Is Biblical Creation a valid theory?

Creationism attempts to explain the process of how us humans got here. It tries to make since of all the evidence in a way that supports it’s ‘theory’ of our origins, and indeed the origins off all life on Earth. Creationsists even sport some so called evidence, that they say prooves, or at least points in the direction of a world that was created in just a few days.

So, does this make creationism a valid scientific theory? The short answer is no. Science, in it’s purest form is an examination of evidence the end result of witch is a theory to explain that evidence. Creationist do it backwards; they already have the answer (which to them is not up for discusion, no matter how much evidence there is against it), and then they go out looking ONLY for the fossils and artifacts that seems to support their religious belief. All evidence to the contrary is disregarded. Have they found any evidence?

True science by contrast is dynamic. evolution for example is always changing to fit new evidence. There are several different ideas about different aspects of evolution held by scientist who have the freedom to think for themselves instead of making square pegs fit into round holes.

I have nothing against anyone’s believes, we all are entitled to that, this IS America after all. But the term "creation science" is a misnomer, and should be regarded as such.
