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People have been saying I have no place in the SFT Title match. I haven't paid my dues to this business, or more importantly, this company yet. But SFT has meant more then anything to me, and I'm sure it means more to me, then it does to Havoc.
What has SFT meant to me in my life? It's pretty much been the center of my universe. I don't mean I've been obsessed with it. But the fact of the matter is, I've grown up in the SFT locker room, I've grown up in the hotels following the SFT shows, and I've grown up idolizing the SFT legends.
The SFT Title, has seen the waist of some of wrestlings greatest. DVD, Mad Dogg, Connor MacDaddy, ICON, Nirvana, Havoc, Christan Cage, and Aj Nin Red Rum. People who have really worked, and bleed, and gave their all for this company. Its also been held by some, more questionable names. Like Venom, Rayn, and Ray Cross. People who were just in right place, at the right time, and had their moment with the belt. And then there are those controversial champions. People like Shawn Walsh, Brandi James, and Aidan Morag. The people who never really cared about SFT, as much as the personal glory that came with being the SFT Champion. We look at all these names, and each one evokes an emotion from everyone involved in SFT. The fans, the wrestlers, and the staff. But each one added to the legacy that is the SFT World Heavyweight Championship. All I've ever wanted, was a chance to add to that legacy.
The SFT Title also carries with it the legacy of my mother. Because it carries the legacy of the XCW Heavyweight Championship. It carries the legacy of my father, because it carries the legacy of the SFW Heavyweight Championship. It's the only other thing on this planet that knows the weight of that legacy on it's shoulders. But luckily for it, it'll never have to answer to those that claim it lives off of that legacy. For it also carries its own legacy. And that is something I have always wanted. Winning the SFT Title is the only way to be able to start my own legacy in this company. And that is why I decided to make my SFT debut in the Lethal Lottery. People think it's because I just want the title, and then walk away from the organization. But in reality, it's my best chance to start off with my own legacy, and not have to be Ice and Amp's daughter until I win it. If I can win the SFT Title right now, people will be able to look at me, and know that I'm not just here because of my last name. But because of my natural ability. I don't want to have to live in the past. And by winning the SFT Title now, it'll make it so that the past doesn't have to follow me throughout my journey to the title.
But until then, the past will continue to follow me. And this is where the story will begin. People talk about what XCW and SFW were. And they speak of those times like it's something that'll never happen again. People ask me about XCW, and too be honest, I can't even tell you anything about it. I was just a baby when XCW existed. The only things I have to go by when it comes to XCW are the stories I've been told, by the people who got to experience it. But sometimes, I feel like just from those stories, I know how the people involved felt about it. XCW was not perfect, but the fact is, people had fun in it. There were very few people, at least that I have ever talked too, that can talk about XCW without smiling. The money wasn't the best they always say, but it was a time in their careers they say it didn't feel like they were just working. Like it wasn't about the paycheck. I wish I could've been old enough to experience that for myself. To have been able to stand backstage, and see all of those people who I grew up to love like my family when they were younger, and happier.
People ask me about the merger, and again, I'm far too young to remember that night. Mom always talked about it like it was the end of an era, but the beginning of something different. Not bad, but different. The money got better, but the demands of the job got harder. And the guys from XCW who weren't ready for it fell hard and fast, and many have never been seen again. Mom was lucky, she was on leave at the time of the merger. She was still on leave from having me. She was guaranteed a place on the roster when she was ready to come back, and it was a very good spot too. The XCW and SFW Intercontinental Championships had just been merged, and Hardcore Jack, the SFW IC Champion going into the match defeated Superstar Deluxe, who was representing XCW. But the fans of SFT weren't letting Jack over, and when Mom returned, won the SFT I.C. Title with ease. I've seen the match many times, and it was one of mom's best performances.
She even had a chance to win the XCW Title against Dave Steel, before the titles were merged into one. Again, I have seen this match, and again, it's one of the greatest performances, if not the greatest performance of mom's career. She didn't win that night, but I know she was more proud of that night then any other when she talked about her days, post merger. Even with her nose broken, and bleeding uncontrollably, she took Dave Steel to his limit, and ran out just before him.
But this was the night, my legacy in SFT began. On this night, Andrew Mitchell Pettis, the brother of one of SFT's founders, Michael Pettis, told the world about what he had done with mom, many months before when XCW was still in existence. On Friday Night Inferno, the name Sara Pettis first appeared in SFT. And at the time, I hadn't even begun to crawl....
