Susan Markle Wolfe, webmaster of: West Virginia Road Pioneer, William C. Markle.
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Tom and Jerry, one of the yokes of cattle that Claude kept around to do plowing and hauling produce from the fields. During summer months the cattle played a major part in getting work done on the farm. One at a time they pulled the lever on the cane mill to make Molasses. They did the plowing and hauling whatever needed to be hauled in a wooden sled made for farm work. This picture was taken in 1940. Claude Markle, a pioneer road
contractor and native Clay Countian had a futuristic view
about the upcoming popularity of the motor vehicle and early
in his life he decided to get in on the ground level of
road building. When Claude was sixteen years old he visited
an aunt in Pennsylvania and observed their roads and improved
highways unlike anything he'd ever seen in West Virginia
where all the roads were mere wagon trails that snaked
throughout the hilly countryside. When Claude returned home
he said to his father,"Someday West Virgina will have roads
like that and I'm going to be the man who builds them." His
father just brushed it off as a farmboy's dream. But Claude
had a burning desire to build roads and with a lot of hard
work and determination he embarked on a career of construction
work that took him back and forth across the United States
and to Alaska.(Alaska wasn't one of the 48 states at that time)
The old Marion Steamshovel operated by W.C. Markle Company, gnaws its way around a steep Clay County hillside on one of Claude's road construction jobs. The shovel operator and fireman are standing on the shovel and the man at right are eyeing the camera. This was the first steamshovel brought into Clay County. The picture was taken in 1921 while work was in progress on state route 4 directly in front of Ballard Carper's home. The Steamshovel played an important role in the transformation from "buggies" to the automobile. It quickly earned great respect from the road crews because it saved many hours of back-breaking labor. It accompanied by teams of horses, dump wagons, picks and shovels and lots of muscle, the first main roads began to form as the long steel arm gradually scooped up earth and rocks. Powered by thrust of steam and dedicated muscular men the necessary excavating was accomplished and rutty wagon trails became roads. Claude put all his energies and resources behind his dream of building roads and bridges to achieve success. He helped build the mighty Hoover Dam that stands on the boundary of Arizona and Nevada, a section of highway in Death Valley Nevada, and the Alaskian Railroad that extends from Anchorage to Fairbanks. Although many people believed him to be a dreamer, but he was possessed with determination to build roads, tunnels, and bridges--he accomplished what he set out to do. The driving force that took hold of him when he was young never released him until he had completed many construction projects across the country. Clay County Banker W.Murray Smith talked openly about the knowledge he was made aware of during Claude's construction career and his accomplishments. He quoted: "I first knew him when he started doing some work around here on the roads. That was back in the years when the state Legislature decided roads should be built to connect the county seats. I saw him build the road from Clay to Two Run and probably used the first steam shovel ever in the county on that contract. Most of the work in those days was done with horses and slip scrapers. Claude also brought "Hug" an old dump truck into Clay County. It was the first truck to enter Clay County and was driven by Lee Sizemore."
This is a tribute to my father, Claude Markle, who
devoted a major part of his life to building roads
and bridges in Clay County. He started his career
early in life and was building roads in this county when
the earth moving equipment consisted of teams of horses
and slip scrapers.
Some of the first roads Claude built were with 36 teams of horses and mules. Later, he brought the first steam shovel into Clay County. He had several construction crews going at the same time and traveled from job to job on "Old Painter" his race horse. "Old Painter" had won on the Westen Race Track seven years in a row.
The house built at Maysel, West Virginia where I grew up, was also used to board the working men. Later one room was used for a Commissary. After the road was completed in the area, a closer road camp was set up. Then a room was converted from the bunkhouse at the house into a Commissary where wives of the road men came to purchase their bulk food. It included stables such as meats, dry beans, 50# cans of lard, and flour by the barrel. Claude bought food supplies at the A&P store and sold them to the men at cost. When meat was delivered once a week, everybody gathered around and waited it's arrival. They didn't have refrigeration to preserve their meat so they just had to resort to whatever means they could to keep the meat from spoiling. Many methods were used, smoked, salt cured, and canned. Salt fish was a very popular item because it would keep for a long time and they didn't have to worry about it spoiling. Since Claude paid better wages than anyone else in the area, it wasn't very difficult to find men ready to work. Once he needed some more men to work so he mounted "Old Painter" and rode off through the farm fields where men were working their crops. He rode up to a man fertilizing his field. Claude asked; "How much are you getting paid to do that?" The man answered, "Fifty Cents a day." Claude said, "I'll pay you five dollars a day to come work for me." The man set his bucket down and climbed on the horse behind him. The man worked eleven years for Claude.(I met the same man after my father passed away and he found out I was from Clay County and he begin to tell me the same story that my father had told me many times. This toy steam shovel was special made for Floyd Markle, Claude's 4 year old son. He walked around the work site with a timebook in his pocket and asked men how many hours they worked. An engineer was so impressed by the child's interest in the work he had a friend of his at the Buddy Toy Company in Chicago to build him a replica of the Marion Steam Shovel. I kept it until recently trying to decide on what to do with it as there was no one who really would appreciate its history, so I donated it to the Museum at the Culture Center in Charleston, WV by their request. They contacted me about a display to honor my father's accomplishments and I thought that people could enjoy seeing the little steam shovel for years to come. The Museum is closed now for alterations but when it opens again my father alongside the little steamshovel will take their place in history Thanks to them for making it possible. The following men worked on the roads. Henry Markle, Tomer Markle, Okey Davis, A. Crawford, Spencer Eagle, Hayward Markle, Joe Dawson, John L. Dawson, Ben Hopkins, Ballard Carper, Fred Colebank, Shude Conley, Henry Schoonover, John Davis, Curt Davis, Winston Schoonover, Fred Dawson, Lester Dobbinspeck. Wilber Lanham,(waterboy) Ben Pierson, Fuller King, Pat Butcher, Tom Graham, James Chase (waterboy),John Koch, James Chase Sr. (surveyor) Others were Mullins, Cox, Bragg, Kings, Hershman, Hamricks, Reeds, Sirk, Butcher,Nichlos, Varney, Hanshaw, Pierson, Crookshanks, Chapmans, Mullins, Summers, Hiram Young, Darnell Jones, and Charley Falls.
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I don't have all the names. I wrote these down 50 years ago. If someone knows of others who worked, I'll be glad to add them.
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