- F e b . 20 / 2 0 0 3 / "Free at last, Free at Last, Thank god oh mighty we are free at last."

Yes you can feel like saying that after being in , "in school" for 3 days straight.

What for? Oh I apparently started a fight between two guys. See I was talking to this guy at lunch and he said that he was going to beat the shizzy out of this other guy outside. He said that he was going to jump him onsite outside and whip his tail. Well being the GOOD guy I am. I think this guy that is going to get the beating should now somthin about it.

So, I go over to him and am like, hey your porbally going to get jumped when you go outside. Then I leave the situation. I swear to the lord thats all I said. Then after the 2 guys are done beating eachothers asses. I get pulled into the equations as to being the guy that started it all. What the fuck?

Somewhere the signals got crossed and it changed into Dustin and his buddies where going to jump the guy, I told that was going to jumped, if he didnt fight the guy that was going to beat his ass.

See children... the world is really fucked up. So fuck little 8th graders who want to be a part of everything and start gossip. lol.


- F e b . 4 / 2 0 0 3 / "My life, officially sucks..."

Ever have one of those days where you just piss people off?!

Yep.. You guessed it, I did the unholy deeds of pissing 7 people off today.. God, I'm just so tired of making people mad at me, I could go off a wall and flip.. I'm just tired of it.. First of all, a person(girl) I won't mention, seems pissed at me and we've been talking for three days.. Then another girl got pissed for no reason, then my queer ass history teacher, but frankly who cares.. And well a few others.. But the first girl, I don't know, we were trying to set some things up and I think I pissed her off, I'm confused..

I've just come to the conclusion that I was born without a sexual attraction gland or something, cause no one likes me.. I've gone most of my life without a girlfriend, and it's rediculous.. I was born without the ability to get a girlfriend and keep her, so I pretty much have no reason to try, I thought I was actually going to get a girlfriend until the odd stacked up and she had so many boys that wanted her that it was impossible to pick me over all of the others.. Screw it.. I'm through with girls.. Not going to guys but I'm through with girls..



- F e b . 4 / 2 0 0 3 / "Masturbation Lessons."

Man oh man.. I got detention today, because brandon, brian and a few others had to talk about masturbation, I laughed and it was called a class disturbance.. Good times..

On the other hand, "The Site" is doing a pretty good job, it's almost up. I really have nothing to post.. I want to say sup to a few people.. And Brandon, make sure you get to detention in the morning..

Later Guys..


- F e b . 4 / 2 0 0 3 / "Whoa, wait a minute? Ain't I supposed to be at school?"

I swear I was just lookin' at the glare of the sun.

Ok my mom was being a total bitch this morning. And we were ridin' on our way to school. When all of the sudden she pulls over the car and starts to yell at me.lol. I was like what the fuck? Then she said, "Don't stare at me like that you lil' Jackass." Then it dawns on me.

Ok you know when you look at the sun and see all those rings around it, and it looks like a worm? Well thats what I was doing. Then I was lookin' at it in the review window because it looked even cooler. I guess hers eyes where like right on mine or something. Because she said, "dont stare at me like that you lil' jackass you wanna go home?|?" I was like, shit. Hell yeah|| I do. I guess the eye glare I was givin' her was the skwinting of my eyes.lol.

Well now Im back at home. No school. haha. Stupid bitch, she thought I was lookin' at her. lol.


- F e b . 2 / 2 0 0 3 / "Denny's at 2"

Last Night was a long one.

I went to Denny's last night around 3 in the mornin'. Probally the funniest thing that really happened down there was the fact that my friend had bought a rootbeer ice cream float. And then after he was done this crazy guy (he had to be somewhat mental) that worked there was like, "Hey man I'll hook you up witha free one dogg. For real.." Of course he was like, "ok". And then afterwards they charged him for it. lol. That guy was a dumbass.

Moral of this story. Don't let a mental dumbass that works at Denny's in Altus, Oklahoma trick you. You will get screwed. lol.


- F e b . 1 / 2 0 0 3 / "Leet Online"

Man it's been a long time since I posted here so I guess I'll fill you in with the details.. Here it goes.. For the past few weeks I've been combining my efforts with Rage's and we've made a site.. What kind of site? Can't tell you.. First of all it's not finished.. Second of all, Leet would lose all of it's online users.. :).. But Anywayz..

LoL at Rage.. I'm in that same algebra class with him.. It's one of those types of classes where you look around and to your amazement, everyone is a whole lot fuckin' stupider than you.. You actually feel smart because feeling dumb in that class, well let's just put it like this, you might as well be retarted, or better yet, dead.. And then onto the Tatu song.. God I love lesbians.. Don't act like I'm the only one that does either.. Fact is, when you have two underaged ones kissing eachother on national tv, it makes me proud to be an american.. In other countries more than likely, you'd be shot..

