Interview with
Mickey Dragon
Paul Ridge
The following is my interview with the wrestler known as Mickey Dragon...
Mickey Dragon how are you today?
Dragon: My back's a little messed up and
I think I have a stiff neck... aside from that though, I'm good.
How does it feel to be World Champion and the
most hated man wrestling for NGW?
The most hated man in NGW? Wow, I never
realized that many people had it out for me. And why? What did I
ever do to anyone to render myself to be hated? I came here from BYWA in April
simply for the opportunity to prove what I could do. And since I've
arrived I've been nothing but shit on by these so-called "fans" for
being the most innovative, creative, and dare devilish superstar in NGW.
I've bled buckets here in NGW and finally gained the most prestigious title NGW
has to offer... so if I'm hated for showcasing my ability... so be it
Well the fans seem to not like you, as you
call them stupid and tell them to shut up.
Hey, where I come from, anyone who has less
teeth than they do fingers is stupid... and should shut their mouths.
On to wrestlers that are against you, you are
now the prime target. How does it feel and who do you watch your back from?
Yeah, once I won the title at Mutiny, the
hunter became the hunted. It's an interesting feeling to have every punk
bitch in NGW trying to take me down. But I thrive on it. I know,
quite frankly, that there is no one in NGW that's in my league. No one can
keep up with me, no one can stop me. Who do I fear? No one. It
doesn't matter if it's that new guy I kicked around, Brian Cage... or whether
it's Redneck, Ronin, Evan Blaze, or even that kid Kyle Christopher. Nobody
strikes fear in me... nobody makes me think that I'm going to lose... because
quite frankly, no one CAN beat me.
What about Evan Blaze who has beaten you
bloody before, Ronin who came oh so close to winning at Mutiny or a couple guys
you haven't faced like "The Don" Mamaluke or Christopher?
Evan Blaze doesn't scare me... I simply
haven't put him down for the three count. The epics I've had with him gave
me the shit end of the stick each and every time. It's just a matter of
time before the tide turns there. Ronin? Ronin only scares himself.
His daddy didn't love him enough and he ended up the way he is. That's not
scary, it's pathetic. Kyle Christopher I've beaten on two different
occasions, and I've beaten The Don once as well. I'm telling you, no one
is in my league and no one is taking this NGW Championship away from me unless
they're prying it from my lifeless fingers
What would you say to those who said you might
be a one hit wonder?
Right Said Fred is a one hit wonder.
Marcy Playground is a one hit wonder. Mickey Dragon has been a champion
long before he entered NGW and will be a champion IN NGW for a long time to
come. Whoever you think can take this title off of me, is going to be
sadly mistaken. I'll bleed, sweat and go through hell for this belt... and
when all is said and done, I'll be standing with it... until the day I die.
Who do you think will be your opponent at
To be honest, I don't care who it is. I
may even have more than one at this point. NGW wants me off this belt so
badly that they'll throw anyone at me. Could be Ronin, could be Evan
Blaze, could be both of them for all I care. All that matters is that when
Exile is over with, Mickey Dragon will still be your NGW Champion... whether you
like it or not
Now what kind of person would you say Mickey
Dragon is out of the ring?
Pretty much the kind of person he is IN the
ring. He really doesn't give a shit what anyone thinks of him... if you
like him, you like him. If you don't, he doesn't care.
OK now for wrestler association like in every
interview. I'm going to give you wrestlers and tell me what you think of them in
3 words or less...
Now retired, Redneck
Evan Blaze
pussy, faggot
Paul Regal
takes it in the butt... shit, that's more than
three words...
What is your favorite pro wrestling match of
all time?
Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat vs.
"Macho Man" Randy Savage at Wrestlemania III
What is your favorite NGW match?
Mickey Dragon vs. Evan Blaze... at NGW
Adrenaline, I believe. It was the complete and total emergence of Mickey
Dragon as a bleeder.
What was your favorite match in NGW that you
were not in?
Ronin vs. Redneck... the dog collar match.
Is there a fantasy match you would like to
compete in?
I'd really like to have a knock-down, drag-out
fight with Evan Blaze again to finally prove to him, and the NGW fans, that he's
an over-rated sack of shit. Exile, maybe? A street fight perhaps?
After that, I'd like to get in the ring with Kyle Christopher a bit... I think
that kid's got potential to be great... but only if he can get past me.