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Sunshine Along a Weary Road

A Friend Is...

A friend is..
someone who helps you clean up the dishes
and you don’t even have to protest once.

A friend is...
that one word “hello” over the phone
that can make you feel better than
10 minutes of conversation with anyone else.

A friend is...
deep talks that go on until 3 a.m.
on a work night.

A friend is...
more than a shoulder to cry on.

A friend is..
the kind of understanding that makes
crying unnecessary.

A friend is..
someone to call in a hurry when
something is really watchable on TV.

A friend is..
sharing a pizza

A friend is..
someone you can do nothing with....
and really enjoy it.

A friend is..
one good reason for believing in ESP

A friend is..
someone who won’t say,
“You look terrible!”
when you look terrible.

A friend is..
the one who is already there doing it
when everyone else is saying,
“Is there anything I can do?”

A friend is..
someone who till quietly destroy the snapshot
that makes you look like the bride of Frankenstein.

A friend is..
not too much sugar
and just enough spice.

A friend is..
the kind of person who
never wants to dress alike.

A friend is..
a little bit different every day
but always the same.

A friend is..
a believer in the spur of the moment.

A friend is..
someone who is really glad
when you succeed.

A friend is..
someone with you can either
borrower or a lender be.

A friend is..
is a person who knows
your sensitive spots
but will never poke you there.

A friend is..
a whole lot of wonderful
people rolled into one.

A friend is..
someone you can trade secrets with
and never worry.

A friend is..
laughter and going places and
doing new things
and having the best time ever.

A friend is..
the closest thing to me there is..
in more ways than one.

A friend is..
a source of refuge and strength
to those who walk in darkness.

A friend is..
someone who is a little more willing
to ease your load.

A friend is..
someone who does things that count,
but never stops to count them.

A friend is..
someone who is there for you
when he’d rather be anywhere else.

A friend is..
someone who’s smile helps
when the roads are rough and long.

A friend is..
someone sheds sunshine
along a weary road.
