Problems with the Flood

I mentioned the flood in Part 1 as an important part of the creation ‘theory’, without it they have nothing that can explain (no matter how poorly) the fossil record. So without Noah’s arch, creation cannot be true.

Could the waters rise above the tallest mountains?
I don’t think so, but if it was lifted above the mountains into the upper atmosphere Noah and many of his animal passengers would have suffocated to death. Remember men who climb Everest bring oxygen tanks.

Could two of every species possibly have fit on the arch, keeping in mind that 99.9% of all animals that have ever lived no longer exist?
Not unless the arch was the size of, oh, say Washington DC, and according to the Bible it was not nearly that big, smaller then a modern cruise ship.

And finally; were there fish on the arch?
there must have been because as anyone with a high school level of knowledge about biology knows, salt water fish cannot live in fresh water and vice-versa. If the world where to flood there would be a mixing of the two as sea water met lake water. But now how could a boat filled with two levels of water, one fresh, one salt, filled with two of every kind of fish - Oh, and whale too, possibly float?!? Is this arch thing beginning to sound just a little bit ridiculous?
