





An Exclusive Underground Interview With Blades

A bada bing, folks....I was reading some harshish words from Dead Bang, not quite pronouncing my name right....well allow me to do what my four year old does...it is RA....V....OL....E, now put it all together....come on now you can do it....that's right, Ravioli....see, even someone that names himself after his sex life can say it...now enough with da bustin' chops....it's time for da interview I promised you. A little less than a week ago, I had a set down with one of the most influential ringers in E-Fed history....coming from CEW fame in Cyberslam, to running Cyberbrawls, and now making ringers lives miserable in CWA...I'm talking about da bladed one himself....none other than Blades.

Tony: Blades, when you first emerge into the E-fed realm you had a character crisis....you were Asai, Slingblade, Retroloco and Switchblade....then you decided to reflect on one of the greatest movies of all time, and became Mr. White. Tell me about that transformation, and how it all stems into Blades?

Blades "As many of you know, a good character and gimmick is a work in progress....and slowly I worked, and molded all of those characters into one about the time C-Slam shut it's doors....that was when Blades first emerged...I decided then to take the Blades character to Cyberbrawls, and at the same time, i was contacted by the devil himself Remy Artega. He needed someone to keep a close eye on Eric Draven, and that ended up being my job until Remy decided to retire. When he did, he bypassed Draven all together, and handed me the site.

Tony: Meaning free reign?

Blades: No, and that's where the problems started....I saw Cyberbrawls could be done a lot better, and he refused to change....he refused to give in am inch....so I said Fuck Him, and quit....leaving the shit hole to Draven, and as you can see, it's now closed!

Tony: So what brought you to Ring Wars, and not a site like Wrassle?

Blades: That is another story in itself...I did go to Wrassle for about a week, and the hacks over there just couldn't get their shit right....one minute the commissioner was praising me, and the next minute Burnt Hitler swooped in and fined me. Burnt and I had a halfway decent relationship before that,and i had started turning alot of people onto Wrassle, up until that moment. That was when it was time for me to move on, and just so happens RW opened up.

Tony: Did you ever talk to Arcanum about getting into the administration part of it? I mean, you seem to have all of the credentials.

Blades: No, Arcanum and I talked several times, but I told him that I wanted to have fun again, and not be pressured or pestered by a bunch of hacks!

Tony: Speaking of hacks, what is your thoughts on the current roster of Ring Wars.....people like Dozer, Sierra, and Golden Boy, to say a few?!?

Blades: Is it possible for you to not mention those names? I mean Sierra, I created....I brought her here and gave her the knowledge and the tenacity to beat anyone....then she wanted to step up to me, because she won some little title, only to be schooled once again? And Golden Bitch, he has been beat by me more times than my own penis...

Tony: Whoa now, don't get off on Wangs.....so what about Dozer or a Triple X?

Blades: Triple X is my best friend in this game, him and i go way back, when we first started feuding, and decided we would both get more sleep if we just become friends, and that is the pact we made...

Tony: You seem to be evading my question....what about Cherokee or Dozer?

Blades: Evading? Bah! Dozer is a half wit, that prides himself on picking on the weak....his claim to fame is being suspended from the UT finals? What kind of happy horseshit is that?

Tony: Speaking of happy horseshit, do you plan on taking on DHS by yourself, like you have laid claims to, this week at the finals?

Blades: Does a bear shit in the woods? DHS is nothing with out Triple X....period, point-blank! Dozer is nothing more than a watered down version of what Triple X was or started.

Tony: You were once DHS....what happened to that camraderie?

Blades: That punk ass, Dozer, happened....when Trips and i talked about working together in DHS, their was no hierarchy....we were all the best of the best....then that next month at the finals, Dozer come in like he was a somebody, and acted like a total ass, and I dropped the DHS title, and went back to 187!

Tony: So needless to say, you two will not be breaking bread anytime soon?

Blades: Dozer is nothing more than a pimple on my ass....you know the one that you can't get to? But with a little work, and some good cream, it will burst on it's own?

Tony: Well that was very descriptive....so, do you see a DHS chapter in CWA's eminent future?

Blades: No...not at all...I have been known as the stable killer, and if i hear too much, or they try to take my lime light, then I make them disappear....look at V, look at AY....I singlehandedly took them out, and frankly enjoyed it!

Tony: Well, I have to say that you are one cocky sonuvabitch,,,but I guess you get that naturally, eh?

Blades: I suppose so....is this crap about over, I need to prepare for the finals.

Tony: Sure....good luck, at the finals!

Needless to say, this guy is full of himself, but it sounds to me that he has been around the block once or twice, and that says a lot for a man. Well untill next time, or when ever Dead Bang gets a live laid....don't get mad....get even.
You're comments or questions are always appreciated. Forrester can be reached at the following email address:
