The clickable links below are CGI proxies; the rest are real ones (configure into your browser - note you MUST disable the automatic proxy configuration).
If you end up trying more than a page or so down this list - it's time to give up and figure out what you're doing wrong.
I've moved the port open/blocked lists to another page.
In the following list, these definitions are used:
- working
- listening, accessible, not access controlled, not censored ... usable
- not listening
- the server or service is simply not listening for requests at the time the test was made. It's probably permanently dead, but keep trying over the next month or so.
- accessible
- the port it's listening on is directly accessible (unblocked).
- censored
- the proxy will (like the UAE proxies) censor your accesses. I've also used this term to cover the URL pages which are blocked by the UAE censors.
- anonymizer
- a page you can access which will then make your request for you without passing your origin info on.
- you access the page normally (click on the link), fill in the your web request details and the form refers your access request to a CGI application which makes the request and returns the requested page to you. Most of these rewrite the links on the returned page so you can then just click to get to them.
- real proxy
- the type you need to configure your browser to use. These are the ones below without the 'http://' stuff - the unclickable ones.
- acp
- anti-censoring proxy; like a CGI proxy
- access controlled
- only certain domains/IP addresses are permitted to originate requests (i.e. not you!).
Here's a list of DNS lookups for the UAE (where the DNS system is broken by their IP address blocking):
- Name: www.magusnet.com; Addresses:,,,
- Name: www.noproxy.com; Address:
- 00/7/14
- here is a good proxy search for you.
- 00/7/2
- ns.escorts.co.jp:8000 #working
- ns2.clearstation.com:9000 #working
- 00/6/28
- snoopy.bndlg.de:8000 # working; 00/7/2 working
- 00/6/20
- Most of the port 8000 proxies are dead or censoring now. Only the two
I've marked below (00/5/23) are worth using, so I've trimmed the list back.
- 00/6/14 (from a list at http://proxy.nikto.net/all_list.htm)
- ls-andromeda.mmedia.is:81
- shoemaker.mmedia.is:81
- note these are on a port which may (often) be blocked for UAE users. I would appreciate some feedback on these.
- 00/5/25 (some from MVlad and Craig)
- cornpops.cx:5050 #working
- lys.eurecom.fr:18080 #working
- ns-internal.clearstation.com:9000 #working; 00/5/28 not listening
- proxy-01.evesta.com:7854 #listening, but times out
- proxy1.interpacket.net:21 #working; note: this port is most unlikely to get blocked!
- lys.eurecom.fr:18080 #working
- 00/5/23
It seems port 8000 has recently been opened for those in the UAE. Run, do not walk, to your nearest list of standard port public proxies and select the fastest ones you can find on port 8000.
From MVlads search page I got the following list, and there are plenty more:
- term-1.spb.sitek.net:8000 #00/6/20 still working; 00/7/2 working
- sp-5.sto.telegate.se:8000 #00/6/20 still working
- 00/4/20
- http://proxy-mail.mailcity.lycos.com/bin/redirector.cgi?http://www.yourURL.com/ will get you to www.yourURL.com, but no links on the resulting page will go via the proxy. You'd have to do that manually, unless you have the Alstone proxy installed.
- 00/4/14
- edinburgh-88.edinburgh.k12.in.us:8801 # bess censored
- 00/4/5
- Vlad's lists seem to be now useless for UAE proxies, KSA ok. Updated a few reports on proxies below; no new proxies, but the ones below still work ok (guetali.fr, in particular).
- 00/3/21
- went through Vlad's list of 'uncommon port proxies for UAE and KSA peoples', and found all of them to be unusable, dead, censored, or already known for some time except for the following one.
- datacentre.chass.utoronto.ca:5680 #weird - it doesn't get the page you request.
- 00/3/20
- lyracom has been mentioned as useful in the UAE. I haven't tried it, but it uses port 5190, so it probably works. A client download is required. Payment is required.
