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Great Writers of SCIENCE FICTION

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What is Science Fiction?

Science fiction is an imaginary writing based on current or projected scientific technological developments.

science fiction

A literary or cinematic genre in which fantasy, typically based on speculative scientific discoveries or developments, environmental changes, space travel, or life on other planets, forms part of the plot or background.

literary fantasy involving the imagined impact of science on society

science-fiction (sns-fkshn) adj.

When did the genre of Science Fiction first start?

The genre of Science fiction first started in the 1920’s.

Who were the first good writers of it?

The first good writers of science fiction were Hugo Gernsback, Kurt Vonnegut, and Bradbury.

These are most of the good science fiction writers of our time and of our pasts:

Douglas Adams:

Lloyd Alexander

Poul Anderson

Piers Anthony

Isaac Asimov

Greg Bear

James Blih

Ben Bova

Marion Zimmer Bradley

Ray Bradbury

David Brin

Terry Brooks

Lois McMaster Bujold

Edgar Rice Burroughs

Orson Scott Card

C. J. Cherryh

G.K. Chesterton

Deepak Chopra

Arthur C. Clarke

Michael Crichton

Avram Davidson

Philip K. Dick

Harlan Ellison

Philip Jose Farmer

Alan Dean Foster

William Gibson

Andrew Greeley

Robert A. Heinlein

Zenna Henderson

Frank Herbert

Tracy Hickman

L. Ron Hubbard

Robert Jordan

Stephen King

Madeleine L'Engle

Glen A. Larson

Ursula K. Le Guin

C. S. Lewis

George Lucas

Anne McCaffrey

Larry Niven

George Orwell

Anne Perry

Frederik Pohl

Carl Sagan

Mary Shelley

Robert Silverberg

Dan Simmons

Cordwainer Smith

Olaf Stapledon

J. Michael Straczynski

Theodore Sturgeon

J.R.R. Tolkien

Harry Turtledove

Jules Verne

Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.

Walter M. Miller, Jr.

H.G. Wells

Connie Willis

Gene Wolfe

Dave Wolverton

Roger Zelazny

Name, Religious Affiliation, Works and Representations

Adams, Douglas Athiest [1 B-a-M review] Hitchhiker's "Trilogy" (Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy [Ranked 88th in the Internet Top 100 Survey, Cooke, Oct. 1999. Hitchhiker's was ranked 10th in's Best SF/F Books of the Century; Ranked 6th at SF Vote]; The Restaurant at the End of the Galaxy; Life, the Universe and Everything; So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish; Mostly Harmless); Dirk Gentry's Holistic Detective Agency

Alexander, Lloyd Christian (denomination unknown) [3 B-a-M reviews]; The Black Cauldron (Newbery Medal Honor; Child's Study Association for America's Children's Books of the Year); Taran Wanderer; (School Library Journal's Best Book of the Year); The High King (Newbery Medal; Child's Study Association for America's Children's Books of the Year; National Book Award Finalist; American Book Award Finalist for Fiction); Westmark (American Book Award); The Kestrel (American Book Award Nominee); The Fortune-tellers (Boston Globe-Horn Book Award); The Wizard in the Tree (The Wizard in the Tree); August Bondi: Border Hawk (National Jewish Book Award); plus other awards.

Anderson, Poul agnostic The Saturn Game (1982); Hunter's Moon (1979); Goat Song (1973); Operation Luna; Operation Chaos; Fire Time; The Boat of a Million Years; The Day of Their Return; The Devil's Game; The Fleet of Stars; Harvest of Stars; Harvest the Fire; Inconstant Star; A Knight of Ghosts and Shadows; No Truce with Kings; The Queen of Air and Darkness (1972); The Sharing of Flesh (1969); "No Truce with Kings" (1964); "The Longest Voyage" (1961); The Shield of Time; Starfarers; The Stars Are Also Fire; War of the Gods; The Gods Laughed; Anderson was ranked 12th on the ISFDB Top 100 Authors list.

Anthony, Piers agnostic [4 B-a-M reviews] Xanth series; Tarot series; A Spell for Chameleon [Ranked 71st in ISFDB Top 100 Novels]; Macroscope; Omnivore trilogy; Battle Circle trilogy

Asimov, Isaac Jewish background; Humanist [4 B-a-M reviews] Asimov is one of history's most prolific authors, and has published in nearly every conceivable field. Foundation series (Hugo, 1966), including Foundation's Edge (1983) [Ranked 75th in ISFDB Top 100 Novels. The Foundation Trilogy was ranked 60th in the Internet Top 100 Survey, Cooke, Oct. 1999. Foundation was ranked 9th in's Best SF/F Books of the Century; Ranked 2nd by at SF Vote.]; Robots novels (including The Caves of Steel, which was ranked 11th at SF Vote, and I, Robot, ranked 25th); The Stars Like Dust; Nightfall; Asimov: A Memoir; "Gold" (1992); Foundation's Edge (1983); "The Bicentennial Man" (1977); The Gods Themselves (1973) [Ranked 14th at SF Vote. Ranked 33rd in ISFDB Top 100 Novels]; The Mule (1946)

