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1. You will be updated ASAP. (DON'T COMPLAIN)
2.Please be active at all times, if you are not active for 1 week u wil be getting a notice if you are still not active you will be banded. If you have to do somting please tell me so i can put you on away notice.
3.HAVE FUN!!!!!!! thats why we made this rpg.


1.Please do not pick a character that is not from a fighting game, cause we will not put you up.
2.You cannot have to characters is this rpg, if i find out you will be banded from this site.
3.Please role-paly your character example- if you are vegeta you are not going to be good and innocent you will be ruthless and bad.

Fighting Rules

1. To fight you have to IM somone or a chat and you haed it Your character V.S their charcater.
2.You can battle two ways one-Speed wich is when u type fouror less of your attacks and then you have to type ::hit:: befor the opponent types ::dodges:: or ::blocks::
3.Then there is the turn-based fighting wich is simpilly typing four or less attacks and you state your damge without typing ::hit:: after your attack.
4.When u win a battle you get 10 extra stat points ware you can then split into ur stats to get stronger.If you lose u get 5 extra stat points to split into ur stats.

If you have any Questions IM me SkyHawk9o or Dragonball298460.