- ns1.guetali.fr:880 is another name for dns.guetali.fr. Thanks Louis.
- 00/2/17
- nntpbot will give you a list of open Usenet News servers. Port forward to them with ssh, or point your redirector to them.
- exonet is a cgi proxy
- 00/2/10 (thanks Vlad)
- dns.guetali.fr:880 #working (note: recently unblocked port for the UAE)
- proxy.guetali.fr:880 #working
- mx-old.guetali.fr:880 #working; 00/5/25 still working
- marblebox is another noproxy name (not working in the UAE, of course). Thanks J.
- 00/2/4
- invest.nnov.city.ru:9000 #working
- cache.belbone.net:1234 #working; 00/4/5 ip blocked; 00/4/28 unreachable
- squirrel.owl.de:33434 #working; 00/4/5 still good; 00/5/18 still good.
- 00/1/28
purplestar is another noproxy name (thanks again, J). Again, www1,www2, ... www11 will work. Also, as usual, *.purplestar.org will work, no matter what * is. See the hylafax note below for the details about this.
- 00/1/26
orangefolder is another noproxy name (thanks j). All the www and *.orangefolder.com names will work too.
- 00/1/24
- 00/1/18
- 00/1/16
- rtr-22.capcollege.bc.ca:82 #working; 00/2/10 working
- cloak7, cloak9 and cloak11 are more CGI proxies from noproxy.
- nitrogen is another the-cloak name. Thanks J.
- 00/1/8
- #still access controlled - and still nasty about it :-)
- #not listening
- proxy.oris.ru:6080 #access controlled
- 00/1/6
- cvs.ul.com:82 #working; 00/2/2 not listening; 00/2/2 working intermittently; 00/2/10 working
- rtr-22.capcollege.bc.ca:82 #working; 00/2/13 access controlled
- 00/1/1
- proxy.turboline.be:1234 #working; 00/4/5 ip blocked
- 99/12/26
- It looks like the ompages proxy is gone for good.
- 99/12/17
- 99/12/10
- 99/12/2
- The ompages site below looks like it's down for now. Hopefully temporary.
- 99/11/29
- 99/11/25
- 99/11/19
- cloak is yet another name for noproxy. They won't keep up with these guys! Cloak1,2,3,4, 5... can also be used if any of them get censored. Thanks John.
- I've just noticed that the noproxy guys have managed to make any URL that looks like <any string>.hylafax.com or <any string>.noproxy.com resolve to their noproxy.com. A nice piece of DNS work. The UAE has already managed to get their string regex censoring to work on all the *.noproxy.com URLs, but not yet on the hylafax ones. The noproxy people are really pushing the censors; unfortunately this might push them into blocking by destination IP address (since they mostly resolve to the same address).
- 99/11/10
- 99/11/6
- 99/11/2
- noproxy #cgi - just another name to use
- 99/10/31
- or http://proxy.spaceproxy.com:8080/http://www.l0pht.com/ #will get you to l0pht.com, substitute your favorite site as required. Many of the others below work this way too. Don't bother to try the autoconfigure mentioned on their web site though, you can't get to port 8080 directly - it's blocked.
- http://www.rewebber.de/ offers a new anti-censorship service. IE5 thinks the certificate is no good and doesn't display the gold lock to indicate you are secure, but with a network sniffer it appears to be encrypted. It will cost you about $US17 per month, but maybe it's worth it to bypass all the stupid censorship (web only, I think). I would recommend something like this if you don't mind spending the money. All your accesses will be encrypted and, if their address gets censored, they guarantee to provide a new address within 3 working days. The address given above is already censored by the UAE, but don't let that stop you - just use one of the working proxies below (ompages still works and probably allows the secure stuff) to get there and look around, and maybe subscribe. If you can't find one which works and you want to subscribe, email me and I'll see if I can do it for you - if you trust me with your credit card etc. ;-). I don't know what they need until I try it, so I can't promise anything.