Bear, Greg believes in God Moving Mars; Heads; Star Wars: Rogue Planet; Eon; The Forge of God; "Tangents" (1987); "Blood Music" (1984); "Hardfought" (1983); Sideways Award for Dinosaur Summer (1998) [also won 1999 Endeavour Award]; Darwin's Radio [On the Publishers Weekly's list of Best Books 99; nominated for Hugo award.] Has won Campbell 1st and 2nd place awards for: Blood Music; Queen of Angels; Moving Mars; and Slant.

Bova, Ben ? [Beyond Bova's considerable body of writing, he is well known as one of the best, most influential SF editors of the last few decades of the 20th century. He has won 6 Hugo awards in the Professional Editor" category.]; [1 B-a-M review] Return To Mars; Moonwar; Moonrise; Mars; Brothers; Orion Among the Stars. Non-fiction: Immortality; Welcome to Moonbase; Assured Survival

Blish, James atheist / Anglican A Case of Conscience (1959. This is one of the main classics in religious sf.); Cities in Flight; The Seedling Stars; large body of Star Trek scripts, novels and stories; "Surface Tension"; "Common Time"; "How Beautiful with Banners"; Earthman Come Home

Marion Zimmer Bradley Episcopalian Mists of Avalon (#15 on's list of the "25 Best Science Fiction and Fantasy Books of the Century"); Darkover series; The Colors of Space; Tiger Burning Bright; many more books; Founder of her own popular fantasy magazine.

Bradbury, Ray Protestant / Unitarian Universalist [1 B-a-M review] Martian Chronicles [Ranked 14th in's Best SF/F Books of the Century; Ranked 19th by SF Vote]; Farenheit 451 [Ranked 8th in's Best SF/F Books of the Century; Ranked 15th at SF Vote]; Something Wicked This Way Comes [Ranked 44th in the Internet Top 100 Survey, Cooke, Oct. 1999.]; 1977 World Fantasy Life Achievement Award

Brin, David Jewish background Startide Rising (1984) [Also: Locus Award. Ranked 21st by SF Vote]; The Uplift War (1988); Earth; The Postman (1985) [Won 1st place Campbell Award. Made into the 1997 feature film directed by and starring Kevin Costner. Won commendation from the American Library Association.]; Sundiver; The Practice Effect; Heart of the Comet; Earth; Glory Season; Otherness (anthology); "The Crystal Spheres"; Brightness Reef; Infinity's Shore; Transparent Society; Heaven's Reach; Foundation's Triumph; Some of these novels have received Nebula, Hugo, or Locus nominations without winning.

Brooks, Terry ?

[6 B-a-M reviews]; Shannara series [The Sword of Shannara (1977) was the first work of fiction to appear on the New York Time trade paperback bestseller list, remaining there for five months.]; Magic Kingdom Of Landover series (including Magic Kingdom For Sale--Sold!); Witches' Brew; A Knight of the Word; Running With the Demon; best-selling novelization of Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace; novelization of movie Hook

Bujold, Lois McMaster ?

[Bujold has won more Best Novel Hugo awards than anybody except Heinlein.] The Vor Game; Barrayar; Mirror Dance; Falling Free; "The Mountains of Mourning"; "Weatherman" (Nebula nominee); Memory (Nebula nominee)

Burroughs, Edgar Rice ?

Mars Series (A Princess of Mars; The Gods of Mars; etc.); Venus Series; Earth's Core series; Tarzan books Card, Orson Scott Latter-day Saint [3 B-a-M reviews] Ender Wiggins Series (Ender's Game, 1986 [Ranked 7th in's Best SF/F Books of the Century; Ranked 1st by SF Vote as the best SF novel of all time. Ranked 93rd in ISFDB Top 100 Novels; Ranked 32nd in's "Best Books of the Millennium" poll (covering all types of books, not just SF/F).]; Speaker for the Dead [also Locus award; Ranked 51st in ISFDB Top 100 Novels; 3rd place Campbell Award in 1987], [The Ender series was ranked 2nd in the Internet Top 100 Survey, Cooke, Oct. 1999.], 1987; Xenocide [Hugo nominee. Received the AML Award for best novel in 1991.]; Children of the Mind; Ender's Shadow [On the Publishers Weekly's list of Best Books 99.]); Shadow of the Hegemon; Alvin Maker series (including Seventh Son, 1988 [Ranked 10th in ISFDB Top 100 Novels]; Red Prophet, 1989 [Ranked 97th in ISFDB Top 100 Novels]; Prentice Alvin, 1990; Alvin Journeyman, 1996; Heartfire [The Grand Prix de l'Imaginaire (the highest sf/f award in France) chose Heartfire as the "Best Foreign Novel," year 2000: award applied to all five "Tales of Alvin Maker" novels.]); Homecoming series (5 vol.: Memory of Earth; etc.); Pastwatch: The Redemption of Christopher Columbus (runner up, 1996 Sideways Awards; won Israel's Geffen Award); Enchantment; Slow Leak; Lost Boys; The Abyss; Sarah ("Women of the Old Testament" series); Songmaster; Hart's Hope; Saints; Wyrms; Treason; How to Write Science Fiction and Fantasy (1991); "Eye for Eye" (1988); "Hatrack River" (1987); "Unaccompanied Sonata" (Hugo nominee, 1980); "Mikal's Songbird" (Hugo nominee); Dogwalker; many other works not listed here. Card was ranked 6th on the ISFDB Top 100 Authors list.

Cherryh, C. J. ?

Cyteen (1989) [Ranked 31st in ISFDB Top 100 Novels]; Downbelow Station (1982); "Cassandra" (1979); Campbell Award 1977; [Chanur's Homecoming was ranked 67th in the Internet Top 100 Survey, Cooke, as of Oct. 1999.]; Cherryh was ranked 19th on the ISFDB Top 100 Authors list.

Chesterton, G.K. Catholic [NOTE: Chesterton was not primarily known as a science fiction/fantasy writer, but much of his work is classified as SF/F.] The Man Who Knew Too Much; Manalive; The Oracle of the Dog; How I Found the Superman; The Shop Of Ghosts. Some of his non-fiction works: Heretics; Orthodoxy [In 1999 Orthodoxy was in the Top 10 of the Harper-Collins list of 100 Best Spiritual Books of the Century.]; What's Wrong With the World; The Everlasting Man; St. Thomas Aquinas; The Catholic Church and Conversion

Chopra, Deepak Hindu Chopra is famous as a health/spirituality/wellness guru who promotes Indian/Hindu techniques and philosophies. He has written many books about those subjects. Little known is the fact that he has authored one mainstream fantasy novel, The Return of Merlin (1995), in which Merlin and King Arthur's Camelot suddenly appear in contemporary times.

Clarke, Arthur C. atheist, Deist or agnostic [2 B-a-M reviews] 2001: A Space Oddysey (1969 Hugo for Best Dramatic Presentation); 2010 (1985 Hugo for Best Dramatic Presentation); Transit of Earth, Fountains of Paradise [Ranked 60th in ISFDB Top 100 Novels], Childhood's End [ranked 12th at SF Vote]; The Fountains of Paradise (1980) ; Rendezvous with Rama (1974) [also Locus award; ranked 4th at SF Vote; Ranked 9th in ISFDB Top 100 Novels; Campbell Award 1st place]; "The Star" (1956); "A Meeting With Medusa" (1972); [The City and the Stars was ranked 85th in the Internet Top 100 Survey, Cooke, as of Oct. 1999.]; Runner up in 1998 Sideways Awards for "The Wire Continuum"; "The Nine Billion Names of God"

Crichton, Michael believes in God [NOTE: Crichton is such a successful novelist, and has published so successfully in the non-genre press, that he is rarely labeled a "science fiction writer". Yet many of his novels are clearly science fiction, regardless of how they may have been marketed.]; [2 B-a-M reviews]; A Case of Need; Airframe; Congo; Jurassic Park (1994 Hugo for Best Dramatic Presentation); Disclosure; Eaters of the Dead; Lost World; Sphere; Rising Sun; The Andromeda Strain; The Great Train Robbery

Davidson, Avram Orthodox Jew/ Tenrikyo [Primarily recognized for short fiction. He was an influential editor of The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction from 1962 to 1965. During his tenure, the magazine received a Hugo Award in 1963] "Or All the Seas With Oysters" (Hugo 1958). "Help! I Am Dr. Morris Goldpepper"; "In Brass Valley"; "Pebble in Time" (alternative history about the Latter-day Saints settling in the San Francisco valley instead of Utah). Rogue Dragon (Nebula nominee); Won an Edgar award (for mystery) for "The Affair at Lahore Cantonment". Masters of the Maze; Joyleg; Vergil in Averno; Ursus of Ultima Thule; The Phoenix and the Mirror; The Island Under the Earth; Peregrine: Secundus;"The Boss in the Wall" (1998 Nebula Nominee); "The Necessity of His Condition" (Queen's Award); Clash of Star-Kings (Nebula nominee); The Enquiries of Doctor Eszterhazy (1975); "Naples" (1978) Recipient of the 1975 Lifetime Achievement Award of the World Fantasy Convention. Anderson was ranked 83rd on the ISFDB Top 100 Authors list.

Dick, Philip K. Episcopalian [1 B-a-M review] The Man in the High Castle (1963); Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? (The movie Blade Runner, based on this story, won the 1983 Hugo for Best Dramatic Presentation); Radio Free Albemuth; The Transmigration of Timothy Archer; The Divine Invasion; VALIS; "Second Variety" (made into movie Screamers); "We Can Remember it for You Wholesale" (made into movie Total Recall); 1967 British SF Award for The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch; Flow My Tears, The Policeman Said (Campbell Award 1st place in 1975); and the 1979 British SF Award for A Scanner Darkly (also won Campbell Award 3rd place); [Ubik was ranked 48th in the Internet Top 100 Survey, Cooke, as of Oct. 1999. Ranked 24th in's Best SF/F Books of the Century]

Dreyfuss, Richard Judaism Dreyfuss, best known as a film actor, is the co-author with Harry Turtledove of the short story "The Two Georges" (based on an original idea by Dreyfuss). They later expanded the story into a novel which was nominated for a 1995 Sideways Award. The novel is now in its fourth printing.

Ellison, Harlan Jewish background; atheist [1 B-a-M review] Deathbird Stories; Strange Wine; Approaching Oblivion; "'Repent, Harlequin!' Said the Ticktockman" (1966); "City on the Edge of Forever" (Star Trek, 1968. Hugo Award for best dramatic presentation); "I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream" (1968); "The Beast That Shouted Love at the Heart of the World" (1969); "Adrift Just Off the Islets of Langerhans" (1975); "Paladin of the Lost Hour" (1986); "Jeffty Is Five" (1977/1978); "The Deathbird" (1974); "A Boy and His Dog (1969); Angry Candy (1989); Slippage (1997); 1993 World Fantasy Life Achievement Award; [Dangerous Visions was ranked 46th in the Internet Top 100 Survey, Cooke, as of Oct. 1999.]; Ellison was ranked 9th on the ISFDB Top 100 Authors list.

Farmer, Philip Jose Catholic background; secular humanist Riverworld series; Dayworld; Jesus on Mars; To Your Scattered Bodies Go (1972) [Ranked 53rd in ISFDB Top 100 Novels]; "Riders of the Purple Wage" (1968)

Foster, Alan Dean ?

[2 B-a-M reviews] Cyber Way; Short story collections: With Friends Like These, Who Needs Enemies?, and The Metrognome; Splinter of the Mind's Eye

Gibson, William ? Neuromancer (1985) [Ranked 1st in ISFDB Top 100 Novels; Ranked 16th in's Best SF/F Books of the Century; Campbell Award 3rd place]; Count Zero [Ranked 88th in ISFDB Top 100 Novels]; Mona Lisa Overdrive [Ranked 22nd in ISFDB Top 100 Novels]; Burning Chrome; Virtual Light [Ranked 35th in ISFDB Top 100 Novels]; The Difference Engine [Ranked 48th in ISFDB Top 100 Novels; Campbell Award 2nd place in 1992]

Greeley, Andrew Catholic [NOTE: Greeley's fame is not primarily as a science fiction writer, but as a sociologist, journalist, outspoken parish priest, and writer of non-sf/f.] An Epidemic of Joy; Angel Light; Blackie At The Sea; Happy are the Oppressed; Irish Lace; Irish Gold; Irish Whiskey; Summer at the Lake; White Smoke; Windows: A Prayer Journal; Contract with an Angel; Starbright; A Midwinter's Tale

Heinlein, Robert A. atheist [2 B-a-M reviews] Citizen of the Galaxy; Double Star (1956); Starship Troopers (1960); Stranger in a Strange Land (1962) [Ranked 23rd in's Best SF/F Books of the Century. Ranked 15th in ISFDB Top 100 Novels; Ranked 31st in the Millennium Poll.]; The Door Into Summer; The Moon is a Harsh Mistress (1967) [Ranked 16th in the Internet Top 100 Survey, Cooke, Oct. 1999. 3 other works were on this list. Ranked 5th at SF Vote. 3 other works were in the top 25 at SF Vote. Ranked 43rd in ISFDB Top 100 Novels]; The Puppet Masters; Job: A Comedy of Justice (1985)

Henderson, Zenna Latter-day Saint [Arizona teacher/writer.] Author of dozens of stories (most now found in collections still in print): The Anything Box; Holding Wonder; The People: No Different Flesh; Pilgrimage: The Book of the People. "The People" (a television movie starring William Shatner), was based on her series. Also, Disney's "Escape to Witch Mountain" movies are attributed to Henderson and/or Key. Among her dozens of People stories are "Ad Astra"; "Angels Unawares"; "Ararat"; "Come On, Wagon!"; "Crowning Glory"; "Gilead"; "Jordan"; "Pottage"; and "Captivity" (1959 Hugo Nominee). [Web site]

Herbert, Frank ?

