8th Elimination

Bob - "Bluhd Raige destroys yet another star here in this match up. When will it end?"

Rusty - "He doesn't call himself a monster for nothing you know."

Bob - "Checking the record Team XUW is up by one. The fate of NEW rests on the shoulders of the People's Champion, Triple D. Does he truly have what it takes to defeat both the monster known as Bluhd Raige, as well as Backlash. Or is the fate of NEW sealed and be buried with Triple D's body?"

Rusty - "We can only hope Triple D can pull this off, we can only hope."

Backlash whips Triple D into the guardrail and then begins to make his way on down to the ring. Backlash climbs into the ring, and stares straight into the eyes of the monster Bluhd Raige. Backlash begins to yell at Bluhd Raige.

Backlash - "What the hell were you thinking? Attacking Showstopper like that. We're a god damn team. We're here to take out the NEW, not let it destroy us. Get your damn priorities straight you idiot."

Suddenly Bluhd Raige decks Backlash. Backlash looks up at Bluhd Raige.

Bluhd - "That fool Showstopper ruined my chances of destroying the weak and pathetic so called champion. So Showstopper met the fate that was meant for Vulcan. Do not yell at me ever again."

Backlash begins to get to his feet, and suddenly low blows the monster, stunning him. Backlash then picks up Bluhd Raige, and drops him with authority to the mat via the Mach 1. Bluhd Raige slowly gets back to his feet. By this time Triple D has slide back into ring and is awaiting Bluhd Raige to stand up. As Bluhd Raige finally makes it to his feet, Triple D hooks his head, and signals for the Dominator. Triple D drops Bluhd Raige hard to the mat causing Bluhd Raige to land hard on his back and neck.

Bluhd Raige once again begins to slowly get to his feet. Triple D looks on in awe. Finally Triple D grabs Bluhd Raige from behind and begins to drag him over to the turnbuckle. He then puts Bluhd Raige into a standing chokehold, while he climbs the turnbuckle. Triple D leaps off, and delivers the decimator onto Bluhd Raige, and makes the cover.

Referee - "1......2......3!"


Match Segments

1st Elimination
2nd Elimination
3rd Elimination
4th Elimination
5th Elimination
6th Elimination
7th Elimination
8th Elimination
Final Elimination
The Aftermath