- 99/10/29
- sol.infonex.com:8040 #access controlled
- sol.infonex.com:8041 #access controlled
- 99/10/28
I still have some proxies to send via email.
- office.ompages.com:5860 #working
- http://www.noproxy.com/ #cgi; censored
- http://www.fairagent.com/ #cgi; censored already!
- http://www.websperts.net/ #another cgi proxy; still working
- #bess censored
- #not listening
- bess.cusd.claremont.edu:8310 #bess censored
- kuee2.kuee.kyoto-u.ac.jp:9080 #not listening
- 99/10/13
- http://www.besilent.com/
- udu.calvin.edu:6532 #working; not listening; 99/12/3 working
- I've got a few to send via email only - write me. I want to see if they get blocked as quickly as the ones published on this page seem to be.
- 99/10/6
- kuee2.kuee.kyoto-u.ac.jp:9080 #not listening
- 99/10/5
- #working, but censored (bess)
- #working, but http/0.9 and character set issues - unusable
- #not listening
- proxy.oris.ru:6080 #access controlled
- servers.oris.ru:6080 #access controlled
- proxy.idola.net.id:9090 #working; not listening; access controlled
- 99/10/1
- proxy.cr:9003 # 99/10/1 working, but slow; too slow to use; 00/4/5 access controlled
- nrl.onion-router.net:9200 # seems to be source blocked - I'd be happy if someone can clue me in here. It listens to other places, but not to the UAE (?)
- 99/9/28
- http://crit.org/<URL>
# e.g. http://crit.org/http://www.l0pht.com/ will take you to l0pht. Link rewriting is done, but not encrypted. Don't expect too much. 'course the whole purpose is to log comments, so you're being watched. Redirection and Java are handled badly.
- 99/9/23
- http://www2.esilent.com/ #working; 99/10/1 listening, but page gone. Now it needs to be http://r1.dogpile.com/texis/redir/main.bin?q=%22www2.esilent.com%22&u=<URL>, where <URL> is the URL without the http:// on it. No links are rewritten, so it's only good for one page at a time.
- 99/9/18
- #not listening
- proxy.hutch.com.au:8800 #not listening
- 99/9/17
- krr.irst.itc.it:1025 #not listening
- #working; access controlled (nasty bugger as well!)
- #access controlled
- 99/9/13
- http://www.surfincognito.com/ #listening, main page not default. Same as above, use http://r1.dogpile.com/texis/redir/main.bin?q=%22www.surfincognito.com%22&u=<URL>.
- 99/9/8
- #working, but BESS censored
- papaya.theshop.net:5150 #working; 99/9/17 working erratically; not listening
- http://www.proxymate.com # another anonymizer - thanks Edgar; they'll give you a proxy on port 8000 - but this is blocked.
- 99/9/4
- from http://www.ijs.co.nz/proxies3.htm
- servers.oris.ru:6080 #accessible, currently listening and it works; 99/9/17 not listening
- filter.netfilter.net:83 #accessible, but censored
- #listening but VERY slow, not accessible.
- irafs1.ira.uka.de:82 #accessible, listening, works from UAE; 99/9/17 - not listening
- 99/9/1
- http://www1.webincognito.com/ # another anonymizer type page. This one handles redirection correctly! But only tokenized, not encrypted. Thanks E - you know who!; 99/10/1 still working well.
www.kdi.com:1381 # not listening
somebody.net:666 # thanks IRS. this one is good, free, but temporary - username/pass is free/free
# not a bad permanent option if you have $50 per month; not UAE accessible
from http://www.ijs.co.nz/proxies3.htm: #not listening #not accessible #working, but not accessible #not listening #slow, but it works; 99/9/17 still works; 99/10/1 still working; 99/10/16 access controlled #not working #not accessible # not accessible # not accessible # not accessible
The following came from a list I just found: http://proxys4all.cgi.net/wwwboard/
more cgi proxies (thanks Brasidias):
http://www.siegesoft.com/services/siegesurfer.htm #working
http://www.cyberarmy.com/portal.shtml #working; 99/10/1 still working
http://www1.freeweb.ne.jp/~yzz/cgi-bin/startproxy.cgi #99/10/1 working
http://www1.freeweb.ne.jp/~yzz/cgi-bin/startproxy.cgi # 99/10/1 working
http://www.leader.ru/magic/ # 99/10/1 working - a good site!
