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The scene opens the next day, at the household of Johnny A.M. We see Sara, who is sleeping on the couch while she stays with Johnny and his family.
It's early in the morning, and we see Johnny's small daughter Jessica walk over to where Sara is sleeping. She goes over to the end table, and grabs the t.v. remote control. She turns on the t.v., and quickly turns the channel to the Cartoon Network. She walks up to the t.v., and sits down right directly in front of it, and turns the volume up. The rise in volume is enough to cause Sara to stir as she rubs her eyes. She reaches over the end of the couch, onto the end table, finding her cell phone. She presses a button on the side, and it lights up saying 6:21 A.M. Sara sighs, and turns on her side, looking at Jessica sitting on the floor in front of her.
"Hey, kiddo, can you turn the volume down just a little bit? Sara is very tired still." Sara asks Jessica, who ignores her. Sara sighs as she rolls back onto her back, and covers her face with her pillow trying to block out the noise of cartoons. Jessica laughs at something on the t.v. screen, and Sara growls.
"You don't have much experience with kids do you?" says the sound of Johnny A.M.'s voice over the loud television.
Sara removes the pillow, and sees Johnny now holding Jessica over her shoulder.
"Come on Jessica, lets watch cartoons in the basement today, so that Sara can sleep." he tells his daughter, as they leave the room. Sara lets out a sigh of relief, and grabs the remote, turning the television.
Sara isn't given much more time to sleep after that though, as only a couple hours later, Johnny returns to the room, shaking Sara awake.
"Hey, wake up. We have some unfinished business to attend to." he says waking Sara up. Sara grumbles a bit, before sitting up, and rubbing her eyes. Johnny holds out his palm with a nickel in it. "Lets finish this the easy way. Heads you keep the title, tails, I take it. Hows that?"
"Isn't it supposed to be a quarter?" Sara says still half asleep.
"This was the first coin I found, it'll work. Ok...here we go." Johnny tosses the coin, and it lands on the floor. Sara leans over the edge of the couch to look at it, and sees that heads is up.
"Damn it." Sara says disappointed.
"Well, I guess thats that." Johnny says, bending over to get the nickel. Sara though scoops it up before he can get it, and flips it over.
"HA! I knew it! I knew there was a reason you decided to flip a nickel!" Sara shouts, revealing that the nickel is double headed.
"Damn it! Why do you want to lose the title so bad anyway? It's a decent belt." Johnny says as he snatches the nickel back from Sara's hand.
"Because, I'm having to carry two equipment bags everywhere I go. One for just title belts, and one for my actual gear. And I'd like to have some room for when I win back the SFT Title from Kyle Murphy. You know how much of a bitch it is to get a bag full of gold title belts through customs?" Sara says to Johnny.
"What makes you think you're going to get a SFT Title shot again soon?" Johnny asks.
"Because, who else actually has been putting the effort towards getting that title?" Sara says to Johnny.
"Well, do you really want to give up that I.C. title before you even got a shot at the World Title?" Johnny asks.
"Kinda. I mean, I guess. I mean, it feels wrong to just give up a belt, but if I'm defending this title, I don't know when I'm going to get a shot at the World Title." Sara says to Johnny.
"Why do we just do this then. Rock, paper, scissors. Winner decides who takes the belt on Friday?" Johnny asks.
"Ok, that sound fair." Sara says to Johnny.
Sara and Johnny both throw there hands out, rock.
"Lets try that again. 1..."
Sara and Johnny both throw there hands out, scissors. They both sigh.
"What if we really have to determine this in ring?" Sara asks Johnny.
"We'll think of something Sara. Don't worry. Just try again."
Again they try. And again they throw the same thing. They look at each other, and chuckle a bit.
"Johnny, this isn't gonna work. I guess we're just going to have to do this on Friday." Sara says to Johnny.
"Maybe we will. Oh well....want to go get some Ice Cream with me and Jessica?"
"Um...Johnny, it's 9 AM." Sara says, looking at her phone.
"Yea, but she asked, and she's been good lately, so I'm gonna take her. Come on, lets go." Johnny says, putting the blanket off of Sara, exposing the fact that she's slipped her jeans off during the night and she's only wearing her panties underneath.
"Jesus christ Johnny!" Sara screams at him grabbing the blanket back, and trying frantically to slide her pants back on underneath it.
"Oh crap, sorry Sara, I didn't know." Johnny says embarrassed.
Sara sighs, "Its alright, I shouldn't have taken em off. I probably was half asleep when I did. Anyway...yea...uh...I guess I will go get some Ice Cream." Sara says as she sits up, now fully clothed.
The scene opens up again with Sara, Johnny, and Johnny's Daughter Jessica at a Baskin Robbins. Johnny wipes Jessica's face clean, as much like a three year old, more of the ice cream has ended up on her face then in her mouth. Sara suddenly gets an idea.
"How bout this Johnny. Banana Split eating contest. We both get banana splits, and the first to finish theirs chooses who gets the I.C. title?" she suggest.
"Eh, I don't know. I don't want to give Jessica any ideas...besides...brain freezes suck." Johnny answers.
"Oh come on." she protest.
"Alright, alright, lets do it...but only if you buy the banana splits." Johnny answers.
Fast forward five minutes, and Sara brings a couple of banana splits to the table. She sets on down in front of Johnny, and then sits down the across the table. Johnny looks at his, and picks up the pink plastic spoon, and looks across at Sara.
"You're going down, little girl." Johnny tells her.
"We'll see about that." she tells him, "Ready, set, go!"
Sara starts to eat her banana split, and Johnny protest.
"Hey I wasn't ready!" Johnny says, before starting himself, trying to catch up.
Sara is quick to eat the ice cream covered in pineapple sauce, as she love pineapple, then moves to one of the bananas. Johnny just dives in though and takes massive bites of ice cream. He sees that Sara is ahead of him still, and tries to psyche her out.
"I've seen London, I've seen France, I've seen Sara's underpants!" Johnny says with his mouth full of ice cream.
"Real mature Johnny." she tells him.
"About as mature as a Banana Split eating contest?" Johnny says with his mouth still full of ice cream.
About three minutes go by, and both Johnny and Sara are one bite away from being done. But both are heads down on the table, holding their foreheads from the intense ice cream head aches.
"Great idea Sara!" shouts in agony.
"Does this mean you give up?" Sara asks, not even looking up.
"NEVER!" Johnny shouts. He lifts up the spoon, and tries to bring it too his mouth, but can't. Suddenly he gets an idea. Jessica has been watching both 'Grown ups' the whole time. And Johnny smiles with his idea. He hands the last spoon of ice cream to Jessica, seeing that Sara still hasn't looked up, and Jessica sticks the spoon in her mouth. Sara looks up in time to see her pull the spoon out of her mouth.
"CHEATER! I win via DQ, outside interference!" Sara says, still holding her head.
"What? No no, I ate the ice cream, she just wanted to lick the spoon, I swear." Johnny tells her.
"...Whatever, this is stupid...I'm tired of all these competitions." Sara says, sitting up again, but still head aching.
"Yea, screw it. Lets just have a match on Friday, and the best person win?" Johnny tells her.
"Sounds good." Sara says, standing up, "I'm gonna go get some water, try and get this headache to go away."
"Bring me some too, will ya?" Johnny asks her as she walks away from the table.