Questions for Creationists

A common creationist tactic against evolutionists is to ask them so called “unanswerable questions”

It’s the creationist turn to answer some real problematic questions about their own belief.

1. How could two people create the incredible diversity of modern human?

2. If the universe was created in an instant, why is it still expanding?

3. Why are fossils of one kind found only with certain types of other fossils of similar complexity ? In floods all sorts of animals are found in random groupings, not working ecosystems like are found in the fossil record.

4. Why are many fossils that are found in a certain kind of rock, found only in that rock no matter where they are found

5. Are all the skulls and bones of prehistoric men hoaxes?

6. If not, what are they? (keeping in mind that the argument that they are “really old people” has no bases in real science).

7. If every fossil animal evolutionist say is a missing link is not (and there ate many) why are they not still with us?

8. What happened to the 99% of all life that has inhabited Earth and no longer exist?

9. According to geologist, many kinds of rocks take millions of years of pressure to be created. How does that fit in with your theory? Or are geologist wrong?

10. According to astronomers, the life cycle of a star takes billions of years (stars in various states of development are seen in the galaxy). How does this fit into the theory of creation? Or are astronomers also wrong?

11. According to archaeologist, the earliest civilizations began appearing 30,000 years ago. Young Earth creationist believe the Earth is only 4,000 years old. How does this fit into creationists beliefs? Or are archaeologist wrong, just like the geologist and astronomers?

12. What useful purpose does a human tail bone serve?

13. In a global flood you would expect the largest organisms to sink to the bottom. But the fossil record clearly shows the opposite, how do you explain that?

14. Using any mathematics you like, is it possible to fit two of each specie (and sub specie since evolution cannot occur) on an arc the size of the one specified in the Bible?

15. If you said yes, be sure you included all the animals that live in the water (fresh water fish can not survive in salt water and vice versa.)

16.How do you explain the universally consistent radioactive dating results obtained with different radioactive elements, and the consistent correlation with objects of known age?

17. Where did all the water from the flood go?

18. What mathematical proof can you supply, based on the known equations of thermodynamics, that order can not spontaneously arise from disorder

19. If your claim that thermodynamics will not permit the evolution of complex living structures is true, then how do you explain, without resorting to make-believe special mechanisms that have no basis in thermodynamics, the development of a chick in an egg?

20. How do you explain animals with unnecessary body parts, like the tiny 'legs' on some snakes of the dislodges pelvis of a whale?
