First a bit about me .. My real name is Chris Kackley .. In case you want to know what I look like ,, here's a pic ..
I live in
Martinsburg, West Virginia
I guess Martinsburg is best known for apples and outlet malls .. Not much
around but mountains and orchards , so I'll drop the subject now .. **L**
I work for
Shiley Construction Inc
, from Inwood, West Virginia .. I'm
a foreman , or supervisor , or glorified labourer .. Whatever you want to
call it ,, I'm the guy that gets blamed when there's a mistake .. **L** We
pour concrete walls for residential houses .. Not the most glamourous job
in the world , but it pays the bills ,, most of the time .. **L**
I play guitar .. I'm into all types of music ,, mostly rock, metal , and
blues .. I also collect swords .. ( Now THERE'S a hobby you don't hear
about everyday !! ) I'll get some pics up one of these days of the guitars
and the swords .. I'm also a member of the Society for Creative Anachronism,
which is a medevil re-creation group . There's a link below for it .. And you'll also see much about it
if you click the little link at the bottom of the page . *W*
Some Great friends .......
Some links that might be of interest .....
Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
The Metallica fan club .. Come rock with the best ..
The Society for Creative Anachronism .. A medevil recreation society ..
The chathouse .. Check out the Tunnel
A page on a special little friend .. Check it out and maybe you can help ..
Some of my net friends all in one spot .
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