"Sara, can you hear me? Say something if you can." the doctor asks her while the EMTs slip a brace over her her head to support her neck.
"....something..." Sara mutters as she lies still on the stretcher.
The doctor smiles at the response and flashes a light in Sara's eyes while the EMTs take her blood pressure, "Good girl, at least we know you hear us. How bout seeing, how many fingers?"
The doctor holds his hand over Sara's face so she can see it, holding up three fingers, "....three...but it looks like six..." Sara tells him.
The doctor nods, "Probably concussed. It'll go away soon, I'm worried about your neck though, can you move your toes for me Sara?" he says as he slides Sara's right boot off her foot.
Sara's toes wiggle, and before the doctor can say anything Sara moves her arm and her fingers.
"Awesome Sara, awesome, how does your neck feel?" he asks her.
"...it's stiff...stiff as hell." Sara tells him, "...and it tingles when I moved my arms and legs."
"Probably some nerve damage, maybe a pinched nerve, but I wouldn't be entirely concerned with it. You should be fine, we're going to take you to a hospital anyway though to give you a CAT scan." the doctor tells her as the EMTs begin to load her in the back of the ambulance. The group of onlookers watch with concern as the doors of the ambulance doors close, leaving Sara alone in the back, while the two EMTs climb into the front seats. The head and neck restraints make it so Sara can't move her head, but she can hear the back door of the ambulance open and someone step up and into it. The other person sits down on the bench and leans over Sara so she can see them.
"You o.k. Sary?" The voice of Sara's stepsister gives her away. Sara's eyes adjust as she tries to focus enough to make out Jane's face.
"Janey? What are you doing here?" Sara asks her.
"You didn't think RWA could come to Charlotte, and I wouldn't be backstage would you?" Jane tells her stepsister.
"I guess not, I forgot you where down here. Hows school?" Sara asks, casually.
"Sara, thats not important. " Jane tells her stepsister, "You need just lay back right now. You fell hella far. Hell, I haven't seen anyone take a bump like that since seeing the clip of Becky from Fall Out back in the day, or Dad at Sands of Time."
Of course, I'm talking about mom. And the match I'm talking about, was the first Clash of the Champions. She was in it on a technicality, because at the time she hadn't wrestled men. She had strictly stuck to the Women's division, and she used the fact that she held the Women's Title to get into the match. She was so close to pulling off the upset until XCW Founder Kevin showed up, and pushed the ladder over, and she came crashing down to the arena floor. With it, the identity of Ice that everyone come to love was born. People were outraged, and stunned, to see a young woman plummet like that had people questioning if XCW had gone too far. But Mom, she loved it. After only a week on the sideline, she was back, and she wasn't a woman wrestler anymore, she was just a wrestler, and so began the legendary, path paving career. 20 years later, on RWA Treason, it was my turn to take the fall. Not at the hands of a nervous employer who didn't want a woman to be his first World Champion. But at the hands of Johnny A.M., who was just defending his RWA T.V. Title. I had always watched that clip, with wonderment, and thought about what mom might have really been thinking, and feeling as she free fell onto the ground. And now, I have experienced it for myself. As I was being loaded onto the stretcher, and I heard the bell ringing, all I could think about was that highlight of mom falling. I now knew exactly what thoughts were going through her head, and what she felt when she made impact. I didn't even notice that my face was drenched in blood, and that it hurt to move my legs. I finally understood what it was that made mom become the woman I could only dream to be. Because after that night, she was a crusader. She was possessed by the thought of that title, and the fact that she could have, would have, and should have been the first to hold it. Does anyone even remember who the first XCW Champion was? I do. I bet if I said that person's name, I'd either get a bunch of blank stares, or people would immediately think of a comic book. It would have been different if mom had won the title that night.
The scene opens up at Carolinas Medical Center in downtown Charlotte. Sara is starting to wake up after having spent the previous night under observation at the hospital. She's wearing a soft neck brace, and stitches along the top of her forehead. The sun peeks into the room, and it causes Sara to stir. In the room is her step-sister Jane, who greets Sara as she opens her eyes...
"Hey, how you feeling?" Jane asks.
"A little woozy, but I think I'm alright. There isn't two of you anymore like there was last night." Sara tells Jane, who smiles.
"Thats good. Dad has been calling me like crazy. He says he's on his way down. You know he's going to have a lot to say." Jane tells Sara.
"Yea, I figure he would." Sara says with a sigh.
The two sisters are interrupted by the door too the room opening, and the RWA doctor stepping in. He smiles at Sara, holding a clipboard.
"Good morning ladies, I have some good news to bear, and some bad news." the doctor begins, "First, the good news. Sara, all CAT scans came back negative on any kind of long lasting damage. Just a concussion, and what looks like a pinched nerve in your neck, are you still feeling tingly in your arms and legs?" "A little."
"It'll be that way for a bit. But hopefully it'll go away with time, which is why we only have a soft neck brace on you. You'll be set to wrestle again on Explosion...now the other news. Ladies, your Uncle Nate, he's not doing to good."
"What? What happened?"
"Did I miss something?"
"Yea, last night while you two were on your way here, his match had a bit of a...mishap. He's two floors down in the ICU, in a coma. Right now they're watching him, he's stable, but critical. I'm sorry. But Sara, you should be good to go in a few hours, and you both can head down there and see him. I'll leave you both alone."
With that the doctor leaves the room, and the two sisters look at each other with shock in their eyes. Jane gets up and starts to pace around, and Sara slowly lifts herself up off the bed.
"Oh my god, I forgot he was wrestling, I just saw you take the bump, and...and..."
"Jane, calm down. He's going to be o.k. Just let me change and we'll go see him, I'm sure he'll come too soon..."
Well, here we go again with the back to back double duty. SFT, and RWA/CWF. This Friday night though, it doesn't seem like a problem. Nate's not going to be showing up anytime soon. And I'm not in the best shape either.
No, I'm going to need the time to rest for Saturday's show. CWF Xplosion. I'm going to be going into this match feeling about as low as I can. I just let the T.V. Title slip out of my hands again, physically I'm a wreck, and the man I've always thought of as my Uncle is struggling for his life.
And I get the current Hardcore Champion in the first round of the CWF Title Tournament. I'd be lying if I said my mind was 100% on this match, and Shane Clemmens isn't someone you don't want to be distracted against. I mean, Shane is a great athlete, and going one on one against him is like....wait...I'm not going one on one against Clemmens? Who else in this match? Dameon? Shit, thats not a problem. Whats he going to do? Nothing. Just like the last two times I faced him. He'll say the same damn thing he said last time, and I'll just have to point out how stupid and thoughtless he is when he speaks.