[3 B-a-M reviews] Dune series (including Dune, [The Dune series was ranked 6th in the Internet Top 100 Survey, Cooke, Oct. 1999. Dune was ranked 6th in's Best SF/F Books of the Century, and ranked 3rd at SF Vote. Ranked 29th in ISFDB Top 100 Novels. Ranked 14th in's Millennium Poll.], 1966)

Hickman, Tracy Latter-day Saint [4 B-a-M reviews] Dragonlance series (With Margaret Weis; Over 12 million sold worldwide. Bestsellers on New York Times, Locus, Walden and B. Dalton, Publishers Weekly lists); Requiem of Stars; The Immortals; Deathgate Cycle series (with Margaret Weis); Starcraft no. 3: Speed of Darkness; The Bronze Canticles; Darksword series (New York Times Best Seller)

Hubbard, L. Ron founder of Scientology [Created the Writers of the Future Contest. Had over 100 million books in print when he died.] Battlefield Earth (1982 Golden Scroll Award); Mission Earth series; Fear; Typewriter in the Sky; The End Is Not Yet; The Kingslayer; Return to Tomorrow; Ole Doc Methuselah (1992 Golden Scroll Award)

Jordan, Robert ?

[Real name: James Oliver Rigney, Jr.]; [4 B-a-M reviews]; Historical novels (under name Reagan O'Neal): The Fallon Blood, the Fallon Pride, the Fallon Legacy. Sequels to Robert Howard's Conan the Barbarian series. Wheels of Time fantasy series (Eye of the World; The Great Hunt; The Dragon Reborn; The Shadow Rising; The Fires of Heaven; Lord of Chaos; A Crown of Swords; etc.)

King, Stephen believes in God NOTE: King is normally classified a horror writer, although much of his work could certainly be classified as science fiction/fantasy. He is said to have created his own genre. Major books include: It [Ranked 73rd in ISFDB Top 100 Novels]; The Stand [Ranked 6th in's Millennium Poll]; Bag of Bones. Danse Macabre (Hugo for non-fiction, 1982); "The Man in the Black Suit" (1995); King was ranked 15th on the ISFDB Top 100 Authors list.

Larson, Glen A. Latter-day Saint [NOTE: Larson is famous primarily as the creator of the movie and TV series "Battlestar Galactica", and other shows such as "Knight Rider", "Automan", "Buck Rogers in the 25th Century", "Manimal", "The Six Million Dollar Man" and "Night Man". He produced many non-SF shows, including "Magnum P.I.", One West Waikiki", "The Fall Guy", "B.J. and the Bear", "The Hardy Boys Mysteries", "Quincy, M.E.", and "The Virginian" (later named "The Men from Shiloh"). Larson's work as a SF/F writer is less well-known, which is probably for the best.] Books: Battlestar Galactica series (including the New York Times-best selling novelization of the pilot/movie, as well as: Apollo's War; The Cylon Death Machine; Experiment in Terra; The Living Legend, etc.); Knight Rider series (including Knight Rider; Hearts of Stone; Trust Doesn't Rust); The Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew Meet Dracula (Made into a film in 1977.)

L'Engle, Madeleine Anglican A Wrinkle in Time (winner of the Newbery Award); A Wind in the Door; A Swiftly Tilting Planet (other books in same universe: The O'Keefe Family Series; The Austin Family Series and more); Ilsa; The Journey with Jonah; The Sphinx at Dawn; 1997 World Fantasy Life Achievement Award

Le Guin, Ursula K. Feminist; environmentalist; atheist [1 B-a-M review] Earthsea trilogy (including The Left Hand of Darkness, 1970 [Ranked 13th in's Best SF/F Books of the Century; Ranked 25th in ISFDB Top 100 Novels] and Tehanu: The Last Book of Earthsea, 1990 [Ranked 86th in ISFDB Top 100 Novels]. A Wizard of Earthsea was ranked 84th in the Internet Top 100 Survey, Cooke, Oct. 1999.); Three Hainish Novels; "Buffalo Gals, Won't You Come Out Tonight" (1988; also World Fantasy Award); The Dispossessed (1975) [also Locus award], [Ranked 94th in the Internet Top 100 Survey, Cooke, as of Oct. 1999. Ranked 6th in ISFDB Top 100 Novels; 1975 Campbell Award 2nd place]; "The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas" (1974); "The Word for World Is Forest" (1973); "The Day Before the Revolution" (1974); "Solitude" (1995); "Foregiveness Day" (1995 Sturgeon Award); Tehanu (1991); The Lathe of Heaven (1972) [Ranked 64th in ISFDB Top 100 Novels]; Le Guin was ranked 2nd on the ISFDB Top 100 Authors list.

Lewis, C. S. Anglican [7 B-a-M review] Space Trilogy; The Narnia Chronicles [The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe was ranked 71st in the Internet Top 100 Survey, Cooke, as of Oct. 1999.]; The Screwtape Letters; The Great Divorce; The Dark Tower and Other Stories. [In 1999 Mere Christianity and the Chronicles of Narnia were both in the Harper-Collins list of 100 Best Spiritual Books of the Century.]

