






Dead_Bang: I'm sitting here today across the desk from a man who needs no introduction, he's not from the Cew, but he use to be. I give you the man who claims to have killed not only Sciw but also Ring Wars. Yes thats right straight from the horse's mouth so to speak.

Dead_Bang: You are one of the dominant wrestlers in Sciw, if my research is correct there was a time when you were coasting through, what changed the man with the golden bat to being midcarder to being the main event?

Dozer: Mid Card was just my way of showing my dominence. I let them all know that I could be a success at any level. I always start at the bottom, and WIN my way up

Main Event was just a matter of time.

Dead_Bang: During your run in Sciw its not always been so great, I heard there was problems with Law?

Dozer: I've said it a million times, I am ABOVE the Law. Commishes and I, well, we havent always seen "eye to eye". Theres been a few minor set backs, but when push came to shove, Dozer was the Main Man, the Main Event, and for over a month and a half, the World Champion

Dead_Bang: Being World Champ is one thing, anyone can hold a title but its the wrestler that carries the title that makes it worth holding. Are you carrying the Sciw or is the Sciw carrying you?I mean lets be honest here, you aren't the most liked person in Sciw or Ring Wars for that matter, what makes Dozer so much different that the other ringers love to hate you?

Dozer: Jigga Please. Do you see these shoulders? I've been carrying feds since my incarnation into wrestling years ago! SCIW spins around what me, and DHS want it to do. There are a few constants, Dozer in the spotlight, and the dominance of the DHS in Ring Wars, and SCIW
Dozer: These silly little jobbers alwasy come out wanting to be the "bad guy"... and all they are is a bad replica of ME! Dozer sets the example, I dont fold, or suck ass, or make nice nice to gain my way. I do it MY STYLE and MY WAY, and then get the job done. Screw those who think they are above me, they cant hold me down, they can only hope to slow down my path of rage.

Dead_Bang: Well thats tap dancing around the question, you have done some despicable things when it came to Kronus/Hellspawn. You tore the fed apart is what I was told. Care to elaborate on that?

Dozer: It comes down to this. People are loser crybabies looking for attention from a bunch of strangers. I HONORED that low life by making him a member of DHS, even after his demise. Dozer doesnt give out charity, I give out harsh truth. Dozer doesnt tap dance, I run through. If these peopel cant take the heat, then the heat will hunt them down and shove a flmaethrower up their ass.

Dead_Bang: Crybabies, losers, harsh truth, flamethrower up someones ass, sounds like you are an angry person. Do you have problems looking in the mirror when you get up in the morning?

Dozer: Are you kidding? The mirror LOVES me! When I look into that mirror, I see a man who has never laid down on his beliefs, who has never compromised his positions, and who has taken the ball, and ran it in, then crammed it down the throat of those trying to take his place. Then I beat that man, and sent him to the hospital. I am not an angry man, I am proactive, thats all. I do to others before they even dare do to me. Its a survival thing

Dead_Bang: Who has been your toughest challenges in Sciw and Ring Wars as a whole? Behind every great heel there has to be a face.

Dozer: Well, challenge seems that they are in my league, which none are. But, I've had a good time battleing people like Payne. Those who deserve my time, who deserve my effort. I was the man that sent TripleX into stardom, thriving off my battles, he went on to be the man he is today, because Dozer sent him that way. I've had all out wars with every member of DHS. Thats how I know I can rely on them, I see how far they take the Champ, if they can push it to the limit. As for Faces, in RW? Are their even any besides that jobber Union? Bwwuuuahaahaahahahaaaa!

Dead_Bang:Well Union has his role to play as you do yours. You mentioned Payne and Triplex. They have been your best allies and your worst enemies, what about Reign_Fire, Icon, Supreme, Lestat, what about what the Mwew was saying about your "indy" insult for the changing of the rules, keep in mind we have all heard your statements about the rule change, I'm more interested in knowing how Dozer plans to keep the Sciw going since Law is retiring?

Dozer: Those peopel you have mentioned, lets say I respect a few, and the others, well, they have yet to really spark any of my attention. RF has proven himself time and time again, and ICon has been a major contender for as long as I have known him. Supreme, hasnt impressed me. Lestat is the biggest waste of space since the NRA. And as for the MWEW, this 00 guy thinks he has something on Dozer. But we all know its the other way around. Those who are most afraid try to take bigger actions against their betters. And as for the SCIW, as long as we dont get Remy 2 or Remy 3, there will be no problem in returning the rightful reign to the DHS. If Dozer is there, you KNOW it will have potential.

Dead_Bang: When you think of Cwa, Cew, Sciw, Mwew, what or who comes to mind in your own words. Everyone seems to be on this rankings kick which by the way congrats on being voted by your peers as #1.

Dozer: Thanks, I just got back from my all expenses paid vacation for winning a most coveted ranking from the Underground. As for the other feds, its clear, cut and dry. MWEW has yet impress me. CWA has been a fed thats only claim to fame is a cool banner. CEW has a tradition, one I persoanlly helped shape, but it is a watered down version of a bad copy now. As for people, its obvious who stands out. And not by allegience alone, its for good reason. They standouts are all DHS. Thats why they are in our crew. Blades has single handedly carried his fed since he got there. Cherokee and Bigfish, along with Rabbid Goose, Psycohol and Rexall have turned that dead fed around and given it new life

Dead_Bang: Heres your chance to rank the commishes?

Dozer: Double O has flexed a power hungry bullied tactic on his fed, and as a result, they are the whooping boys of the RW.
Dozer: Paladin is praying to god almighty that the DHS boys play nice. THEY are the FED. That fed revolves around what they want to do, plain and simple
Dozer: And as for Rightceous One, hell, I had to ask his name beofre the interview. Does he do anything, or just let his jobbers run wild? That man needs to step up and make a name for himself. Take a hint from Dozer, you need a publicity manager...

Dead_Bang: Are you campaigning, you have yet to discuss Law?

Dozer: Law...

Dozer: Law has had his time to shine, and he has lived it up.

Dead_Bang: So its time to put him out to pasture?

Dozer: In all honesty, he is the one person who has had the balls to stand up to Dozer face to face, and I respect that. He has won a few, and lost a few. And if that man retires, God bless the man who tires to take his spot. He's earned his time at the Old Folks Ranch, just dont come peaking back up when you get bored...

Dead_Bang: If you have one thing to leave Ring Wars with what would it be?

Dozer: I'd leave with the knowledge that I stayed true to myself. I gave it a legacy, I gave it a level to work up to, I gave it all Dozer was, all the time, everywhere. I didnt care who you were, what you thought about yourself, or how big and bad you are, you were a nobody to me, and I made you feel that way, at least once, in your career. Dozer kept it real, and in the hands of the ringers.

Dead_Bang: One last question, why did you leave Cew?

Dozer: I watched CEW from the sidelines, before I decided to come back to the game. I watched it become a joke of a supposed ELITE FED. I watched Myth deprive his talent of titles, of decency, of respect. And then I saw the games being played, and saw the CEW for the political machine it was. Its not about your heart anymore, its about how much you DONT piss off the commish. Dozer doesnt play that. CEW needs a Cherokee, a BigFish, a guy who bleeds CEW. It cant handle a man who's only goal is self promotion at any expense. When the hand that feeds you punches you before you even try to bite it, you know theres something wrong with it. CEW isnt what it used to be, its only the bastard child of its ancestory. And that is due largely, and mainly, to its commishes.
Dozer: You know it, I know it, and these wrestling fans know it.

Fans whether you agree or disagree with the self proclaimed Ring Wars killer. I would suggest that you check out the Sciw because there is quite a talent based fed there. The Commish is sometimes lazy but its his final days. Stop by the Sciw and say goodbye to a upstanding commish. Law you will be missed but not forgotten.

Lets see if Toni Macoroni can get an interview with someone next. Ravoli whatever its all pasta.

You have just felt the bang!


You're comments or questions are always appreciated. Deadend can be reached at the following email address:
