Sara Pettis | "Running on Empty" |

The scene opens in Ozone Park, still at the Schorg house. It opens downstairs at the breakfast table, where Sara Pettis is seen eating a bowl of frosted mini-wheats. She looks up as she hears a pair of foot steps coming towards the kitchen. She reaches up to her neck and takes off the brace, tossing it into the corner where her stuff is piled up, waiting to hit the road again. She goes back to eating her cereal as her younger brothers enter the kitchen. Chris is wearing typical attire of a 16 year old High School student, Ricky is wearing his football jersey, as he does have a game that night.

"Morning Sis." Chris says, noticing the neck brace in the corner, "I figured you'd be back on the road by now. Aren't you wrestling Kyle Murphy tonight?"

Sara chews her cereal, but nods.

"Damn, you're wrestling Kyle Murphy? Thats awesome! Thats like, wrestling Dad." Ricky says, as he puts pouch of pop-tarts into the toaster.

"Yea, well, you's gonna be great." Sara says as she takes her bowl to the sink and starts to rinse it out.

"Real eloquent Sis." Ricky says, mocking Sara.

"Pop-tarts are burning." Sara says, as smoke starts to billow out of the toaster.

"Wha? Oh shit...shit.." Ricky pops them out of the toaster.

"Did you ever call Jordan, find out what he was talking about?" Chris asks his sister.

"No, I've been too busy. I don't really feel like dealing with him. I spend enough time dealing with assholes."

"Hey, Jordan isn't that bad. He was a linebacker coach during Summer practices."

"Rick...never mind. Why don't you just eat your blackened Pop-Tarts?"

"I think I will." Ricky says as he takes his Pop-Tarts, and walks out of the kitchen.

"Thanks for not telling him Chris. I appreciate it." Sara tells her other younger brother.

"Yea, well, he's got enough to worry about without having what you're doing in the back of his mind."

"Well, I'm sorry Chris. I don't know why it bothers everyone else so much. It's my neck."

"Just don't end up cripple because of this, ok? Rick and I have to go, good luck this weekend, let us know how you do."

"You mean you're not going to watch the match?"

"Nah, I'm going to Rick's game tonight. But I'll probably watch Xplosion tomorrow. Just....don't do anything stupid, alright. See ya later." With that Chris leaves the kitchen, leaving his older sister alone. She grabs the neck brace, and puts it back on. She washes her dishes, and puts them back, and starts to take her things out too her car.

Sara notices it pull in behind her car, and looks up too see who it is. Its someone we've never seen before, and Sara sighs. The car shuts off, and out of the driver's side steps a young, light skinned black man wearing a Rutgers University hoodie. Sara just folds her arms across her chest as he steps up to her.

"Well, you are back in town. Hows it going girl?" He says putting his arms out like he wants a hug.

"Yea, and I'm about to leave Jordan." Sara says, refusing to hug him.

"Aww...Come on Sara, you don't miss me?" He says, putting his arms around her.

"Jordan, just leave me alone." Sara says, pushing him off of her, "We've been over for almost a year. Just leave me alone."

"What, you're not even gonna talk about that picture I sent to RWA? I bet you regret that one." He says, smiling, pulling out his phone.

"Picture? What picture, everyone has been talking about some picture. What did you send to RWA?"

Jordan smiles, and turns around the phone to show Sara the screen. Sara's jaw drops.

"You didn't? You still have that?"

"I've had it for the past two years." He smiles.

"Jordan! How could you? Why did you do that?!"

"Because, I spent my best years waiting for you to be 'ready', and you just keep leading me on girl. So I'm going to make you pay for it."

"Jordan, you realize what this could do too my career? You're ruining my life because I wouldn't have sex with you? What the hell is the matter with you?"

"Well, you know what, I guess thats what you get for being such a stuck up bitch. I just wanted to stop by, and say that when I heard you were back. Have a nice life Sara." Jordan smiles, and walks back to his car, he smiles at Sara again, who just glares at him, "Watch yourself with that neck too." he adds opening his driver side door. He starts his car up, and begins to back out of the driveway, leaving Sara standing there, with her emotions mixed.

I have to be honest with you Rayn. I'm getting to the end of my rope. I'm just running on fumes right now. Emotionally, physically. It's no one's fault but mine, I'm the one who tries to push myself so hard. I'm the one that put myself into the situation with my neck.

Its not your fault that I'm double booked this weekend. It's not anyone's fault. Who could've guessed that I'd be wrestling in the finals of this tournament the same weekend I'd be wrestling for the SFT Title. Heck, I had no idea I was going to get the SFT Title shot this weekend.

It just keeps draining on me. Maybe you're right, maybe I am soft. I mean, here I am, almost conceiting this match away. Here I am, pretty much admitting that I'm tired, and drained from pushing myself so hard. Who else does that? Who else would actually admit to it. I don't even have the will to put on a tough face, and talk about how I won't let things get too me.

But I have to admit too you Rayn. Even though I love SFT so much, and would love to hold the SFT Title again. I feel like I'd be so much more content to win the CWF Title this weekend. I don't know if it's because I've been there, and done that in SFT already. Part me looks at CWF, and says thats where I belong. Part of it has to be because, unlike SFT which is where my parents raised me, and made their own marks, or RWA which is littered with the talent they fought along with during those days. CWF I can just be myself maybe. Maybe by making a name for myself in CWF will be like leaving home, and going out on my own.

Rayn, I appreciate the fact that you've been respectful this week. I'd rather have nothing more then just continue this back and forth that we've been doing, and just have it continue on, and on, and on. But it must end right now. No more words, just actions. Just what happens in that ring. We've done it, we've laid the foundation of CWF. We've put the ground work in place to make CWF strong, maybe even stronger then RWA, which is supposed to be it's parent.

For three weeks, people have been wondering if CWF would sink or float. And in that time, the drop off of everyone else has been staggering. I can't explain it, but I can only contribute it too the fact that we've been able to spark something. And you've been able to spark something in me. Before, I was just going through the motions. I went through the motions with Dameon and Clemmens, and I went through the motions with Dave Van Dam. Something about you though, has sparked me, snapped everything back into focus. If it wasn't for the match in SFT, draining as much out of me as it has, we could only imagine what it'd be like going into the ring on Saturday. If my neck wasn't sore, and stiff, we could only imagine what kind of things would happen in that ring once Saturday gets here. But I feel like I still have enough in me to have a match to be remembered for years. The question remains though. Do I have enough to actually win the match? I can't answer that. And when that happens, it opens the door for disappointment. Having doubt is the worse thing that someone in this business can have. And I'm not one to lie. I'm full of doubt. But I'm confident I can win. I can achieve this dream this weekend. I can do the impossible. No one will believe me. Hell, I have trouble believing me. But I can do it.

I'm so drained Rayn, I'm wondering if everything I've said has just been delusional. Does it even make any sense? I don't know. All I know is that it's getting closer to crunch time. And here I am, back too talking in circles. Maybe it's time for me to just stop talking, and look towards Saturday night. So thats what I'm going to do.

Am I ready to play a game Rayn? I ready to wrestle two title matches in 24 hours? Yes.
