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undefined *Jesse's World* *Check it out check it out! Finally, I have found the time to do some updates and shit. It's snowing like hell out and the line is free thank goodness. The updates I promised this summer, well, by summer this year you will be seeing some pretty cool shit on these pages. I am adding to the movie updates and all. I am also going flip around this front page some, it looks like shit if I do say so myself, and I do. Well, I'm outta here. Enjoy. Jesse*

This page is now the holder of some bands and other groups and some links. Things like chat rooms, message boards, surveys, and other cool stuff will be added by this summer or during the summer. Take all the pics you want, I don't care. Have fun. Jesse*

The picture above is of the teen actor Kyle Schmid. He has done the movie Alley Cats Strike and has appeared on a show on Fox Family Channel called "I was a sixth grade alien". To check out more on Kyle, go to
Kyle Schmid

Backstreet Boys
The Goo Goo Dolls
The Moffatts
Other Cool Bands
Matchbox 20
Cool Icons
My E-mail Service
Read this and think about it
Dawson's Creek
Backstreet Boys Greeting Cards
Before they were rock stars
Movie Stuff
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And if anyone wants to talk to me over ICQ, then your screwed until July. After July I will talk to anyone who ICQs me. #24310050

Note-Many things on my pages scroll. If you do not have Internet Explorer, then your somewhat screwed.PLEASE SIGN THE GUESTBOOK
Learn about me-Also some totally awesome banners and junk here, too.