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Ranma1/2 MP3'S!!

This is a collection of Mp3's i have gathered where ever i could find them. I think i have one of the biggest mp3 list on the net! Feel free to download as many as u like. All mp3 files are in zip formate to save space on the page. You will need a zip program to unzip the files and be able to view them. If you do not have a zip program, get one here

I only have one MP3 on this site because angel fire offers only 5 000 000 000 mb and each MP3 is like 3 000 000 000 :( There is not enough room for even 2 of them! This site will be moved when I find a web server that allows unlimited web space. And when i do find one i will get all the MP3s up right away. But until then please feel free to e-mail your requests to me and i will send you the MP3 via e-mail. Any of the MP3s that you would like to have (you can request all of them if you like) please e-mail your requests by e-mailing me here. All requests will be answered!! ^_^

There are also some songs available from Ranma1/2! These are not MP3s. They are the songs without the words sung in them. They are still very good! Hope u enjoy them until the MP3s are up!

Well, i hope you have fun with all these mp3's!

Where do we go from here? (you and me)3:00Download
Dont make me Wild like you3:27Download
Puratonikku Tsuranuite3:34Download
Little Date4:14Download
Don't mind Lai Lai Boy(FullVersion)3:18Download
Full of Memories3:54Download
Ranma *Lambada*3:26Download
Equal Romance4:31Download
Its Love...PANIC!3:40Download
A Glittering Sky and your Voice4:03Download
Red Shoe Sunday4:39Download
Kiyoku Tadahii Christmas5:02Download
Jogyouchuu no Shaugakkou4:54Download
Neverending summer vacation4:34Download
Us after this3:56Download
Love Vanished Regrettably5:45Download
Two Complex Thoughts6:26Download
Don't you know its Love3:08Download
Piece of Love4:42Download
I Like this New Year best3:00Download
I'll never be a kind, sweet girl! "RANMA NO BAKA!!!"2:38Download
Black Rose Valentine2:36Download
Zettai! part two3:29Download

I also have some non-mp3s but there just as good. There have no lyrics though :( but they are still from Ranma1/2 and there still music ^_^ I hope u have fun with these too!

Ballad of Ranma and AkaneDownload
Dont't make me wild like you3:27Download
Full of memories3:54Download
In the middle of elementary schoolDownload
It's Love3:40Download
Little Date4:14Download
Love Panic3:40Download
Ryoga's SongDownload
Where do we go from here?3:00Download

Please visit my other Ranma page! Its has an image gallery with over 1000 pics of all the Ranma charaters! Including ones not seen anywhere else! It also has Ranma games for the computer and lots of other cool Ranma1/2 stuff available for download FREE! Click here

If you have any questions or comments or if you think there is a song/mp3 that i dont have on this page, please tell me by clicking here

Also, if you are interrested in seeing one of my non Ranma pages (StarCraft) please visit this site too! Click here

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