On Rage's and I's site, We have almost all the links up, and when we finish combining, we'll post the link somewhere.. It's awesome so far.. Got pics up from Rage's Webcam.. Now as far as wrestling goes.. I think it sucks.. Vince McMahon is ruining the wWe.. The Rock stated in an interview, that I found by accident, that he is having a match with *cough* Goldberg *cough* and then his career in professional wrestling is over.. Suprise to me? No.. Not at all.. His punk ass is selling out by making movies when the real thing that made him was the wWe, he should be there.. As for Austin, No Way Out is a definate.. Vince is pleaing with Austin but Austin dosen't have to think twice, he's in..

School.. Ahhh.. My least favorite subject, and last of the night.. Two words.. Fuck school.. My American History teacher is a dizick.. He goes for the younger girls and then disses on whoever's not in football or is a man.. I don't care, I'd just love for him to say something to me that I don't like.. I can guaran-damn-tee it that he'll not like what I have to say.. But not talking big or anything.. :).. Well I really have notta to say after all that.. Although I have several weeks to catch up on, on Leet 3.0...

Later Guys..


- F e b . 1 / 2 0 0 3 / "Nasa and Haunted Shit"

Well Nasa fucked up again. There shuttle apparently blew up on its descent back home. That must suck. Finally getting back from space then *boom*. Huh, and to think they said nothing like that would happen again after Challenger.

Well anyways...

I went to a differnt haunted house last night out in the country. Not the one that I have been to with Brandon and James. No I went to a differnt one. It was pretty spookey to say the least. I went in first, so I pretty much just busted up in it actin like I wasnt scared but deep inside I was pissin' myself. Nothin really happened in there. But when I went past the stairs by myself I thought I heard a voice from upstairs. But I dont know if it was just someone around me or not. I guess I'll never know.

I dont think I would want to anyways... lol.


- J a n . 30 / 2 0 0 3 / well fuck me

You ever have days where you just feel like shit well today was one of those days not only mentally well just cause of dealing with stuff but physically cause I’m sick my eyes are all red and itchy and I look like one of the pot heads in my math class except my jaw doesn’t hang open like there’s I had to go to school today cause if I miss anymore I fail and get no credits its gay but my boss is awesome and let me go home and I took a nap and complained to someone who didn’t do crap to me for about two hours I’m such a dumbass I apologize Teresa I wasn’t acting like an ass to you to be mean but more to be stubborn.

Well Leet returned he finished a town which isn’t bad looking but man I laughed my ass off when I read the girls tag board that’s crazy what else is funny is that Dustin becomes blacker from one site to another hmm maybe its just me ill have to ask him about that one today English was awesome we had a free day free days are the coolest but I got in trouble it was still cool and umm other then that the day sucked hmm that’s kind of sad when you think about it the highlight of my day was English well this is no time to dwell on the past I did good on express yesterday I maked that mug ahhh yea line number eight is now my bitch Trevor got it today hope he does as good as I did speaking of him he needs to catch up with Michael I think Michael’s starting to get mad at me crap that sucks probably the big culture shock between us that or because I stole his car when he was fighting with Trevor at ole girl Michelle’s house hmmm but I gave it back just had to test drive it umm yea test drive it.

Philip needs to get his act together with this tyfanni girl cause she needs some love yea and p needs to solve his problems and make sure you two know what’s going on with each other yeap man I am stuck on this tatu song I don’t know if its cause there hot under age Russian lesbians or the music but this song is the bomb dude I’m addicted well I gotta go I just got a email out of pity man theres nothing that makes someone more ashamed then pity by the way cool taproot song for those of you who don’t know ill put up a link to the lyrics

see ya


- J a n . 30 / 2 0 0 3 / - back to da basic's

Its been a while since I posted somethin on here hasn't it? Well here I am. And here's my latest news..

Latley, I've been workin on other sites and helpin other people build on there sites. I finished a couple. They look aight. Pretty much that is the reason I havent been on here latley. I've been workin as the "internet bitch" for a couple days. lol.

Man school is tearin me up. Im really in the shitter right now, in grades. I really need to step up or else I think I might.... no leme shutup. lol.

I havent been home alot latley either. Ive been mostly around town gettin out of the house. Which I love to do now for some wierd reason... reason being, probally the female sex. If ya know whata mean. Speakin' of that topic, Ive got another dance to go to next week. Should be a bomb ass dance. I hope I can find someone fine there or somethan...

