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I am Dillon,

Do You like my background? My Mommy made It for me.

I Call my homepage Dilon's (thats me) Wolf Park.

I wanted a page just for me so my mom could show her friends, and people who loves wolves like me.

I have a brother,(Chris) he is going to be going to 1st Grade this fall ! and a sister,(Kimberly) she will be going to Kindergarden, we will all be riding the same bus, and everything!. They want pages too, but since I am the oldest I got to do mine first..(happy)

I am 9 years old, and I have passed the Third grade, and now I will be going to Fourth grade at the end of summer. I was even on the honor roll! My Mommy says that she is very proud of me! She also says that once you learn something there is no one that can take it away from you, so I learn everything I can, and My Mommy helps me alot!

My Mommy also says that her Daddy told her that when she was little like me... I think my Mommy had a smart Daddy.

I am now a menber of the Cub Scouts, "Wolf Pack" ( just right for me!!! ) (Big Smile) My Mommy says It will be good for me to go and meet new friends, learn some new things, and have some fun!

My Mommy made this and gave it to me, this is my new friend, "Blizard".

Blizard is what my mommy say's he is "My mascott" he represents me and my homepage.

I think he is realy cool ! My Mommy thinks so too. (Smile)

Mommy's Friend, Clarence painted this wolf, and sent it to me, he said I could even put it on my page, he loves to paint, and share his work.

THANK YOU Clarence!

You can visit him below

Because I love wolves so much my Mommy helped me make a cool Wolf Gallery, filled with wolf pictures!

My mommy says If you click on those Wolf pctures, you will get to see the bigger version of them, and you can even take them home with you.. WoW I thought that was realy neet !

(That is on the next page)

Please Mail Me and let me know what you think of my site, and if you have any sugestions let me know.

( I would love to get mail from you.)

I have 3 pages Total, The next one is My Sanctuary, After that is My Gift Page, Where you can find and take all kinds of Wolf Gif's.

Hear The Wolves Howl ! You Can Hear Them On My Next Page!

I was honored with these Awards from Chandos Wolf, I LOVE THEM!


To see the other awards I have won Just Click the button below.

Guestbook by GuestWorld

I have anouther Guestbook at the bottom of the page, Just in case this one is not properly working.

This Is How Many People Who Have Come To Visit Me.

Site Opened "July 3, 1999"

Here Is anouther Guestbook, Just n case you are unable get into the First one.

Guestbook by 

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