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Tony:Well that was amazing! Wow, Justin Credible is back and it seems he has set his sights on Rhyno and The Impact Playters.

Brain:You DO NOT want to mess with them, Credible will be Just In Peices by the time Rhyno gets ahold of him..

Tony:well, lets go to the ring for our next match.

Lillian:the following match is set for one fall, its a table match for the XPW Tag Team Championship! Making their way to the ring the XPW Tag Team Champions, Kaientai!

Kaientai make their way down to the ring as we head backstage to Gene Okerlund with Kronik.

Gene: Well guys, in just a matter of minutes you go out to that ring and take n Kaientai for the Tag Team Championships. The last time you faught, Kaientai won, what will your stratagies be tonight to assure a win for Kronik?

Adams: We will beat their little Japanese asses until there is nothing left of them!

Clark: Kaientai will no longer exist tonight after this match! They will NEVER walk into an XPW ring again, tonight the titles change hands to Kronik, the rightful owners, and we put an end to Kaientai!

Kronik walk off as we head back into the arena and we hear the music of Kronik as the fans boo!

Lillian:And the challengers, making their way to the ring at this time, KRONIK!

Kronik make their way down to the ring and Kaientai run out of the ring. Bryan Clark stays out side the ring and follows Kaientai, Taka gets in the ring as Clark attacks Funaki.

A table is set up at one side of the ring, and another at the other end of the ring while two lean up against the baracade. Brian Adams and Taka tie up and Brian Adams pushes Taka backwards and he falls down on his butt. Adams kicks Taka over and over wihle he is down and picks him up and lifts him up and drops him down face first. Clark and Funaki get in the ring now and Funaki is running from Bryan Clark but Adams stops him in his tracks and punches him down with a hard rigt hand.

Bryan Clark takes Funaki and hits a back breaker on him while Taka is getting a beating from Adams. Brian Adams has Taka in the corner and delivering elbows to his head over and over, then sets him up on the turnbuckle and climbs up. Adams then hits a SUPERPLEX and they both go down on the mat. Clark and Funaki battle to the outside now, and Funaki dropkicks Brian Clark in the knee. Clark start to fall down, and is o one knee as Funaki starts punching him. Clark grabs Funaki's right fist and twists it as Funaki yells out in pain as his hand contiues to get twisted. Funaki stomps on Clarks foot and Clark lets loose andd holds his foot. Funaki jumps up on the apron, runs on it and leaps off towards Brian Clark but gets caught in mid air and Clark turns it into a pump handle slam and Funaki goes right through a table! The referee hasnt seen this as he is in the ring with Bryan Adams and Taka when Bryan Adams is kicking Taka's ass! FULL NELSON SLAM by Bryan Adams to TAKA. Clark pushes a table in the ring, then grabs Funaki and rolls him in the ring. Brian Clark then grabs the other table and sets it in the ring as well. He gets in and goes over the top rope. Bryan Adams and Brian Clark pick Funaki up and grab him by the throat and HIGH TIME him down to the mat! They gets evil smiles on their faces as Clark points to Taka who is struggling to his feet. They grab him by his throat and HIGH TIME Taka down on the mat! Adams sets up one table, Clark setss up the other. They both pick up one member of Kaientai and set them between their legs, and POWERBOMB them through the tables as the ref rings the bell and this match is over. Kronik are the new Tag Team Champions!

Clark picks up Taka and tosses him out of the ring as Adams does the same thing to Funaki. They pick up the table peices and toss them down at the Kaientai members and laugh. They put their fists together and grab the Tag Team Titles from the referee and hold them up in the air. Then from the entrance come the Hardy Boys! Jeff and Matt run in the ring. Bryan Adams sees them as well does Brian Clark, Matt is the first to slide in the ring as Clark pushes Matt towards Bryan Adams and Adams tosses Matt over the top rope and Matt soars high and falls through the table set up there! Jeff slides in the ring and gets a clothesline from Brian Clark. Both Kronik members pick Jeff Hardy up and whip him against the ropes, and then Jeff comes back and they backdrop Jeff over the opposite side of the ring ropes and Jeff flies over the ropes and fall through the table! Kroniks music hits as they celebrate in the ring.

We head backstage to see Rhyno leaving his locker room to come down to the ring for his we head to Gene Okerlund standing by with Tommy Dreamer. Tommy has a cart full of Hardcore supplies by him.

Gene: Tommy Dreamer tonight you..


Dreamer pushes his cart along the way and is out of camera view as Gene just looks on in confusion and we head to the ring.

Lillian:The following match is for the Hardcore championship!

Rhyno's music hits the PA System as he emerges from the entrance to a mixed reaction from his hometown of Detroit!

Lillian:Making his way to the ring, he is from right here in Detroit Michigan, The Man Beast...RHYNO!!!

He makes his way down to the ring and rolls in. He gets up on the turnbuckle and taunts.

The music of Tommy Dreamer plays and the fans cheer.

Lillian:And his opponent, from Yonkers New York, weighing in at 265 pounds Tommy Dreamer!