The scene opens in Brooklyn, New York, at CCWA&ICE. Sara and Kotomi Pettis are emptying out Sara's things from what used to be her office. Outside of the office, Rico Smith and Dan Lloyd stand, with their hands in their pockets, and looking down towards the ground. Sara sighs as she and her cousin carry the two boxes out before closing the door behind them. Rico looks up at Sara, and just shakes his head before walking away, without saying anything. Dan looks at her, and smiles.
"You haven't done anything wrong Sara. You're 110% right. Don't let Nate get you down." Dan tells her.
Sara just smiles back, "I know Dan. But I can't help it. I can't stay now. Maybe it's for the best." Sara tells him as she sets her box down, and reaches into her pocket, "Heres the key, I don't want to have to put it in the administration office if I don't have too." she tells him placing her hand on his, handing the key to him.
"You know you can come back whenever you want. Nate may think this place belongs solely to him, but it doesn't. But whatever you do, just stay true to yourself, and you'll be fine." Dan tells her, putting his arms around her.
"Thanks Dan, I really appreciate it you believing in me." she says responding with a hug of her own.
The two break their embrace, and Sara picks her things up again. She begins to leave the academy, Kotomi following her. She looks in the eyes of her class mates, Joey Sagers, Jack Owens, Chase Hollywood, Joanna Sparks, and Rampage as she walks past them on the way out. Each one giving her a look of support, but not saying anything out loud. Sara just smiles at them, knowing that this isn't the last time she will see them.
As the two Pettises reach the outside. Sara notices a man with sunglasses leaning on her car. She looks at Kotomi, and both feel a chill run down their spine. It's Sara's father, AMP. He's smiling, and holding a video tape in his hand. He sees them leave the building and looks at them over the top of the lenses of his glasses. He waves, and Sara sighs.
"Should we go back inside?" Kotomi asks her cousin.
"No." Sara tells Kotomi, slightly forcefully before walking towards her car without saying anything more. Kotomi mutters a few things in Japanese as she follows Sara.
AMP doesn't even let them reach the car before speaking, "Hey, if it isn't my baby girl, and lovely niece!" he shouts. He walks up to Sara and tries to embrace her in someway, but Sara just keeps walking, not letting him touch her, "Now thats cold kiddo, real cold."
Sara doesn't respond. She just gets to her car, and places the box she's carrying on the hood before reaching into her pocket and pulling out a her keys to pop the trunk. As she goes to pick up the box again, AMP puts himself between her and her things, "Hey now, why don't you let dear old dad take care of that for ya kiddo? Here, hold this." he says with a smiling holding out the video tape. Sara just looks at him, and sighs, taking the tape. AMP smiles back, picking up the box, and taking it around to the back of Sara's car, and placing it in the trunk, "Hey, Kotomi, why don't you let me take that one from you too?" he says, snatching the box from Kotomi before she can answer and causing it to drop to the concrete with a crunch sound. Sara and Kotomi cringe at the noise, and AMP chuckles, "Opps, sorry kiddo, hope that wasn't anything important."
Sara picks up the box, pushing AMP away in the meantime while doing so, shoving the tape into his chest, "Whats your problem?" she asks him.
"Gee kid, I'm sorry. I just wanted to help. I totally didn't mean to do that. But I'm going to let the attitude slide, you might be having 'female problems' and I know how your mother was at that time, so I should probably expect you to be the same." he says backing up a bit.
Sara doesn't respond to the remark, she just takes her things to the trunk and puts them in, "What do you want then?" she asks, slamming the deck lid of the car down.
"Well, I have two reasons...three actually. First, I just wanted to see my daughter and my niece...I mean, Kotomi, it's been so long, and look at you...you look...just great. Obviously the Pettis looks found its way to one of you at least."
Kotomi doesn't respond. She just blushes and tries to hide her face with her hair. She almost runs to the passenger door, opening it and climbing in quickly.
"Whats her problem?" AMP asks Sara, "It's like she's never gotten a compliment before."
Sara just fold her arms across her chest, and glares at AMP.
"Fine, fine. I'll get to the real reasons I'm here." AMP tells Sara, throwing his arm around her and pulling her in close, "I wanted to congratulate you kiddo. SFT Tag Team Championship is yours already. And a shot at the SFT World Title. Man thats awesome, and all you had to do was break your....*ahem* 'Uncle' Nate's heart and destroy his dream. I'm damn proud of you kid. You're a real Pettis, a heart breaker, and a life taker." He says with a smile.
"Fuck you. I'm not like that." Sara tells him, "I don't enjoy making others feel miserable. Especially someone who's only ever been a friend to me, like Nate."
"Don't tell me you feel sorry for that little chump?" AMP looks at her surprised, "You have every right at that title shot, and you know if he had won, he wouldn't give a shit about you right now. Sara, we have to do something about all of that brain washing Becky and Will did. They overloaded you with......compassion, and to know the true Pettis inside you is trapped in that makes me sick to my stomach."
"There is no Pettis in me. It's only a name on a piece of paper. The only Pettis in me is the tainted blood in my veins."
"Yea...and in your tampon..." AMP mutters to himself.
"Go to hell asshole." Sara says walking away from him.
"Wait kiddo, wait..." AMP says getting her attention again, "I'm sorry, that was inappropriate. I'm just going to give you this, and go on my way, ok? But I want you to watch it.." AMP says, handing the tape to Sara again, "You've spent your whole life being force fed highlights of you mom, and your....*ahem* 'Dad.' I thought maybe you should see some highlights of your real old man, and his brother. Maybe deprogram you a little. Especially the first part, I bet you haven't seen that part before."
Sara looks at the tape, and sighs, opening the rear door on the driver's side of her car and tossing it in. AMP smiles, as Sara turns her back and opens the driver side door.
"If nothing else, at least the very first part. It's a real doozy!" AMP says as she closes the door, and starts the car up. She backs out of the parking spot. And AMP smiles and waves at the two in the car as Sara drives off. Kotomi looks in the rear view mirror as her Uncle gets smaller and smaller, waving at them as they pull away.
"What did he want, Sara-chan?" Kotomi asks Sara.
"Don't worry about it Kotomi. He's just being a typical Pettis asshole." Sara says just looking forward.
"Please Sara-chan, I know our family is not the most honorable, but it is still our family. Please show some respect." Kotomi asks Sara.
"I'm sorry Kotomi, I just...I don't know. Sometimes I wish mom had just named me Thompson or Schorg, and that I never even had to know he existed. I could be blissfully ignorant thinking I was Will's daughter...or just not knowing who my father was at all." Sara tells Kotomi.
"Yes, Sara-chan, I have felt that way too. But to not know would mean to have to not have a past. And if your mother had not named you Pettis, I would've never known you were my cousin, and never known that honorable Pettises aside myself existed." Kotomi tells Sara.
Friday Night Inferno, November 2nd, 1989 (OOC: Yes I know theres a date thing here...just go along with it ok? Or else Sara being old enough to wrestle doesn't work.)
Closing of Main Event, Ice vs. Dave Steel, XCW Championship
RW: There has to be some internal bleeding here for Dave. Now they are both bleeding badly. This is one hell of a match.
JC: If you ask me the match shoulda been stopped along time ago.
Ice picks Dave up and she kicks him in the stomach. She then hits him with a fire thunder driver!!!.
RW: Thats it! That has to be the end of this one!
JC: There is no way he can kick outta this one!
Ice gets the pin on Dave 1...2...KICK OUT!.
JC: Dave digging way way WAY down to find that one.
Ice gets up she is extremely puzzled trying to figure out what she has to do to put this one away. She waits for Dave to get up. He does and Ice sets up for a Northern Lights. But Dave reverse into THE BAD TRIP!!!.
JC: Now it has to be over!
Dave pins Ice and counts with the ref 1...2.......
RW: ONE, TWO, Is it enough?
JC: It's gotta be....
The ref slaps the mat the third time and calls for the bell. The ref raises Dave's arm but he is still out on the mat. Steel slowly climbs to his feet and grabs his XCW title. He raises it in the air as the fans cheer. Steel tries to collect himself then he helps Ice to her feet. Ice falls limply to the mat. Immediately Kabal is out at ring side. Dave Steel takes the XCW title and with all the strength left in his body lifts it into the air. Before collapsing to the mat himself. Kabal starts to lift Ice to her feet when suddenly "One Step Closer" by Linkin Park fills the arena.
RW: It's Amp? Whats his biz out here?
JC: Who knows...all I know is that we just saw a main event for the ages right here on Inferno. Ice vs. Dave Steel for the XCW Title. I can't believe we wasted such a great match for cable T.V. this was PPV caliber.
Amp walks out into the arena and he looks out at Kabal who is now carrying Ice's lifeless body.:.
Amp: Well well...what a match! I was on the edge of my seat the whole time! I mean my god! Back and forth...back and forth. What action! Look at them. Bleeding badly...all the energy sucked from their bodies. Look at her. Sleeping beauty isn't she? She looks so good when shes asleep like that. I mean I should know. Kabal you're little pea size brain probibly isn't registering this right now so I'm gonna be right to the point. Kabal I know the truth. I know all about the lie you are living. The lie she is living because of it. Kabal...did you think that I would never tell her...and everyone? It's too bad she's asleep as I say this...but she'll know soon. She see this clip...and it'll be burned into her memory for life. Kabal...I know that you are not Sara's father! How do I know that? It's easy...because...I AM!!!
JC: Whoa what the hell!?!?!
RW: Amp is the father of Ice's baby? I thought it was Kabal!
Amp: Thats right! You know how I know. Well a night before the XCW PPV in Febuary. I needed a place to stay. Not knowing anyone else...I called Ice and asked to crash with her for a night. She had obviously been drinking when she said yes...I'll admit...II took advantage of her while she was drunk. But Kabal...how does that differ from what you have done...and been doing for the past three months? It doesn't. I've said what I wanted to say Kabal...now I got to go catch a plane to Denver...see you when I get back!
Amp leaves the ring laughing as Kabal cries. Ice is still out cold and Dave is somewhat awake. Dave gets to his feet and comes up behind Kabal. He taps Kabal on the shoulder and Kabal turns around. Dave clocks Kabal with the XCW Title and Kabal goes down busted open. Dave rolls outta the ring and grabs Ice's IC title. He then goes back in and picks her up. He carries her outta the ring to a group of EMT's who strap Ice to a strecher and take her out of the arena followed by Dave who slowly limps back behind them. Meanwhile Kabal is still out in the ring. Steel suddenly stops on the ramp and looks back to the ring. He drops his title on the ramp and runs back down. He slides in the ring and looks at Kabal's fallen body for a split second. Steel quickly runs to the ropes and nails the Blades of Steel on Kabal. Dave then goes to grab his belt and Inferno begins to fade as Dave show boats on the ramp with his title.
Thats how my legacy in SFT began. I was doomed from that point on to just be another wrestler, trying to follow in the foot steps of their successful parent. At least until I did something worth recognition.
Following that night, mom was a wreck. She failed to show up at her next I.C. Title defense. And was stripped of the belt. She didn't reappear in SFT for several years after that.
Mind you, I was growing up completely unaware of the situation. My first memory that I have of my own, and not what someone has told me, is when mom went to Nathan's XCW as a staff member. It was during this time that mom and Will's relationship began to get serious. Pretty soon, Mom and I were living with Will and Jane, in Ozone Park. They weren't married yet, but I had begun to call Will daddy. Jane, Will's daughter from his first wife who passed away during the XCW days, soon became my big sister. And I was too young to realize it wasn't real. We live like any family. Jane and I would be treated by Will and Mom like we were related. Jane never called Mom, 'Mom', she was old enough to know better. But she never corrected me. One time I called Mom Becky after Jane had, and Mom softly explained to me that only Jane could call her that.
I remember when Mom did come back to SFT. I think I was about 5 or 6. About four months before, Mom had just given birth to my little brothers, Ricky and Chris, and just two months before that, Mom and Will got married, with me and Jane as co-flower girls.
Mom had been hinting at wanting to return to SFT after the twins were born. Will wasn't approving. After she got medical clearance, she signed a contract based on appearance and returned by beating Will. Their feud would last four months, with Mom winning the SFT T.V. Title. I remember holding that title, and traveling with mom, from hotel to hotel, and hanging out backstage with all of the talent. I remember Megan the Monster watching me while mom wrestled, and I once remember Shadow, sitting me on his lap, and telling me the story of Alice in Wonderland from heart. I remember running my hands over mom's T.V. Title belt, and wanting one of my own so badly. I remember going around the backstage, and playing with the XCW alumni that were still around. I remember all of it. I even remember seeing Will attack mom.
My worst memories, as far as SFT itself is concerned, is the memory of Sands of Time. I remember watching Mom and Will destroy each other, and I remember watching Will fall on the monitor backstage. I remember seeing mom and him get rushed to the hospital, and I remember being the hospital with Dan, waiting for mom to regain her bearings.
On the monitor, Jane and I had heard them say Will Schorg, Aj Nin Red Rum had died. We didn't realize it wasn't real at the time. We both thought our dad had died that night. Even when Mom explained to us that he was alright, but would be living in Japan for awhile to make money. She tried to continue wrestling with him gone, but soon realized it was impossible. She retired again to raise us...
Sara turns off the t.v., after seeing post match of her mother and Dave Steel's XCW Title Match. She's watching the tape on a T.V. in the basement of the Schorg house in Ozone Park, New York. Ever since AMP returned, Will was has been more accommodating to her. This is what AMP had cued up, and he was right, Sara had never seen it before this day. She had seen the match, but never seen any of the post match, as it always cut out after Dave Steel got the three count. She realizes after watching this a few things. First, when she was born, her mother had no idea who her father was. And if AMP had never said anything, she would've never been Sara Pettis. Also, she never knew of her mother's relationship with Dan Lloyd before this moment.
Suddenly a realization hits her like a ton of bricks. If AMP had truly not cared about her, he could've just stayed quite. Becky would've never known AMP was Sara's father, and Sara would've never had to know. She sits on the old couch, speechless. She had never known any of this until now, and with what she was told in the previous week, she can't help but feel like she has been lied too...by just about everyone.
She gets up from the couch, and walks over to a book shelf set up in the corner. It's full of old photo albums, and Sara picks one up from the old XCW days. She looks through them, the pictures of Will, much younger, with the long black hair, and white make up before going out for a match. Her mother, with her hair dyed raven black, and a skinny, almost brittle looking physique. And then, in one of the pictures, her mother, and her two fathers. It wasn't just of them, as JAM, AMP's old tag team partner from XCW was in the picture as well, but Sara focuses on the three of them. All three smiling ear to ear backstage at a XCW show. In fact, AMP has his arm around Becky's waist, while she has her arms wrapped around his chest. Sara had never realized this side of what happened with XCW. She never considered that at a time, AMP, her mother, and Will had all been friends. Sara takes the photo out of the book, and just stares at it, and thinks about all the ways her life could be different, even with the same parents....
It has come full circle. My partner from the first round, my opponent in the final round. A five time Strike Fantasy Towers Champion, and possibly when all is said and done, the man who will stand alone at the top, as the greatest in the history of SFT.
Havoc, its obvious what your intentions are with this tournament. You claim that padding your stats had nothing to do with it, but I have to ask you, why are you here then? You have RWA to conquer, why come back to a place where you've already done everything there is too do? I know you talked about how deserving of the SFT Title I am in our last match, but I wonder how sincere you really were. I wonder if those weren't just lines, you were hoping to feed to me, in order for me to let my guard down. I wonder this because, I do remember when I was little, how you used to be. Shawn Walsh in RWA is nothing compared to the ego, and power you wielded at one time in SFT. I know that people can change over time, and grow more mature. But again, it just comes back to me asking, why are you here? Why did you bother to join this tournament if you truly feel I deserve this title the most.
I'm sorry Havoc, but I am skeptical. Even if you were sincere last week, what were we really fighting for? Nothing more then a shot at the title. The Tag Titles meant nothing to either of us...and they still don't. Who cares about the tag titles, when the World Heavyweight Championship is dangling in front of you. I don't know, maybe you really do feel the way you said you did...but I have a feeling that will change the closer we get to go time. The SFT World Title isn't something you just let someone else take, even if you have held it five times.
I love SFT though Havoc. RWA may be my home right now, but SFT was my birthplace. I will always have an attachment to it. And the SFT World Title will always be my dream and goal. I love RWA too, but I can not deny what I feel for this place. How much I love this place. Even if I don't win this match, I will not turn my back on this organization. Not right now. Not ever. The Tag Titles alone are enough reason for me to stay around for awhile, and pull double duty.
But what does SFT mean to you? I mean, really dig down deep in your heart and answer that question. I ask that because, when it comes time for the Devil's Dance on the RWA side of the wall, which title are you going to cherish most if you win the LL, and the DD? The title you've held five times already, or the title you're trying to get for the first time? Unfortunately, the doorway to the Devil's Dance closed on me, but I'm not disappointed. It has allowed me to focus on this Friday, and realize, what my priorities really are. The SFT is my ultimate goal, and while the RWA title is on the list of accomplishments I hope to get at some point, but this is my ultimate, top of the chart, must do before I die thing. It'll kinda be disappointingly if I was to win SFT so early in my career, but I can live with that. Just to be able to be called a SFT Champion for rest of life will cure that disappointment.
Havoc, all I want to know is, what do you have to gain from this? Compared to me, nothing. This title, is the only way to get out of the shadows of AMP, Ice, and Aj Nin Red Rum, while wrestling here. You live in no one's shadow, and never will. Not in SFT. I will not live in those shadows anymore. Not after Friday. As of Saturday, my legacy in SFT will no longer be linked to the end of mom's match with Dave Steel. It'll be my own, to build and make as great as I can make it.