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Local Council 872
   •   334 E. Pike Street   •    Clarksburg, WV 26301   •    (304) 622-9152 •   

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 Remember to continue to pray the Rosary for Vocations

Council 872 is located approximately 1 block from the Immaculate Conception Parish located in Clarksburg, West Virginia at 334 E. Pike Street. You can contact the Knights by phone at (304) 622-9152, or by email at Knights of Columbus Local 872.

Council Meetings are held on the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month at 7:30pm at the Robert J. Petitto Hall located at 334 E. Pike Street, Clarksburg, WV.

Let us pray this prayer each day for fallen away Catholics

Eternal and merciful Father, I give you thanks for the gift of Your Divine Son who suffered, died and rose from the dead for all mankind. I thank You also for my Catholic Faith and ask Your help that I may grow in fidelity by prayer, by works of charity, and by Penance and the Holy Eucharist. You gave St. Monica a spirit of selfless love manifested in her constant prayer for the conversion of her son Augustine. Inspired by boundless confidence in Your power to move hearts and by the success of her prayer, I ask the grace to imitate her constancy in my prayer for (N) who no longer share(s) in the intimate life of your Catholic family. Grant through my prayer and witness that (she/he/they) may be open to the promptings of the HOLY SPIRIT to return to the loving union with Your people. Grant also that my prayer be ever hopeful and that I may never judge another, for you alone can read hearts. I ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen