





CEW News

Three Faces of CEW

Part 3

Dead_Bang: Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to answer some questions.

Dead_Bang: Paladin as acting Commish, what's it like?

Paladin - It's being named elder of your tribe. I joined CEW back in January 1998 in CyberSlamm and was one of the first to join back up again in Ring Wars. For almost five years now I have been a part of CEW and it is an honor to now be at the helm. CEW has always been Paladin's home and now it's good to be able to give back for all the years that I was a player.

Dead_Bang: I noticed your updated policies, care to elaborate why you updated the policies if Auditor is to return? No offense but if its not your fed then why are you messing with another commish's policies?

Paladin - Because policies need to be ever changing. They need the flexibility to change with the needs and wishes of the people that play the game. CEW's policies were in need of an overall. That couldn't wait for Audi's return, if he does return. The needs of CEW must be met. I'm looking at updating the policies on an 'as needed' basis with a general overall every 2-3 months.

Dead_Bang: From what I read on the boards, you've had some difficult moments keeping the ringers in line in Cew? Also on your behalf I have seen you lay down some laws and stick to them, case in point Union and Cherokee being banned from the finals last month, why Paladin?

Paladin - Because CEW's needs were not a priority to some of these guys. Wether they wanted to admit it or not the behaviors that were being shown on and off the board were self serving. I won't put up with anyone messing with CEW. Union and Cherokee were hit where it hurt most. I banned them from the finals because that's what mattered most to them. Those two are the best we have but they needed to know that Paladin IS the Judge, Jury and Executioner of CEW. I will not be threatened and I will not be defied. Order needed to be established. Respect needed to be erned. I hope that I have established those goals.

Dead_Bang: What do you see for the future of Cew?

Paladin -When your the number one Federation it's easy to relax and not look to improve. We can't do that. We need to bring in more quality ringers to bolster our ranks. We need to continue being innovative. We need to be even more consistant on the flash board. We are number one. But we need to work even harder to remain number one.

Dead_Bang: How will Paladin keep the Cew interesting?

Paladin - As our numbers grow I hope to add one, maybe two other titles. But we need to add to our numbers first. I'm also planning more tournements and creating more specialty matches. One of my biggest goals is to get CEW 'Non Player Characters' more involvedin role play. CEW's NPCs are not only Arlo and Easy. We have an entire cast of characters that are not being used at their full potential.

Dead_Bang: Who have you signed for new talent of the next month?

Paladin -No one yet but there's rumors of some major players arriving soon. I have been contacted by a some big names who want to join our ranks. Also, the draft fed should yield some great new blood. I'm very excited with the work going on there.

Dead_Bang: How do you keep the rookies and vets happy?

Paladin -By listening to what they want. I always listen. Sometimes the answer is 'no' but I listen. I will be innovative and the cards will be fun. I will work as hard as the ringers do.

Dead_Bang: Rookie Cup, how did you come up with that?

Paladin - I have been hearing about the mysterious 'glass celling' of CEW since 1998. I got tired of hearing about how CEW is a 'closed fed'. It never was. CEW works with people who want to work. The Rookie Cup is designed to get the newer members a chance to shine and get a major push in their career. Kinda like the King of the Ring. Where else but in CEW is a rookie garanteed to be in the RW Finals every month?

Dead_Bang: I noticed with the Rookie Cup you award a Tv Title shot and a finals appearance. Personally I view this as a good way to increase activity for the rookies just beginning, but one problem I see what happens if say 20 ringers from the Cwa, Sciw, and Mwew want to transfer to Cew, according to your rules they would be considered rookies. Is that a fair assessment.

Paladin Yes it is. When someone transferes to CEW I will treat them as rookies. If they haven't earned their bones in CEW then they are not yet part of the elite. All bosting aside, this rule is set up to encourage tranfers from other feds. If 20 new ringers qualify for the rookie cup, then 20 ringers will be part of the rookie cup. We'll let the cream rise to the top.

Dead_Bang: Do the ringers in Cew just moan and bitch alot? Or do they actually give creative criticism or suggestions behind the scenes?

Paladin -They moan. They bitch. And they give creative criticism and suggestions. Usually the same guys do all three. I wish more ringers would take the time to email me with their suggestions and ideas. The three/four guys that currently take the time to have been a great help.

Dead_Bang: Interesting now in closing Paladin, all eyes are on you being the acting Commish for Cew, which from CSlam to Ring Wars has the longest history or actual true roots, which is one of the reasons I took the Cew. How does a new ringer or new commish for that matter walk into Cew and ajust?

Paladin - You don't. You can't just 'walk in' CEW. You have to blast your way in and fight, scratch, crawl and brawl your way to the top. Give it your best and CEW will accept you with opened arms. Try to 'get by' and CEW will spit you out. It's rough but I wouldn't want it any other way.

Dead_Bang: Thank you for your time Paladin.

Paladin - Your welcome. Don't forget that the CEW FPV will be held on Thursday November 28th. Call your local cable company and order it now!

Now we have just heard from a vet, a rookie, and the present Commish. Lets think about what these 3 people basically just said, you have to go through Cew to actually claim greatness in Ring Wars. Cwa will claim this or Sciw will claim that, Mwew needs to claim something, but in all actual down to brass tax it comes back to the Cew. If you want to be considered a real competitior then Cew is your door to opportunity.

You have just felt the bang!


You're comments or questions are always appreciated. Dead_Bang can be reached at the following email address:
