only wise people shall click...
Aug.30, 2002

Ready for a Change . . .

I am. And its about damn time those buttons lived up to there names. So I'm workin' on leet 2.0 as we speak. It should be up soon. All I have to do now is put it all together. Oh lucky me. :)

screamed, 4:47 PM - Leet +

Aug.21, 2002

School Sucks . . .

Nah, just playin. Its aight. I'm getting used to the whole lets kiss Dustin's ass becuase he comes back to Navajo thing. (JP) No but really, it is alot of fun. Besides the fact that the Seniors are trying to run things like bitches. I think we just might have to put them on check mode soon. ; )

screamed, 9:45 PM - Leet +

Aug.16, 2002

First Tardy . . .

Now, tell me, how in the hell does a teacher give you a tardy slip on the first week of school. It's bullshit I tell you. Bullshit! Excuse my language and all, but Mrs. Rackley thanks, but no thanks.

Fourth Chapter Into Darkness, 3:35 PM - Blade +

Aug.15, 2002

First Day, New Year. . .

Navajo was awsome. Too bad I was to nervous to enjoy it. I mean I was so nervous I almost fuckin' had a panic attack. I mean it was a huge shock seeing these people I havent seen in 2 years. And they excepted me so damn well I almost tripped out. I guess the key is just to calm the hell down. Take it as it comes, and dont be afriad of what may lie ahead. Tommorow is Friday. The end of the week. I will just have to wait it all out and see how I acomplish things as of right now. And not be so damn self-concious.

wrote another champter in life, 7:39 PM - Leet +

Aug.14, 2002

Second Day Bound . . .

The first day in my view, sucked! I know you want more, but I don't know how much more I can type. Two words are keeping me from typing more, tiredness and homework. Leet, I wish you the best of luck with Navajo and all.

Third Chapter Into Darkness, 11:51 PM - Blade +

Aug.14, 2002

Nervous as hell . . .

Woo. Just thinking about getting back in that damn school trips me out (Navajo). All these old people I know. I dont know what I am going to do. Let alone act about it all. I'll probally be quiet untill they bring me back out 2 be that freak I once was. Damn Leet should get intresting. And with Blade attending Altus High School. Where bound to get some good shit up on dis hizza!

wrote another chapter in life, 2:27 PM - Leet +

Aug.12, 2002

High School . . .

I can't believe this. They've messed up on so many schedules it's not even funny. The thing about mine is that I don't have a first hour and I have Consumer Education, which is really boring now for only one simple reason. The teacher I had in the 9th grade was just a little too different. Leet, you know who I'm talking about.

Second Chapter Into Darkness, 1:57 PM - Blade +

Aug.11, 2002

Back to da' Basic's . . .

New or I should say old efed coming soon. wWc re-birth is finally here. click herre

wrote another chapter in life, 7:21 PM - Leet +

Aug.9, 2002

Enrolment . . .

Today about around 2 or 3... I have to go and enrole for Navajo. My old school. I couldn't dare try and spend a whopping three years at one JR High. So Im switchin back. A lot of people want me to go back so I said what the hell. I should try it right? We will see what happens. I will be back on here after that or tommorow to tell you all about what happens.

Leet 2.0 is still a bit shakey as of right now. I cant come up with any good concepts of the web designs. So if your readng this and have any Ideas... hit the banner above and contact me.

wrote another chapter in life, 10:11 PM - Leet +

Aug.8, 2002

Introduction . . .

Yeah, Leet, Im finally here. It took me long enough, but I had to say something before Leet 2.0 came out. Anyway, this year of my life will probably be pretty dull as hell, but I'm sure I'll get into some fights or something on purpose just to write something worth reading up here.

First Chapter Into Darkness, 11:59 PM - Blade +

Aug.6, 2002

Coming Soon ...

Good news for all 2 of you leet fans. 2.0 is coming along. I've been making new layouts in PSP and Photo Studio... And things are coming along nicley. As you can see by the buttons. Things will be better than expected...

wrote another chapter in life, 6:35 PM - Leet +

Aug.5, 2002

Good Times ...

Pretty fun night I had last night. Chilled with friends and drove around. Cops got us though. We where maybe having "to much" fun in the parking lot of "Bingo Oasis" lol. But onto today and not the past.

I got a phone call today from one of my friends, one of my OLD friends. David. He called me from Tennesse. I guess thats were he lives now. We talked about old times and what not. I think he may even come down to visit soon. Who knows...

And I wish the best of luck to Brandon. Who is taking his Drivers test. I dont know if he will pass or not. Though he has been studyin' hard. And one more thing... Leet 2.0 will becoming around soon. I need to think of a tight design. And now that I have PSP 7.4 , I think things may have gotten a lil' more easier. ;) Just maybe...

wrote another chapter in life, 6:55 PM - Leet +

Aug.1, 2002

A new month ...

Ya... it is finally here. A new month. The month school starts. And it sucks. Summer went by way to damn fast for it to be even funny. But I guess I need to get my lil' happy ass back to school any how. I feel stupid. I can't remeber any math. But you see thats just the point. I dont want to go back to school simply because of the MATH! But oh well... only time will tell what da fuck happens...

Took down the MIMIC button. Darkside Prince was takin' it no where. So I put up the Brutal Crew button. Which I am now a part of : ) . You should check it out sometime. Really...

wrote another chapter in life, 12:55 PM - Leet +

July.28, 2002

Getting Closer ...

Ya the count down to school is on. And it sucks. Well I will hopfully get to go back to my old school. Navajo, which I souly love. I dont know why but I just do. There is just something about it. Well anyways...

I almost beat Max Payne®. I didnt get to finish though. My dad kicked me out of the house. So I came back here to my moms. But everything is back together for the most part now. Today I also got to meet back up with some of my old Navajo friends. Made me remember the good ol' days. : )

Lots of intresting things should take place in life soon. Let's just hope yours truly is ready for them...

wrote another chapter in life, 8:29 PM - Leet +

July.21, 2002

Mixed Messages ...

Well what the fuck. My Dad sends me these mixed messages all the time. Take for example. Since our shower thing is broke he asks, “You want to take a shower”. And Im like , “nah I’m alright”. Supposedly thats supposed to mean come over. It’s all really confusing so I won’t bother telling the rest. But as for him. He calls and always ask’s what my mom is doing. Apparently he thinks that she is cheating on him with some internet guy. But isn’t true no matter what anyone says. He then tells me that Im a liar and Im holding back on him. Well I guess we will never really get to see eye to eye anymore.

As for what I did yesterday. It was going great untill about 11:54 pm. When some “friends” of mine come knocking on the door. One of with happens to be “Brandon”. He likes to blurt out things other people shouldn’t know to make himself higher in the food chain if you know what I mean. So around that time standing around 6 or 5 people. He begins yabbering on about shit. Which really pisses me off. So I don’t say a word and walk right inside my house, and shut the door. Not hard, but normal. Thus giving off a hint. Don’t test me, nor my emotions. I still have alot of coming out to do in life. Showing people the real side of me, and not being scared of what others say.

Damn, maybe I should be on the Real World... just a thought.

wrote another chapter in life, 1:12 PM -Leet +

July.19, 2002

Finally Back . . .

Wow, wasn't that just some shiznit. My computer is finally working. And I am finally back. So I guess this could only mean one thing... leet version 2.0! Coming Soon.

Ya but anyways. Life hasn't been really good as of latley. I don't know, I think I am just bored out of mind. And this may sound kind of dumb or insane. But I think I can't wait for school to start! Shit, I mean there isn't anything to do right now. So I might as well go ahead and go on back to the hell hole known as school.

The 9th grade awaits ...

-Leet +

July.04, 2002

Dallas Texas...?

Yup thats where Im headed! So Im packing at this moment, and I will be out in a few. So I guess this is goodbye untill Monday. So I wish you all the best 4th you can have. And dont blow off your hand with a M-60 or something! Lata...

-Xavier Leet +

July.01, 2002

Kick ass...

I found out that a computer can be used for more than just an efed! I found out this stuff about emulator's. Aperantly I have been the only one not knowing what was going down. You see an emulator is a video game console on your computer. I have a sega genesis on mine right now. Why a sega gn? Because that is almost the best console out right now for emulation. There working on PSX, PS2, X-Box at the moment. But they say it may take a hell of a while.

Ya but anyways. Those chest pains I had been having. There gone now! ^0^ yipee! I dont know what they where all about. But it sucked having them. I guess I am just going through one of those teenage processes again... ^_^

-Xavier Leet +

June.26, 2002


Now this really wierd. I have been having these stupid chest pains that keeping coming back to plauge me. And I dont know what it could be! Chronic Heart Burn? Leet Burn? Oh well I guess I will never find out.

Things this summer have been pretty bored as of late. I have been in the whole efed thing and if you ask me, it isnt what it used to be. The gimmicks are getting old. And the stor lines just are not the same. I tried out a couple feds such as Tremor and uWa. They where good. But to me they lacked that certain something. You efed people know what I mean... *_^

And as for that matter so has the WWE. I just cant stop thinking about it! Raw totally sucks. And Smackdown isnt any better. I wish they would just rid of this whole roster split thing! grrr! >_< shoudl see more shiznit up on this site later on'z. It will B kick ass. Trust me!

-Xavier Leet +