Dreamer rolls his cart of weapons down to the ring and stops it at the ring. The ref calls for the bell.

Dreamer tosses a bunch of weapons into the ring to start off. He gets up on the apron and Rhyno clotheslines him and Dreamer goes flying off onto the steel ramp. Rhyno grabs a chain and takes it out of the ring with him as he goes to work on Dreamer smacking the chain over his back! OUCH! Rhyno raps the chain around Tommy Dreamers neck and he is choking him. The referee tries to get Rhyno to stop but Rhyno pushes him down. Rhyno unrapps the chain and presses Dreamer up..and over his head and throws him on the ramp! Dreamer starts to slowly get up and Rhyno kicks him in the gut and he stays down. Rhyno gets on top of Tommy Dreamer and starts punching him left and right as the ref is now getting to his feet and coming back to the match. Rhyno gets up off of Dreamer and starts to drag him by the leg towards the entrance way. Rhyno picks Dreamer up and he low blows Rhyno! Tommy Dreamer hits a short arm clothesline on Rhyno. Dreamer goes back towards the ring and grabs a chair. He goes back to Rhyno who is now just rising up and Rhyno punches the chair making it hit Dreamers face! His nose is busted and starts bleeding.

Rhyno goes behind the curtain and pulls out two tables. He lays one on the stage and sets the other up on the stage. He picks Tommy Dreamer up and smacks his head off of the set, then kicks him in the gut and powerbombs Dreamer on the stage. Rhyno picks up the other tables and sets it up, then picks it up again and sets it in place on top of the other table...Rhyno picks Dreamer up and pulls him by his hair, and then grabs his arm and whips him into the Breakdown Set! Dreamer crashes up against the set and falls back down. Rhyno picks up that chair and hits Dreamer in the head! Rhyno then takes Dreamer and picks him up, then powerslams him down on the stage. Rhyno walks at his own pace towards the ring, to grab the cart full of weapons and begins to roll it towards the entrance. Dreamer is slowly rising and Rhyno pushes the cart into Dreamer and he gets it slammed in his gut. Rhyno pulls out a staple gun from the cart, and picks Dreamer up. Rhyno holds the Staple gun up high as the crowd is giving their native a mixed reaction. Rhyno SMACKS the staple gun against Tommy's head making him fall backwards and his head smacks against the Breakdown set as he then falls down on the stage. Rhyno grabs Dreamer by his head, still holding the staple gun, and SLAMS it against his head. A staple went into Dreamers head! He is busted open again on his forehead and still bleeding from his nose!!

Rhyno raises his arms and flexes his muscles to the crowd, then goes back to Dreamer and picks him up. He slams Dreamers bloodied head off of the Breakdown Set, and knees him in the gut. Rhyno picks Dreamer up and sets him up against the set as he is completely out of it. Rhyno climbs up a bit on the set, and about 5 feet up there is a platform where Rhyno stands now. He reaches down and pulls Dreamer up. Rhyno punches Dreamer int he head and he falls down on the platform. Rhyno takes Dreamer and walks along the platform, and starts up some stairs dragging Dreamer with him as now we have a camera man up on the platform following them. They get up higher and higher, now about 10 feet high on the other platform. Rhyno looks down at the tables stacked. He looks at Dreamer..and picks him up. Rhyno kicks Dreamer in the gut to get him to bend down..(like he had to do that lol), and sets him between his legs for a powerbomb or piledriver type move. Rhyno then jumps backwards off the platform 10 feet high with dreamer and Tommy Dreamer gets pildedriven through two tables! Both tables break, the table on the bottom sorta breaking their fall. The referee goes to check on them as both are layed out. Rhyno some how places his arm over Tommy Dreamer, who is bloody big time, and the ref counts 1..2..3.

Lillian:WOW! The winner and Hardcore Champion, RHYNO!!!

The fans cheer as their native's hand is raised but he pulls it back down and dont take any help up from the referees now that they are out there to help. He slowly gets up, and takes his Hardcore Title and while holding his head walks backwards towards the way he came out and exits.

The referees and staff help clean the place up, and help Tommy Dreamer up and to the back.

We head backstage as we see Kurt Angle walking down the hallway towards the ring. We then fade to another hallway where we see Rob Van Dam on his way.

Tony:Well, well, I cannot beleive what we just saw, that was an outstanding match between Rhyno and Tommy Dreamer.

Brain:It was a Hardcore Match, so it was very extreme just like it should be, Rhyno showed Tommy Dreamer how to be hardcore tonight.

All of a sudden "Medal" hits the PA System and Kurt Angle comes out to a chorus of boos.

Lillian:The following match is set for one fall, its a ladder match and for the United States Championship. Making his way to the ring, from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Kurt Aaangle!

Kurt raises his arms on the ramp, and red white and blue pyro shoots up. The crowd starts chanting "You Suck!" along with the beat of the entrance music as Angle comes to the ring. He walks up the steps and goes into the ring spinning around with his arms raised high.

"One of a Kind" hits the PA System as RVD comes out to a huge pop.

Lillian:And his opponent from Battle Creek, Michigan, Rob..Van..DAM!

RVD comes down to the ring and rolls in. Kurt starts to stomp on RVD and picks him up. Kurt sends RVD into the ropes and then hits a belly to belly suplex. Kurt goes to ringside and grabs a ladder and brings it in the ring. He grapples with RVD and RVD send sKurt into the ropes and hits him with a spinning wheel kick. RVD picks Angle up and sends him into the corner. Kurt crashes against the turnbuckle and RVD runs at him but kurt moves and RVD runs face first into the corner. Angle starts hitting him with rights and lefts and chops to his chest. Angle goes and picks up the ladder, and hurls it at RVD and it hits him. Angle sets the ladder up balancing on the ropes infront of RVD and RVD is leaning against the turnbuckle. Kurt goes to the opposite turnbuckle, and runs towards RVD but RVD is a step ahead and tosses the ladder at Kurt Angle and Kurt falls down! RVD picks Kurt up and slams his head off the turnbuckle and hits a few forearm shots to his head. RVD sets Kurt in a suplex position, and then he suplexes Kurt onto the ladder as Kurt's back smacks against the steel! The fans cheer, and RVD stands up and does his thumb taunt.. RVD sees Angle laying on the ladder and looks around at the crowd, then turns around and runs towards the ropes, bounces off and runs towards Kurt, and does Rolling THUNDER!!..but Kurt moves and RVD's back hits the ladder! Kurt picks Van Dam up and chops him across his chest repeatedly, then sends him against the ropes across the ring and then locks in a sleeper hold. RVD gets out tripping Kurt with a leg sweep and bounces off the ropes and leeps into the air..flipping and taking Kurt down! RVD grabs the ladder and sets it up under the US Title hanging above. He begins to climb and Kurt starts to get up to his feet. Angle reaches up and pulls RVD down to the mat, and kicks him in his gut nailing a DDT. Angle then gets up and starts climbing slowly up the ladder. Van Dam gets up and goes up high to the top turnbuckle, and jumps off knocking the ladder over with a sidekick as Kurt falls too and his head bounces off a buckle. He stumbles around the ring as RVD hits a spinning heel kick to Angle. RVD jumps up on the top turnbuckle and flips backwards hitting a split -legged moonsault. Van Dam grabs the ladder and sets in the corner on the bottom ropes balancing it. He picks Angle up but Angle pokes RVD in the eyes, and whips Van Dam against the ropes and drop toe holds him face first onto the ladder! Van Dam rolls out of the ring in pain holding his face. Angle smiles and laughs, then starts to set the ladder up again under the United States Championship. He looks out at RVD slowly getting up and Angle decides to go up the ladder. He begins climbing one step at a time, and here comes RVD. Rob Van Dam rolls into the ring and slowly gets up, and grabs up onto Angle, and powerbombs him down to the mat!

They both lay there for a few minutes catching their breaths. Finally they get to their feet and both start to climb the ladder. RVD gets up to the top first, and Angle is getting there now. Angle starts punching RVD,and RVD punches back. Angle punches RVD again and Van Dam almost falls off the ladder! RVD retaliates and punches Angle. RVD punches him again and Angle falls down! RVD climbs to the top of the ladder and starts to reach for the gold, but then stops, and gets on the other side of the ladder where Angle was, and looks down at Angle. RVD takes about two steps down and holds on to the ladder. He looks around at the crowd and does his thumb taunt...(>Rob..Van..Dam<)..and connects with a Helicopter leg drop!

RVD pushes the ladder over a bit andpulls Angle to the middle of the ring. He goes up top to the turnbuckle and leaps off hitting a five star frog Splash!! RVD bounces off of Angle and is holding his chest..He gets up to his feet and rolls Kurt out of the ring, and grabs the ladder setting it under the US Title. RVD slowly climbs up step..another step..

..and another...RVD reaches,..he reaches...and ..Grabs the US Title! RVD has done it!

Lillian:Here is your winner and the United States Champion, Rob Van Dam!

RVD celebrates on the ladder but wait!! Here comes...its...its Eddie Guerrero now in the ring with a steel chair and SMACK!! Guerrero smacks the chair over the back of Van Dam! Eddie folds up the ladder and starts beating RVD with it over and over again! The referee tells Guerrero to get out but Guerrero tosses the ref over the top rope. He continues to assault RVD, now with the chair in hand he picks RVD up and slams it over his head as RVD falls to the mat. Eddie Guerrero takes the ladder and sets it up, and starts climbing.

Guerrero gets to the top and jumps off and hits RVD with a Frog Splash! Oh my God!!! A Frog Splash from the top of the ladder down onto Rob Van Dam! Eddie slides out of the ring and holds his stomach and looks back at the ring and RVD smiling.

We head backstage as we see shots of almost every locker room of the participants that will be in the Breakdown Brawl soon. They are all preparing and ready to go. We then change scenes as security is escorting Goldberg out of his locker room to make his way down to the ring. The scene changes to a doctor talking to Kurt Angle just behind the curtain of the entrance way. Kurt says he can compete in this Breakdown Brawl despite what he just went through with RVD.