Lucas, George religious * Lucas is certainly not famous as an author, but as a moviemaker and story-teller. He is included on this list as the originator of the stories and screenplays behind the Star Wars films, although he was not the actual author of the novelizations. Star Wars won the 1987 Hugo for Best Dramatic Presentation. The Empire Strikes Back won in 1981 and The Return of the Jedi won in 1984. Lucas has also written Shadow Moon and Shadow Star, with Chris Claremont. Regardless of how he is judged as an author, Lucas's tremendous impact on film, science fiction, and pop culture is undeniable.

McCaffrey, Anne lapsed Catholic [1 B-a-M review] Pern series (including The White Dragon, 1973 [Ranked 17th in ISFDB Top 100 Novels]; "Weyr Search", 1968; Dragonrider, 1968; Dragondrums won the Balrog award in 1980. All the Weyrs of Pern was ranked 13th in ISFDB Top 100 Novels. The Dolphins of Pern was ranked 68th in ISFDB Top 100 Novels; Dragonsdawn, Campbell Award 3rd place in 1989); Crystal Singer novels

Walter M. Miller, Jr. Catholic A Canticle for Leibowitz (Hugo Award, 1961) [Ranked 2nd in's Best SF/F Books of the Century; Ranked 22nd by SF Vote. Link: an academic study guide to Canticle, from Washington State University.]; "The Darfsteller" (1955)

Niven, Larry agnostic [2 B-a-M reviews] Known Space Series (Ringworld Books, including Ringworld [also Locus award; Ranked 17th at SF Vote; Ranked 3rd in ISFDB Top 100 Novels], 1970/1971; Gil Hamilton Books; World of Ptavvs; Neutron Star; All the Myriad Ways; The Integral Trees (1985); The Smoke Ring); Limits; The Magic May Return; More Magic; "The Borderland of Sol" (1976); "The Hole Man" (1975); "Inconstant Moon" (1972); "Neutron Star" (1967); [Neutron Star, a compilation of stories, was ranked 64th in the Internet Top 100 Survey, Cooke, as of Oct. 1999.]; The Mote in God's Eye [Ranked 13th at SF Vote]

Orwell, George ?

[1 B-a-M review] 1984 [Ranked 1st in's Best SF/F Books of the Century; Ranked 10th at SF Vote. Ranked 10th in's Millennium Poll]; Animal Farm (1946)

Perry, Anne Latter-day Saint [NOTE: Perry is not famous as a science fiction/fantasy writer, but as one of the world's best-selling mystery writers. Her most famous characters are Thomas Pitt, William Monk and the Crimean nurse Hester Latterley. She is also famous for her involvement in one of New Zealand's most famous real life murder cases, which was made into the 1995 film Heavenly Creatures, starring Titanic star Kate Winslet as a young Perry.] The Cater Street Hangman (based on her novel) was nominated in the "Best Television Feature/Mini-Series" category of the Edgars. The Sins of the Wolf received the AML Award for best novel in 1994. So far, Perry's only published SF/F is the fantasy epic Tathea (winner of the 1999 AML best novel award). website

Pohl, Frederik Unitarian / secular humanist [Through the 1960's Pohl became the best editor in SF. Editor of both Galaxy and If.] Heechee series; "Fermi and Frost" (1986); Gateway (1977/1978. Also Campbell Award 1st place) ; [Also Locus award. Ranked 14th in ISFDB Top 100 Novels]; "The Meeting" (1973); Man Plus (1976. Also won Campbell Award 2nd place); The Coming of the Quantum Cats; Outnumbering the Dead; Search the Sky; Wolfbane; "Quaker Cannon"; Years of the City (Campbell Award 1st place 1985). Pohl was ranked 17th on the ISFDB Top 100 Authors list.; Made a grand master of SF by the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America in 1992.

Sagan, Carl agnostic [1 B-a-M review] NOTE: Sagan is not primarily famous as a science fiction writer, but as an astronomer. His best known science fiction novel is Contact (1985), which was made into the movie that won the 1998 Hugo award for best dramatic presentation. Also wrote Cosmos (Hugo for non-fiction, 1981)

Shelley, Mary ?

Frankenstein, considered the first science fiction novel. Also: Last Man

Silverberg, Robert Jewish "Born With the Dead" (1974); "Nightwings" (1969); "Enter a Soldier. Later: Enter Another" (1990); "Gilgamesh in the Outback" (1987); "Passengers" (1969); A Time of Changes (1971); "Good News from the Vatican" (1971); "Sailing to Byzantium" (1985); Lord Valentine's Castle (1981); [Dying Inside was ranked 50th in the Internet Top 100 Survey, Cooke, as of Oct. 1999. Ranked 66th in ISFDB Top 100 Novels]; Runner up in 1998 Sideways Awards for "Waiting for the End"; The Stochastic Man (Campbell Award 2nd place in 1976). Silverberg was ranked 1st on the ISFDB Top 100 Authors list.

