that when their team wins, it will be because of him. Snitsky said when it is his turn to run RAW, he is coming for his World Heavyweight Title. Snitsky leaves the ring as Triple H stares him down.


- A video starts with kids playing in a neighborhood. Muhammad Hassan is then shown and asks how he was once a neighbor to everyone, but then said everything changed after 9/11. He asks everyone to judge him for me, not his Arabian decent. His manager Khosrow Daivari translates as the segment ends.

- Michael Cole & Tazz run down the card for the SmackDown side of Survivor Series as follows: Team Eddie Guerrero vs. Team Kurt Angle, Spike Dudley defends the WWE Cruiserweight Title against Rey Mysterio, Chavo Guerrero & Billy Kidman, The Undertaker vs. Heidenreich and John Bradshaw Layfield defends the WWE Championship against Booker T.

- Jim Ross & Jerry "The King" Lawler run down the card for the RAW side of Survivor Series: Trish Stratus defends the WWE Women's Title against Lita, Shelton Benjamin defends the WWE Intercontinental Title against Christian and Jericho/Benoit/Maven/Orton vs. Triple H/Batista/Edge/Snitsky. Lawler then gets on the mic and leads the crowd in an OU sucks chant towards Jim Ross.

- Backstage, Edge gives his comments on his match tonight against Chris Benoit. He said last week he made Edge bleed and tap out to his own submission move. Edge said it felt so good that he had a moment of clarity. He said he will get that feeling back again tonight. Edge said Benoit had a good idea of telling his wife and children to not watch the show because they don't need to see what they do to daddy. Triple H walks up and officially welcomes Edge to the team. He said they have to keep an eye on Snitsky since he appears to be a problem. Edge said he heard what Snitsky said earlier tonight and thinks he is wrong. He tells Triple H that if they win, it will be because of him. Edge reminds Triple H that if they win control, he will personally challenge Triple H for his World Heavyweight Title. Edge walks off as Triple H stares him down.

- Chris Benoit vs. Edge is up next. They use footage from the new SmackDown vs. RAW video game on the PS2 to show what could happen tonight between the two.


- WWE REWIND: Edge knocking out Chris Benoit with one of the World Tag Team Titles last week on RAW followed by locking him in the Crippler Crossface.

- Backstage, Triple H comes up to Batista. He said he couldn't believe how they treated him tonight. Triple H tells Batista to have a talk with both of them so he doesn't have to deal with it himself. Triple H leaves and Batista grabs the World Title, staring at it.

- Lilian Garcia introduces RAW Diva Search winner Christy Hemme to the ring. Christy gets on the mic and introduces Edge first. She does the same for Chris Benoit as well.

Edge vs. Chris Benoit
As Benoit comes down the ramp, Edge slides out and they meet up outside of the ring. Benoit lands some hard chops and throws Edge inside. The bell rings and Edge starts to give Benoit some hard rights. Benoit takes down Edge quickly and follows up with a quick elbow to the chest. Benoit gives Edge a quick snap suplex and attempts the Sharpshooter, but Edge breaks out of it and rolls out of the ring. Benoit follows Edge out and lands a chop to the chest. Benoit throws Edge inside and attempts the Crossface, but Edge breaks out of it and rolls out yet again. Edge trips up Benoit, pulls him out and lands an elbow to the head. Benoit fights back and rolls back in with Edge. Benoit hits two hard chops to Edge's chest. Benoit connects with a big back suplex. Benoit goes after Edge quickly again, but Edge tosses him to the outside. Edge connects with a baseball slide to the ribs of Benoit, knocking him back to the ramp. Edge rolls in and Benoit follows. They exchange some lefts and rights and Benoit takes Edge down with a big chop. Edge starts to walk up the ramp, Benoit follows, but Edge turns around and takes out Benoit. Edge slams Benoit against the side of the ring and throws him back inside as we take our last commercial break.


We are back from commercial and Edge has Benoit locked in a submission. During the break, we are shown footage of Edge connecting with a big belly-to-belly suplex. Back live, Edge continues to apply the submission. Benoit counters Edge onto his back, but only gets a two count. Benoit fights back with some chops, but Edge stops the comeback with a big knee to the gut. Evolution's music hits and out comes Triple H and Batista. They come down the ramp and watch the action from ringside. Edge gives Benoit a quick back suplex and only gets a two count. Then Randy Orton's music and out comes Orton, Jericho and Maven. Triple H and Batista back up and walk to the other side of the ring. In the ring, Edge attempts another belly-to-belly, but Benoit hangs on and gives Edge some headbutts. Edge counters into a big spinebuster. Edge gives Benoit a quick suplex and goes up to the top. Benoit gets back on his feet and starts to land some hard rights. Benoit climbs up with Edge and gives him a big superplex. Both men are down and the referee starts the count, but both get up at 7. Both exchange elbows until Benoit takes down Edge with two quick elbows to the face. Benoit knocks Edge off the ring apron, goes outside and nails his head off the ring apron, guard railing and finally the steel steps. Triple H and Batista approach Benoit, but Orton, Jericho and Maven walk up to prevent anything. Benoit catapults Edge into the steel steps soon afterwards. Back in the ring, Benoit locks on the Sharpshooter. Edge reaches for the bottom rope and gets it. Edge is busted open at this point when Benoit lands three german suplexes. Benoit signals that it is time to go up to the top. Benoit falls and connects with the headbutt. Benoit goes for the cover - 1, 2, kick out. Benoit applies the Crossface and Edge fights to the bottom rope. Triple H breaks up the submission and Orton, Jericho and Maven go after them. The bell rings soon after.

