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WE NEED YOUR HELP (in so many ways!)

_ 2009 SMALL SCALE HOUSE PARTY NEWS My name is Nancy McCarthy, and I am the Door Prize chairman for the Salt Lake City House Party in Oct 2009. I would like to invite miniaturists to consider donating one or more Door Prizes to the House Party either as a group or as an individual. Every one loves to get a gift and we need your help to accomplish the goal of having 300 so each person will get one.

If you choose to participate you may bring them to the house party or send them to me. I hope to see you all at the House Party.

Thank you for your time,

Nancy McCarthy
5049 Shawnee Ln.
Ogden UT 84403

“Door prizes are any donation of a finished product in the smaller scales, between $10 to $50 in value. They may have a tag with the donor’s name and contact info so the recipient can send a thank you note. They should be unwrapped. There is no theme for door prizes.”.


There is an on-going, probably never-ending need for donations for "stuff" to put into the grab bags that are sold at the NAME tables at our Region A-3 shows. These sales are extremely popular and the money goes into our A3 fund to defray the cost of our newsletter and support our Regional Scholarship. When you go through one of those "I've got to get RID of some of this" days, please consider sending some of your cast-offs along to your state rep or boxing them up and taking them to the next show you attend in Region A-3. New miniaturists especially love these grab bags so you will be helping to encourage the next generation of miniaturists in addition to helping Region A-3!

And while we're on the subject of you have old magazines, books, supplies, and/or miscellaneous minis that you're beginning to think you will NEVER use? Why not consider donating these items to Region A-3 to be sold at the NAME tables at miniature shows in our region? The magazines are sold for $1 each, books for $5 each and the supplies/miniatures are made up into "grab bags" which sell for anywhere from 50 cents to $5.00. Visitors to the table are thrilled with their bargains and the money received is used to help fund Region A-3's memorial scholarship program which is used to enable folks to attend NAME events (such as regional houseparties) which they might otherwise not be able to attend. A very good cause and a great way to make room for more "stuff"! If you'd like to make a donation, please contact your state rep. You can make arrangements to get the items to her/him and they will see to it that they get to the people who supply the NAME tables.