Simmons, Dan ?

Hyperion (1990); The Rise of Endymion (1998); Fires of Eden (1995); Children of the Night (1993); Summer of the Night (1992); The Fall of Hyperion (1991); "This Year's Class Picture" (1993 Sturgeon Award); Simmons was ranked 20th on the ISFDB Top 100 Authors list.

Smith, Cordwainer pseudonym of Paul M. A. Linebarger Episcopalian Norstrilia [Ranked 17th in's Best SF/F Books of the Century]; He mostly wrote interconnected short stories, which are available in together in various volumes. "No, No, Not Rogov!"; "Scanners Live In Vain"; The Rediscovery of Man: The Complete Short Science Fiction of Cordwainer Smith; Space Lords; The Instrumentality of Mankind; "Alpha Ralpha Boulevard"; Planet Buyer; The Underpeople. [Link]

Stapledon, Olaf Unitarian / Quaker / agnostic [Stapledon is called the heir to H.G. Wells, and was of immeasurable importance in the early days of science fiction.] Last and First Men: A Story of the Near and Far Future; Odd John; Star Maker; Sirius; Last Men in London. Non-fiction: A Modern Theory of Ethics; Beyond the 'Isms

Straczynski, J. Michael atheist [Straczynski is known primarily as the creator of the TV series "Babylon 5". This series has won the Hugo award for Dramatic Presentation in 1997 for the episode "Severed Dreams" and 1996 for "The Coming of Shadows".] Demon Night; Othersyde; Tales from the New Twilight Zone; Babylon 5 novels (Point of No Return; A Call to Arms; The Price of Peace); comic book author of his own series "Rising Stars" and Marvel's "Spider-Man"

Sturgeon, Theodore Christian (denomination unknown) Bianca's Hands; More Than Human; "Slow Sculpture" (1970/1971); Godbody; 1985 World Fantasy Life Achievement Award; "Microcosmic God"; E Pluribus Unicorn

Tolkien, J.R.R. Catholic [4 B-a-M reviews] The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings [The Lord of the Rings ranked 1st in the Internet Top 100 Survey, Cooke, Oct. 1999. Ranked 96th in ISFDB Top 100 Novels. Ranked 1st in the Millennium Poll. The Hobbit was ranked 25th. The Hobbit was ranked 11th in's Best SF/F Books of the Century. Ranked 12th in the Millennium Poll. In 1999 The Lord of the Rings was in the Harper-Collins list of 100 Best Spiritual Books of the Century.]; Silmarillion (1978) [Ranked 42nd in ISFDB Top 100 Novels]; Tolkien has 98 Yahoo links - more than any other author; Tolkien was ranked 1st, as the favorite author of the millennium, in the customer-based Millennium Poll.

Turtledove, Harry Jewish The Great War: Walk in Hell; How Few Remain (Sideways Award 1997); WorldWar series (1996 Sideways Honorable Mention); The Two Georges (1995 Sideways Honorable Mention; co-written with Richard Dreyfuss); "Must and Shall (1996 Hugo nominee; 1995 Sideways Honorable Mention; 1996 Nebula nominee); Agent of Byzantium series

Verne, Jules Catholic 2000 Leagues Under the Sea; Journey to the Center of the Earth; Around the World in Eighty Days; From the Earth to the Moon

Vonnegut, Jr., Kurt Unitarian Universalist / agnostic / atheist [2 B-a-M reviews] Cat's Cradle (1972) [Ranked 97th in the Internet Top 100 Survey, Cooke, as of Oct. 1999.]; Mother Night (1972); Palm Sunday (1984); God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater (1974); Slaughterhouse-Five (1991) (The movie version of Slaughterhouse-Five won the 1973 Hugo Award for best dramatic presentation.); Hocus Pocus (1990); Timequake (1997); Galapagos (Campbell Award 2nd place in 1986)

Wells, H.G. atheist [4 B-a-M reviews] [Wells is often called the "Father" of science fiction.] Men Like Gods; The Time Machine; The Island of Dr. Moreau; The Invisible Man; The War of the Worlds; The First Men in the Moon; The Food of the Gods; In the Days of the Comet

Willis, Connie Lutheran/ Congregationalist Doomsday Book (1992; also Locus Award 1993) [Ranked 12th on the ISFDB Top 100 Novels list.]; To Say Nothing of the Do (1999); "The Soul Selects Her Own Society ..." (1997); "Death on the Nile" (1994); "Fire Watch" (1982 / 1983); "A Letter From the Clearys" (1982); "The Last of the Winnebagos" (1988 Nebula / 1989 Hugo); "At the Rialto" (1989); "Even the Queen" (1992 Nebula / 1993 Hugo); "Newsletter" (1997); "Jack" (1991 Nebula Nominee); "Bellwether" (1997 Nebula Nominee); Lincoln's Dreams (Campbell Award 1st place, 1988). Willis was ranked 3rd on the ISFDB Top 100 Authors list.

Wolfe, Gene Catholic Book of the New Sun Tetralogy [Ranked 87th in the Internet Top 100 Survey, Cooke, Oct. 1999.]; The Urth of the New Sun; The Castle of the Otter; Soldier of the Mist (1987); Sword of the Lictor (1983) [Ranked 2nd in ISFDB Top 100 Novels]; Soldier of Arte; Operation Ares; The Fifth Head of Cerberus; Peace; The Devil in a Forest; "The Death of Doctor Island" (1973); The Claw of the Conciliator (1981) [also Locus award. Ranked 20th in's Best SF/F Books of the Century. Ranked 11th in ISFDB Top 100 Novels]; The Shadow of the Torturer [Ranked 8th in ISFDB Top 100 Novels. Won Campbell Award 3rd place in 1981]; Stories From the Old Hotel (1989); 1996 World Fantasy Life Achievement Award; The Citadel of the Autarch [Ranked 74th in ISFDB Top 100 Novels. Won Campbell Award 1st place in 1984.]; Calde of the Long Sun (1995 Nebula Nominee); Wolfe was ranked 5th on the ISFDB Top 100 Authors list.

Wolverton, Dave Latter-day Saint [Director of the Writers of the Future Contest. Wolverton holds the world record for the largest single author book signing, in the Guinness Book of Records. The record book signing took place late 1999 with his signing of 1,845 copies of the New York Times best-selling novel, A Very Strange Trip.] Courtship of Princess Leia (New York Times Best Seller); Star Wars: Jedi Apprentice: The Rising Force; The Golden Queen; A Very Strange Trip; Lords of the Seventh Swarm; Beyond the Gate; On My Way to Paradise (won a Philip K. Dick Memorial Special Award as one of the best SF novels of 1989); Path of the Hero; Serpent Catch; The Mummy Chronicles; "After a Lean Winter" (1996 Nebula nominee for best novelette); L. Ron Hubbard's Writers of the Future Contest Grand Prize; Runelords series (written as "Dave Farland": The Runelords, The Brotherhood of the Wolf)

Zelazny, Roger ?

Chronicles of Amber (including Trumps of Doom, 1986 [The First Chronicles of Amber were ranked 20th in the Internet Top 100 Survey, Cooke, Oct. 1999. 4 other works were also on this list.]); "He Who Shapes" (1965); "The Doors of His Face, the Lamps of His Mouth" (1965); "Home is the Hangman (1965); "Permafrost" (1987); "Twenty-four Views of Mount Fuji, by Hokusai" (1986); "Unicorn Variation" (1982); Lord of Light (1968) [Ranked 21st in the Internet Top 100 Survey, Cooke, Oct. 1999.]; And Call Me Conrad (1966); A Night in the Lonesome October (1994 Nebula Nominee); This Immortal; Zelazny was ranked 13th on the ISFDB Top 100 Authors list. Please submit comments, corrections, suggestions, etc. to This page is copyright © by Web page created 28 October 1999. Last modified 13 November 2003.

/\ /\ /\ /\ /\ (Above) /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ Note: The listed authors of science fiction and the table and contents of all of the authors was done by, I did not do it. I only pasted it to my website because the information is awesome. ~Dylan F. Richter~

Who were the good science fiction writers of the past and what did they write?

Hugo Gernsback wrote the magazine called “Amazing Stories” in 1926. He also played the key role in starting science fiction fandom, by publishing the addresses of people who wrote letters to his magazines. Hugo was more of a column letter writer. Kurt Vonnegut wrote “Harrison Bergeron” and many other stories in those same early years as well. Kurt Vonnegut was more of a poetic storyteller. Some other writers were Rod Sterling Lectures, he wrote the “Twilight Zone” along with Jan Bee Landman.

Who are good science fiction writers now and what did they write?

Good science fictions authors now are Jeffery A. Carver, W.M. Shockley, Ken St. Andre, and Allen Ginsberg. W.M. Shockley wrote a new book called the “Magic Dragon”

"Many science fiction and fantasy writers are "non-religious" (or, more accurately, their "religion" is writing science fiction and fantasy -- in the strictly sociological sense of what constitutes an important motivation or community for them).

Many other SF/F authors have stated a preference for secular philosophies such as atheism, agnosticism, and in some cases humanism.

Some writers have a highly individualized religiosity or belief system, which doesn’t fit, into a traditional classification (e.g. Philip K. Dick). English language science fiction and fantasy authors who are adherents of traditional religious faiths usually belong to a branch of Christianity (these include Catholics, Anglicans, Latter-day Saints, Protestants, etc.) or are Jews.
