





CWA News

CWA-Bustin' Chops -Tony Ravioli

Welcome back, Goombahs and Goombettes, to another exciting column by yours truly....Tony Ravioli. In the last hour or so, I have sat down, with none other than the Universal CWA Champion Blades...and after hearing his insights and out of sights, my brain has went numb...I'm not sure if that is good or bad, but nevertheless, the dirty deed is done!

Speaking of Dirty Deeds, it seems that X-Dogg is back....AGAIN. He seems to be like that reoccurring case of the crabs that Sierra was bragging about....you can shave it all off, but it keeps coming back. X-Dogg, two words for you....NEW MATERIAL!

Speaking of new material, what's going on with this draft system? I received it the other day from the higher ups, and it seems that some guys just don't want to leave! Call me confused, but isn't that the reason for a draft....do you actually get a say so, where you go? And shouldn't everyone that is capable of maybe having and inkling of talent be on there? Now I can understand if Triple X doesn't think they can cut it, but damn....do you think my Grampa Ravioli could cut it, with his gnarled up foot, and cochise sight? But he still went and served his duty...proving that only women and children stay at home, or in this case the "Training Grounds"

Speaking of Women and Children, what has happened to Sierra? Her actions as of late in character and out of character makes it seem that she has moved on from Blades and on to some new meat....namely some rookie named Blindside....rumour has it, that Blindside is the one recieving and Sierra is the one giving....now don't quote me on that, and frankly, I don't know how anatomically it can be done...but the way Blades talked about her in his interview...she is one freaky slut.

Speaking of sluts, where is Golden Boy? Has he took the long leap or is he reinventing himself in the "Training Grounds" Or is he that disappointed in his own stable that he has went AWOL? Noone twsted his arm to let X-Dogg in....well Killa Clown may have twisted his nuts, but I think Golden Boy enjoyed it!

Well, it's time for what everyone has been waiting on. my ratings. Now before there is some little bitch come whining that he is not placed high enough or he is not placed at all, let me explain how my rating are done. I take there standings, and there win/loss record on card days, then multiply it by the quaity of there work and I get my standings. So here we go!

1. Blades: Whether you like him or hate him, he is easily one of the greatest of all time. His undefeated streak continues, after beating the RW Ultimate Champion.

2. Sierra: She gave Blades one hell of a fight at the FPV, and she deserves this spot....this week! 3. Mosher: After his impressive victory at the FPV, and taking down Golden Boy at that, he had to be moved up...BIG TIME!

4. Golden Boy: He was beat this week for the first time in a long time, but his skill or whatever he calls it, keeps him up as a front runner.

5. Cho: Does this guy never say die? He is one tough little cookie, and can bring it, as long as his opponent can step up to the plate.

Well there you have it....Tony Ravioli's Top Five, if you didn't make it....then shape up....if you don't like me, ship out....cause frankly, i don't give a damn....and as Grandma Ravioli use to say...consider your ass served!

And I will have a front page interview with Blades sometime this week.

Questions or comments for Toni Ravioli will be forwarded to him through the Ring Wars Underground email address.
