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PETER JETT 1717-1784

    Peter Jett  was born around 1717, and married ca 1737 Rebecca Bowen, the daughter of Stephen Bowen, and grandaughter of  John Bowen, who died in 1686, Old Rappahannock county, Va. Rebecca's mother , wife of Stephen Bowen, whose name is unknown, was a daughter of Thomas Richardson and Mary Thatcher Clapham, and grandaughter of Sylvester Thatcher.  Mary's will is dated 24 Aug and recorded in King George Will book A-1, pg 61..

    The King George records contain mention of Peter Jett and his family, and there is a lease dated 14 Jan, 1731, that conveys to Peter Jett, Rebecca, his wife and his son, Francis, 100 acres of land, for their natural lives.

    Peter Jett died testate  in King George County, Va , in 1784 . His children are clearly listed...our line descends through his son FRANCIS JETT, who will have his own page.

Peter Jett's will May 22, 1784....King George county
In the name of God Amen. I, Peter Jett of King George county, Va and the parish of Brunswick, I reccomend my soul into the hands of Almighty God who gave it to me and my body to be buried in a Christian and decent manner at the selection of my executors hereafter mentioned, and what little estate it has pleased God to endow me, I give and devise the same in manner and form as followeth:
I bequeath unto my daughters, Mary Hunstead and Ann Conley my negro woman named Rose and lease of the land I now live on, containing one hundred acres and my 2 houses.
I bequeath unto John Pratt Bowen, my lease I bought from John Reuben Payne, being the same land whereon sid Payne now lives. And also to John Pratt Bowen, one bed, one table and furniture. It is my desire that my stock of hogs be divided between John Pratt Bowen and my daughters Mary Humstead and Ann Conley.
I bequeath unto my daughter Elizabeth Curtis 5 shillings.
I bequeath unto my daughter Susanna Payne, 5 shillings.
I bequeath unto my daughter Margaret Thielkild, 5 shillings.
I bequeath unto my daughter Sarah Jones, 5 shillilngs.
I bequeath unto my grandson Jesse Thielkild, my young sorrel mare.
I bequeath unto my granddaughter Susanna Hunstead, my wife's saddle.
I bequeath the residue of my estate to be equally divided between my sons Francis and William Jett, and my daughter Mary Humstead and Ann Conley.
And lastly, I appoint my sons Francis Jett, William Jett, and John Pratt Bowen, my whole and sole executors, as witness my hand and seal this 22nd day of May, in the year of our Lord 1784.

Stephen Bowen's will; proven August 25, 1749 and registered in King George County.
In the name of God Amen. I Stephen Bowen of the county of King Keorge being sick and weak of body but of perfect sence and memory thanks be to God for it and as touching my worldly estate wherewith it hath pleased Almighty god to Bless me with all I doe dispose of after the following manner.
Item: I give and berqueath unto my son Mathew Bowen one Negro woman named Fillis and 1 negro girl named Jenney.
Item: I give and bequeath unto my oving son William Bowen one Negro boy named David and one negro girl named Frank.
Item: I give unto my aforesaid sone Mathew Bowen my still, tub and worm.
item: I give and bequeath unto my loving daughter Susanna Bowen one young horse about 3 years old.
Item: I give and bequeath unto my sonn Stephen Bowen all my cyder caske of what size soever and one gun.
Item: I give and bequeath unto my son Stephen Bowen five shillings to be paid by my executors.
Item: I give and bequeath unto my daughter Rebecka Jett five shilllings to be paid as aforesaid.
Item: I give and bequeath unto my daughter Elizabeth Hughs five shillings to b paid as aforesaid.
Item: I give and bequeath unto John Jett's five children which he had by my daughter Margaret Bowen five shillings to be paid by my executor when they shall come to age to demand it.
Item: I give and bequeath all the rest of my estate to be equally divided between my two sons Mathew and William and my two daughters Mary and Susanna Bowen.
And I do appoint my two sons Mathew Bowen and William Bowen my whole and sole executors of this my last will and testament as witness my hand and seal this 25th day fo August 1747.

Will of John Bowen, father of the above Stephen and grandfather of Rebecca, married to Peter Jett;

  Rappahannock Co, VA, dated 1 April 1688,Proved 5 May 1686, recorded 17 May 1686; Abstracts: Wife: "my loving wife" - not named; Two sons under 21: Mathew and John Bowen; (250 acres where I now live divided between them when they shall live to the age of twenty one years; Other two sons under 21: Stephen and Alexander Bowen; (parcel of land lying in the forke bought by Alexander Doniphan and myself of George Jones containing 500 acres, divided between them when ... they shall live to the age of twenty one years); Daughter: Martha
Mentions: "the child my wife goeth with." Wife, Executrix & son Matthew, Executor; Witnesses: Moses Hubbert, Alex'r Doniphan,