





An Exclusive Underground Interview With Myth

Here, I am with the ceo of Ring Wars operations, Myth. For those that don't know, Myth started in Ring Wars as the orginal commish of the CEW, but later moved on to bigger and better things.

Forrester: For those that don't know, what is your background?

Myth: Well this could be a long answer or a short answer. Guess we shall see where this goes. I have been involved in this game from the get go on different levels. First as part of a core group of advisors that wanted to see a new game built after CyberSlam shut down. After a short time away I came back as a commissioner and then for health reasons stepped down in May. Various attempts by Arcanum to bring me back finally happened in September when he asked me to have more of a hands on role and work on the day to day side of things and working with staff and our players to advance the game. As some know recently Arcanum has parted ways and now I am in full operational control of Ring Wars.

Forrester: Myth, with all the controversy that has surrounded around the last three Ring Wars Finals, do you see that this is a trend that will continue to the November Finals?

Myth: I know the finals are over but even going into it I wasn't expecting a lot of fireworks. I think that time hopefully has past. The finals of November is more what the game is supposed to be about. Hardcore flashing and roleplaying. I know a few people were looking for that big swerve. Where was it?

Forrester: Last month, Funky Nassau was brought in as commish of the Finals. For those that don't know of Funky, what does he bring to the table?

Myth: A level head comes to mind. Someone that is involved on that level before past and present. With a focus solely on the finals his attention is focused soley on that.

Forrester: One of the much talked about changes to Ring Wars was the addition of the RWTG. What role will RWTG bring, and how and when will other federations be affected?

Myth: It's the first federation that you will be part of in Ring Wars. The role is to teach any new comers to the genre of online wrestling. You can hopefully learn how to roleplay and even get basic HTML guidance as you are trying to better yourself and get prepared for your future career in one of the featured feds of Ring Wars. So in essence the RWTG will be the fed to keep the featured feds of Ring Wars stocked with talent.

Forrester: Will promotions happen soon, and what will the promotions be like, with four major federations, and 1 training grounds?

Myth: The first batch of new recruits will be heading into the featured feds in the next couple days is our hope with the first draft happening. Watch the main page for details when this will happen.

Forrester: With the success of RWTG, is it possible a second RWTG could be added?

Myth: That will be addressed if we feel the need and hopefully in the future.

Forrester: With the addition of Funky and RWTG, people may say more things changed in Ring-Wars than ever before. What else could we look forward to?

Myth: Well first a restock of the feds that is the first priority. At this time I can't get into features if that is what you are asking for. One issue has been server speed and that is being addressed as well.

Forrester: What about a Bar Room Brawl or Cage of Rage?

Myth: We aren't at that point yet and to be honest this is a new game. So yes maybe one day incarnations of those will come but this is a different game. I want people to gain new experiences here and one asks how can you if you live all in the past?

Forrester: Changing the subject, before you were a commishiner, and now you are the front office, which do you enjoy more, and what are the differences?

Myth: They are two different jobs for sure. One is creative in nature and allows you to set the table. The other is definitely admin in nature. So fun? Being the commish. At this time I do however like the admin portion of the game.

Forrester: Do you ever miss the CEW?

Myth: I used to every day. I am past that now.

Forrester: Do you have any response to the verbal attacks you have recieved from Payne or Dozer?

Myth: Notice I have been very quiet in regards to that? Past and present that's how it will remain. Any issues can be brought directly to me.

Forrester: Ring Wars has seen a drops of activity, and has even had a decline of federations, what can be done to prevent this?

Myth: At this point I am not that worried about that. The game is functioning with those that want to play and have fun with it. I am trying to just make sure that the game moves forward and at this point it seems that its working as I have gotten very good feedback.

Forrester: Finally, in your estimation....who are the leaders of Ring Wars? What ringers catch the CEO's eye, and make this all worth it?

Myth: I can't tell you to be honest as my day to day views do not include working with ringers these days. Names from when I started playing are those that I know of still and that includes Dozer, Payne, Bigfish, and Cherokee. In thinking of that I miss the old days just like the last guy.

You're comments or questions are always appreciated. Forrester can be reached at the following email address:
