Miss Jackie

Name: Miss Jackie

Height: 5 foot 7

From: Cleveland

Career Highlights: Tough Enough II winner

Current Events: Lost her match to Dawn Marie and her engagement to Charlie Haas at Armageddon

Towards the end of Tough Enough II, Miss Jackie suffered an injury that would have knocked just about anybody else out of the running for the WWE contract. Not Jackie, though. She stuck it out, and in the end, she was announced as one of the winners.

After being rewarded with a WWE contract, Jackie spent some time competing on the RAW roster. She was then off to Ohio Valley Wrestling, the official developmental organization of WWE. While in OVW, Miss Jackie learned even more about the business of sports entertainment.

Miss Jackie is one of the most flamboyant WWE Superstars to come to SmackDown! Jackie and Charlie Haas were recently engaged, but Haas later admitted to an affair with Dawn Marie before breaking up with Jackie at Armageddon.