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WWCE Rules

Overall Guidelines
WWCE only excepts real wrestlers

Only one wrestler per person; exceptions will be made for certain situations (i.e. some tag teams)

Stables must include at LEAST three wrestlers. Three wrestlers, NOT three screennames!

Please tell the staff about any time you need off or vacation time. Also, and probably more importantly, please tell the staff about any problems you have in the fed. Whether it be a match you thought you should've won or a certain fed member or you quitting or free agency, we run this so talk to us. There is no need to post and complain all over the boards.

Don’t ask when a card will be up. If we say Tuesday, then check back on Tuesday. We will return the favor by not asking when your roleplay will be up.

The General Manager of Raw has all final decisions on the cards and results. Same thing with Smackdown, the GM has all final decisions on the cards and results.

The winners of the matches are NOT determined by the length of a roleplay. We take serious consideration into QUALITY and QUANTITY.

NO advertising of other feds please! NO tosing! Also, no complaining about losing a match!

Roleplay Guidelines
You must have at least 15 lines in each roleplay for it to count.

NO attacks or use of another person's wrestler in your roleplays without their consent. It’s a simple way out of roleplaying first off, plus, it doesn’t make for a good roleplay.

No sandbagging! You can NOT type up four roleplays and post them within an hour time span. Only your first roleplay will be counted.

We don't ban profanity but racial comments of any kind will NOT be tolerated.

It is pretty much a given that you should roleplay for every match you are put in. That’s why you joined the fed in the first place, isn’t it?!? Failure to do so will first result in a warning. A second time will result in a suspension and a third time will result in letting you go.

The most important rule of all...HAVE FUN! This isn't real life. It's a hobby to many of us and all in fun!