Protect our Children's Rights!

All American's have the right to worship as they please. This right is garanteed by the Constituion. Having a religious belief taught as a fact, or even as a valid scientific theory, in a public school is violating the rights of non-Christian students. Do any fundamentalist Christinas believe their children should be tought the creation myth of the Hindus?

Recently a text book which critisised evolution and taught creationism was accepted by the Kanawha county school board. Luckily the book never reached schools, thanks to concerned citizens and a law suit threatened by the ACLU. Here is an editorial written by a worried parent:

Creation shouldn’t be taught in class

from the Charleston Gazette: 17 April 2000
by Andrea Radford

What are these people discussing? "Evolution should not be in science classes at all." This is a statement from Charlie Quigley quoted from the April 4 Gazette.

I am appalled. Being a non-Christian, I find it very hard to believe that a child of mine would have to go to a school that teaches creationism in sciences class.

This goes against my religion.

I would only want my children taught fact. Math, English and science. Not Christianity!

Separation of church and state is a law, not something that should be up for discussion in a school that teaches impressionable children.

What about the families who are not of Christian faith/ They should not have to excuse children from science class. People really need to pat attention to the fact that there are many religions, and Christianity is only one of them.