Well get back at ya'll later. _im out


- J a n . 28 / 2 0 0 3 / - shit its been a while

What am I posting again weird I know some folks aren’t use to the weekly updates but that’s why I’m here just to surprise you well big news as of tomorrow I get to do the express line wee which is like bagger heaven I hope it is a cool as I want it to be I’m still thinking about working in produce this bagging thing isn’t paying off enough but it will do till I get my license which I’m freaking scared of going to take I don’t know why but I am terrified damn ‘im such a bitch well let me get my tail out between my legs and work on it I came to a conclusion I become more and more aware of how big a dumbass I am everyday in reality its sad I don’t know why I do some of the stuff I do or like some of the people I like when I know damn well its not gonna happen well shit ill have to get over myself on this one well plans tomorrow wear the dang uniform I hate it get me express lane and see my rotc teacher preach it up of course it’s a all black church so I’m gonna feel all out of place but when it comes to the lord everyone is welcome so ill just pretend like I’m not all nervous and stuff hmm never been the minority might be interesting I think my mom mention the driving test but I’m so scared ill probably back out and if I do then Ill say nope never took it and if I fail ill say nope never took it I know it’s a lie but a man needs his pride well for the past ole boy dee came down he is truly one of my friends and it’s a shame we cant hang like we use to but heck anytime with dee is good times cant wait to see him this summer man what ever happened to JD shit that’s my dog I see him less then dee well Rachel got her car tagged of course thinks I did it but then again they wrote something about band soccer and too scared to fess up how lame I got screwed in the ass on this one well either way man where has Dustin been that boy has like disappeared strange man well I’m getting tired and its getting late so peace

I wanna rock and roll all night and party everyday.


- J a n . 26 / 2 0 0 3 / - shit its been a while

Dustin hasn’t posted lately so I decided I would make a post well my life in general I got my new computer and yes its fucking sweet for those of you who are wondering so I got my DSL but being a more of a computer user and online webmaster I don’t know shit about installing shit so I need some major help on that area when it comes to taking the tower apart fuck as for school passing everything but rotc go figure easiest class in the world and it’s the one I fail as for life still going to church when I’m not working I get express in a few days which is like bagger heaven lol I’m so damn lame.

As for personal lol I don’t wanna be your boy you got plenty of those I wanna be your man and I’m not into sharing I’m a all or nothing guy and if she reads this then she would know lol no I’m not crazy I’ve been cleared of all charges let see late news jentays birthday happy birthday enjoy your big fuzzy ball umm I drove my car but still no license such a dumb ass I am but I’m not bad drivers ed made me way better I use to suck at driving course I’ve been pulled over but its my headlights fault damn them.

I burned a cd today using a wav file I have mastered yet another comp use I seen Michelle she’s hot but that female is crazy by the way ole hotness herself Teresa’s ass is fat I’m gonna drop her off in Lincoln manner and let them tear that fat ass up lol Jenette is hot too so is Rachel but she wont admit but I’m gonna get me a list if it’s the last thing I do.

Congrats to james on the pin cant wait to return to amateur I’m starting to lose my pecs shit lol I’m starting to become mad dainty well I gotta sleep but I guess I should post more now and make pages for the site now that I own a computer hope ya don’t move Dustin we where starting to get krump lol.

As for all them folks who drank the hatoraid step off my nuts.


- J a n . 15 / 2 0 0 3 / - "What's been goin' down"

Homecomin' went good. I was nervous like a mug though. I think I almost fell walkin down the isle. lol. The danced sucked though. I had a bunch of gurls grabbin on me though, they all wanted me to dance wit um', go figure.

As for the edmond thing. I dont know whats going on about it now. I dont really care anymore though, lol. What ever happens, happens now. I could care less. But the past week and a few days of not updating has been because of nothing going on. lol. So I guess I'll have to get back at ya'll when somthan tight happens. Till that day. Im... out.


- J a n . 9 / 2 0 0 3 / - "Tommorow"

This is going to be a bust weekend for me. Im tell' ya. lol. I got a couple parties to go to this weekend and most likley get some again this week. But what the real big thing is.. is homecoming tommorow.

I gotta go escourt. And then go the dance with some from friends and do all that non-sence. Then when Im done being a fuckin sellout at Navajo I can go back to being my true Altus self and go party. :)

And get this... change in plans.. Now I might not be moving to OKC after, insted Ill be moving to Edmond, Ok. But either way it still sucks ass. lol. Well any get back to yall later on in the weekend to tell ya how everything went. Till then.. im out.


