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Call of the Moon – A Tribute to Chris Von Erich

10-25-2003 -- Laura's been hard at work again by making 2 memorial pics and a birthday pic for Chris. You can find those in Contributions.

7-31-2003 -- 4 new pics in the Older Pics Gallery from Laura!

7-14-2003 -- 5 new pics in the contribution section and a little something at the bottom of this page!

Von Erich Main Page
Articles on Chris
Q&A with Chris
Native Prayer


That's hello in Cherokee. :-}

Thank you for stopping in to "Call of the Moon - An tribute to Chris Von Erich".

In the distance, a wolf answers the call of the moon with a long call of his own. Water rushes through the clearest of streams. The world is a peaceful, quiet place. But yet there is that constant pounding of a drum. Or is it? Perhaps it's the heartbeat of a young warrior stealing through the darkness, ready to do his tribe proud. That, is up to you to decide (since this isn't a story telling site!). This site, however, is dedicated to Chris Von Erich, the youngest warrior of the infamous Von Erich clan.

Please feel free to tool around the site as we celebrate the life of this young man who was a star in his own right. We hope you enjoy it as much as we've enjoyed making it.

***A little something special***

Many, if not all, of you remember Percy Pringle (or Paul Bearer as he was in the WWF/E). He's got a website which you can find HERE. On his site he does a question/answer section on the message board and somebody asked him about Chris. We decided to put his answer up here for all to see! :~) (The following of course is taken directly from his site and are the words of Mr. Percy Pringle)

Chris was a great kid. He loved indian artifacts. He enjoyed spending time alone in the woods of east Texas hunting, fishing. He had a big heart, much like his brother Kerry. He was very easy to like. He dreamed of walking in those Von Erich footsteps, unfortunately his feet never grew enough.