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Sue Crayne's Homepage.

Genealogy information of my family (Grable) and my husband's family (Crayne).

My beloved grandmother, Ethel Lucille Peto Bertalan, passed away on June 27th 1999. In her Memory

I have links below for the following family surnames: Bane, Barr, Bertalan, Crawford, Crayne/Crane, Crumrine, Grable, Gohn, Guiher,Jones, McKinney, Myers, Peto, Porter, Rush, Simonton, and Throckmorton.

I also have information on the following surnames Aldrich, Allen, Ashercraft, Baker, Bell, Biddle, Bigler, Blair,Boger, Bolton, Britton, Callahan, Case, Corbly, Coulson, Cox, Craig, Croft, Darling, Darney, Dearth, Eagye, Ellis, Evans, Filer, Garber, Gatts, Gay, Gayman,Gregory, Griffiths, Hancock, Harrod, Hartford, Heaton, Hedge, Hibbs, Hillhouse, Honor, Hupp, Huss, Iams, Jasper, Johnson, Jone, Kent, Knox, Lacey, Leave, Liska, Lynn, Mcclenanthan, Medley, Mills, Moone, Moore, Moredock, Neel, Palfi, Paxton, Phippen, Prince, Purchase, Richards, Robinson, Scott, Sicchitano, Simmons, Simpson, Swecker, Taylor, Tennant, Thomas, Treat, Venom, Wiley, Yohe, and Zollars,