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Acknowledgment: I would like to thank the people who have visited my site and showed interest it what me and the other people on this site are providing. I would also like to thank the people who have submited their works to be published, because without you then my site would have little purpose. I would also like to thank Angelfire for providing their free service. And without me wasting anymore of your time i would like to thank Faygo for it was by the power of caffine that i was able to stay up long enough to create this site. Thanks again please enjoy my site. Site Disclaimer:The information contained on this site, including graphics, has been gathered from a variety of sources, both on and off the Internet. You will also find stories , poetry and art that belong to myself and others. These articles are protected under the copyright law, so please do not take articles from this site without permission from myself. It is my desire to present this information so that it may be viewed by interested parties. The original authors and artist are given credit for their work. You may reach me by e-mail :