Hey everyone and welcome to the Stephanie McMahon Helmsley Shrine! This site contains pictures of the Billion Dollar Princess and News about her, as well as a Message Board and a lil chatroom =)
30-11-02 Damn, its been long since I last updated here! Lol this will really sound stupid but the reason I havent was cause quite some time my hotmail account got hacked, and cause it has the pass on and everything I thought the person who had hacked had changed this pass. Anyway I was on angelfire last night trying out my old passes turned out that it was still my password, just I had forgotten it :p Talk about Stooooopid!! Anywayz as I was saying about the site yea I just got on but I dont think I really need to do a lot to it, just delete the odd pictures which aint working and add a few more little bits a pieces on. Im actually working on a new layout for the webby, cause my brothers got a new computer I would use to make my layouts on that but hes got a new one now and hes leant the disk with the layout making program to his mate so might be a lil while yet! This one I just quickly used from my old rps, the picture in the middle is shit I know lol but I only got paint on this computer to make it on cause its mashed and dont install anything! Pah! Well thats about it really so enjoy!
Finally, my brother has his new computer, only just made this new layout picture and yes i know my old picture had Helmsley spelt wrong... my mistake. Anyways aint got that long so hope ya all have a merry crimbo.
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