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undefined Fans of the Von Erich's

Hi! Many of you are wondering what's happened to this site and to us. We've been keeping it up as a memory to the boys and it will always be in this space. We kept thinking we'd get time to work on it but the time has never cropped up, in fact we've only gotten busier. So for now there will be no regular updates. We will update things as we can get to them and it will be noted but otherwise, it will simply be a tribute site. Thank you to all the awesome fans of the Von Erich family that made this site possible!

Also from now on, you will only be able to access the site from it's angelfire address instead of the .com. Please update your bookmarks!

Have a great summer! :-D
Jenny & Connie

Updated December 8, 2003

The Von Erich's
Ms. Doris
Jack Jr.
Family Pictures

Fan Area
Wallpapers for desktops
Virtual Flowers
Odds and Ends
Lyrical Tributes
Message Board/Club

Paul London's Official Webpage
Fallen Angel Book Reviews
Author Hollie Davidson's Official Site
The Gravedigger's Official Webpage
Fire's Official Webpage

Email Webmasters

Webster’s defines “legend” as extremely well known; famous or renowned. We can sum it up in one name: Von Erich. No matter where you go in this wrestling world, chances are somebody has heard of the Von Erich clan. And many years after their rise to fame you still hear about them. We wanted to open our scrapbooks as well as our hearts to the fans of a family who gave their all so we could have the privilege of calling ourselves Von Erich fans. In these pages you’ll find stories, pictures, articles – whatever we could dig up about the Von Erich’s. There’s even a club that houses our new message board where you can do everything from reminiscing about the good ol’ days of wrestling to current events. So come on in, make yourselves at home and above all – have fun!

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We are strictly a fan site. We are not affiliated with Kevin Adkisson and/or any other member of the Von Erich/Adkisson family. The pictures that are not the property of the webmasters are used with permission from the owners. Those in possession of the webmasters were collected over time or bought off of eBay. The webmasters are NOT claiming to have a copyright of the pictures nor do they claim to be the sole proprietor of anything on the site unless noted. The webmasters are not receiving any monetary compensation from this site.
This site makes a message board available to its users. Please remember that any information disclosed in these areas becomes public information, and you should exercise caution when deciding to disclose your personal information.
If you have a lot of free time and want to read the full disclaimer, go here .

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