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My Favorite Links

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My items on eBay

1980s live on this site!

Best Christian Links Search the web from a Christian point of view

Campus Crusade for Christ at WVU

Christian Challenge in LA. Great site.

Cheap Thrills Garage sale Site Chris has a great site. Be sure and check it out!

George Bratcher’s home page

Handmaiden's of the Lord Webzine

New Life Community Church in Stafford, Virginia has a great site

Keith Hawkin’s home page

Just Crockpot Recipes Great for those of us who love crockpot cooking

Join the MyPoints Program. Earn free rewards!

Mark Lowry's homepage. A Christian comedian who always can make me laugh.

Peggie's Place A Great website for women.

Refund Express Home page If you subscribe please say Jenn Short, WV refered you!

The Dollar Stretcher Lots of tips on saving money. Lois has a great site on a form of abuse that is often overlooked.

Links to cool Christian sites

My most famous ebay buyer was a member of the Christian band Lust Control.

Organized Home

Frugal Homemaker

Legacy of a Kid Brother of St. Frank

South China Morning Post Southeast Asia's leading English paper.

Sweepsheet Sweepstaking Site if you subscribe, please say Jenn Short, WV referred you!!

Today's Christian Woman

Trevecca Nazarene University

Veggie Tales Net

Virtual Cards of all kinds Even ones from Croatia!

West Virginia University

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Last update: Feb 15, 2002!