Winner: No Contest

Gene Snitsky hits the ring. Maven attacks him, but is thrown out soon after. Snitsky throws Benoit out. Edge and Snitsky confront Triple H and Batista when Orton, Jericho and Maven come in. Jericho throws out Snitsky. Orton clotheslines Triple H out and knocks him off the ring apron when he tries to come in. Randy Orton, Chris Benoit, Chris Jericho and Maven all stare down Triple H, Batista, Edge and Gene Snitsky. Triple H and Batista try to come back in the ring, but get knocked off as RAW goes off the air...


Match Results:
* Randy Orton defeated Batista.
* Shelton Benjamin defeated Tyson Tomko.
* Triple H vs. Tajiri went to a No Contest.
* Chris Benoit vs. Edge went to a No Contest.

Posted by vTm at 9:34 AM EST
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Thursday, November 4, 2004
9 WWE Superstars are gone, cya!
Topic: WWE
Johnny Stamboli, Rodney Mack, Jazz, Gail Kim, Chuck Palumbo, Nidia, Test, A-Train and Billy Gunn were released from there contracts within these three days. If I find anymore information on this entry I will bring it to you as soon as possible

Posted by vTm at 11:12 AM EST
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Wednesday, November 3, 2004
Smackdown Preview
Topic: Smackdown

So what exactly oe Spike Dudley have in mind?

After meeting with Kurt Angle last week, Spike promised to help the Olympic Champ out for his upcoming tag team elimination match at Survivor Series.

Angle, Luther Reigns and Mark Jindrak need a fourth member to go against Eddie Guerrero, Rey Mysterio, Rob Van Dam, and more importantly, Big Show.

Spike said he would help deal with Angle’s giant problem if a Dudley could join them on Cleveland on Nov. 14. Stay tuned.

Meanwhile, after their aventure with Big Show last week in Omaha, Neb., the Tough Enough crew will get another chance to impress WWE fans this week.

Every moment counts for the rookies, as only one contestant will survive and earn the $1,000,000 contract.

Posted by vTm at 11:44 AM EST
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webmaster Notes
Mood:  accident prone
Topic: Webmaster
This site is under alot of construction. I need to make a new picture page because I deleted the /pics blog to make into a Photo Album. I tried to put all the pictures into the photo album but the new photo album maker has so many flaws that I only got 2 pictures able to go on to it.

Also theres a problem with my chat page so I deleted it and will bring it back soon as I got time too. The 404 ERROR page I made does not work for me yet and by the way some Computers in the Upper Canada District School Board, School do not work properly with

Yawn...I got alot of problems with my site. I think I'll get some help from vTm.

Posted by vTm at 11:23 AM EST
Updated: Wednesday, November 3, 2004 11:33 AM EST
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My new picture page coming soon!
Topic: Webmaster

Link to Photo Album Wrestling pics is a blog and it will be replaced with the new photo album made by angelfire.

Posted by vTm at 10:41 AM EST
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Tuesday, November 2, 2004
Raw Results: Evelution falling apart
Topic: Raw
Ever since Randy Ortin went out, the team has been getting beatened up do2 being out numbered. well yesterday on Raw Triple H was not on raw and the team regretted Triple-H's no show when they were put in a handicap tag team match

Also on raw, Eugene survived the hardcore match against Snitsky but did not win and also Edge didnt participate in his title defence just to lose the belts. After that match Edge hit Beniot with the belt and started beating on his.

Posted by vTm at 3:14 PM EST
Updated: Tuesday, November 2, 2004 4:31 PM EST
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Thursday, October 28, 2004
Smackdown Preview
Funaki,Carlito Caribean Cool,Rob Van Dam, Rene Dupree Shannon Moore,Luther Reigns,Hardcore Holly, Doug Basham,Big Show, Chavo Guerrero, Billy Kidman, Booker T, Nunzio, Rey Misterio, Jindrak, Kurt Angle, Orlando Jordan, Eddie Guerrero, and JBL will be on Velocity/Smackdown this week.

It was a good show but not as good as the smackdown with Cool vs. Cena.

Posted by vTm at 2:45 PM EDT
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