- J a n . 4 / 2 0 0 3 / - "This Sucks"

Well its 2:20 and I just got done from waking up at Brandon's house. I stayed out till' 5 or 6 in the mornin' last night, somethin like that. I was at this one gurls house with three other guys. There was another gurl there also, so you know only two guys got any action that night. lol.

Damn I just realized it is the 4th and we go back to school in like 2 days. Personally I cant wait to go back. Seeing these are probally going to be my last few days with all my friends.. I hope I get to at least stay a week or two longer down here. Moving is really gonna suck...


- J a n . 1 / 2 0 0 3 / - "New Year with alot of surprises . . ."

» » » Well first of all let me tell you al a happy new year if you happen to be reading this. I myself had a pretty good new year. Which consisted of going to a pretty much 20-29 year old range party and getting hit on. And gettin' drunk. The party I went to was crackalackin'. There were so many fine chicks I couldn't believe my eyes. At first I thought most of them where to old for me.. ya know? But then as the drinks kept comin' and the party started jumpin.. things started changin' and I started spittin game like yours truely can only do. lol. AfterwardZ... We went rollin'. And I dont remember the rest. To blurry for me to re-call. lol.

Well I pretty much know that this year is going to be a bitch if any other one wasn't already. The reason being is that I just found out that I might.. no will be moving to Oklahoma City in less than a month or two. Which really sucks. I dont think I will even be able to finish out the rest of this school year. I really really dont want to be a new kid again. I have been about 9 times (truthfully) in life already. And I really dont want to move away from everyone down here. I just know to many people down here and moving to OKC just doesnt seem like it should be happenin'. But why am I moving to OKC? It's because my mom found a new guy up there or something..(since she's been divorced for about 1 or 2 years) So she said that we are going to be going with her up there to live with a guy that will most likely be my new dad in the future... and we dont have a choice. Seeing my dad is activated in the Army right now. She said it was time that she stopping thinking about other people and started thinking about herself for once. Oh and my dad will be gone for another year or two. So I dont know what the future holds for me right now. But I know whatever it is... its gonna suck..


- D e c . 2 4 / 2 0 0 2 / - "A Little Christmas Poem From Leet and KoRn"

» » »

Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house, Everybody was stoned, even the mouse . . .

Man from the courthouse, and me from jail, I just settled down, to get a piece of her tail . . .

When all of a sudden, I heard such a clatter, I tripped on my dick, and busted my bladder . . .

I went downstairs, and what did i see?! A fat little red fagget, hangin from a tree . . .

He stuffed the stockings, with reefers and beer, And a big fat hairy dick, for the family queer . . .

Merry Christmas ^_^

- D e c . 2 2 / 2 0 0 2 / - "Getting Closer to X-Mas"

» » » Yes my friends only three mo' days till "present time" as I like to say. But for some reason I am missin' school right now. You see Im bored as hell all day and school is at least kinda not boring.. there is at least people to talk to and stuff. I hate sittin here at home... fifteen and all. I cant wait till I get a car, cant wait...

I should be driving this next summer. It will be tight as hell. Im gonna be big pimpin'. Well AnYwAyZ, enough about the future and more about what is goin down right now... which is practiclly nothin' but I'll tell ya anyways...

Last night I went on the Drag like I said I was going to in that post below this one... It was aight I guess. I was kinda drunk if you would want to call it that. This shit I dont know what it was... but is was pretty strong, I drank had me dazzed for a minute or two... but not that bad. Overall I guess I had a good night... I didnt see anyone to talk that I knew, Female wise. I was ridin with Devon, Supa, a Jeremy. I jacked this tight ass hat from a local Hastings store too. It has a big D on the front.. I guess for Dustin. lol. Well thats pretty much all for now.. get back to you on later news. Till then Im out...


- D e c . 2 1 / 2 0 0 2 / - "Big Break. And well needed"

» » » Well, its christmas break. And its saturday. Last night was friday and all I did pretty much was walk around altus and a couple of gurlz stopped to talk to us. But didn't give us a ride. I walked with this dude from Fredrick (supposed star of there footbal team.) and two other people. We walked around town doin nothin', just bein bored. We went. wigga knockin (as I like to say.) And nothin came from that either. So hopefully tonight Ill do somthin fun. Go ridin on the drag through town or somethin.

Christmas comes to fast for me now. Dang on 4 more days. Thats scary. But I know thing about this christmas... all my presents.. so a very merry boring x-mas to Dustin this year. Im gettin a x-box. I see it under the tree right now. Maybe that will help pass the time of my constant bordom.

Well till' next time I guess. I'll write ya'll later. Look for more updates on the site as the day goes by. ; )


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