http://ians.978.org:8801/ #99/10/1 not listening
http://thor.prohosting.com/~tomi-net/cgi-bin/gate/startproxy.cgi #gone
http://www.chenxq.webprovider.com/startproxy.cgi #text; 99/10/1 working
http://www.tag4tag.com/scripts/tools/anonymizer/startproxy.cgi #99/10/1 working
and even more (thanks Bone Digger):
http://www.in.tum.de/~pircher/anonymouse/ ***They owe Anonymouse royalties for use of his name!!
cache.dcn-asu.ru:2808 #not working #working; 99/9/17 not listening
https://www.rewebber.de/ # an encrypted anonymizer (aka Janus); 99/10/1 listening, but UAE censored
http://www.io.com/~jsm/cgiproxy/startdemo1.cgi # uname/pwd: free/speech - but it's pretty basic.
http://sigint.978.org:8802/ #still works ok - doesn't handle complex redirections.
https://lesser-magoo.lcs.mit.edu/px.html #acp - try here if the page below doesn't work. 99/8/24 there are problems with this one - expect a fix soon though. 99/8/24 looks like it's had too many hits - may not return :-(
http://www.cast.org/bobby/ # believe it or not!
99/7/14 #from http://www.cyberarmy.com/proxy/ (I include these so you can see for yourself) #malformed reply
ppp023.knd.centuryinter.net:21 #malformed reply
proxy.inet.fi:800 #no reply
shosho.net port 12352 #malformed reply
direct.ca port 1088 #no reply
icc.net.sa port 1234 #malformed reply
delegate.ncc.go.jp port 10080 # no reply
crandon.edu.uy port 23 #malformed reply port 1105 #no reply port 1105 #no reply port 1105 #malformed reply #no response #malformed reply
golden.net port 3000 #malformed reply
proxy.golden.net port 3000 # it works! fast; 99/7/29 no longer working.
http://dc-proxy.allserve.net/ # two working proxies here, one clear, one encrypted; gone
99/6/24 acp:
https://lesser-magoo.lcs.mit.edu/ #censored by UAE
99/6/22 #more afpp sites
http://lesser-magoo.lcs.mit.edu:8802/ - an ssl acp mirror
https://ians.978.org/ # ssl version!, but blocked by UAE
http://sigint.978.org:8801/ or 8802 # 8802 works ok.; 99/10/1 not listening
http://sigint.ne.mediaone.net:8801 or 8802 # 99/10/1 not listening
http://tdcnetwork.com:8801/ # 99/10/1 looks like they didn't pay their domain registration!
http://famine.ne.mediaone.net:8801/ - another acp mirror
http://www.iproxy.com/ #emirates.list restricted, pay site
99/2/5 - various acp proxies
rr.ians.978.org #gone
ians.978.org #works, 99/6 now blocked by UAE
ians.978.org:8800 #works
ians.978.org:8801 #works
ians.978.org:8802 #'problem with page'
http://torgo.ml.org/~threshar/afpp/ #ml.org not functional any more #no access
http://www.choppy.com/ #timeout
http://choppy.com:8800/ #timeout
http://megatf.sh.nu:8800/ #timeout
http://broken.allied.org:8801/ #emirates list restricted
http://www.drumhillford.com:8801/ #works; 99/10/1 not listening
tuewi.boku.ac.at:8801 # 99/10/1 not listening # 99/10/1 not listening
http://www.osiris.978.org:8802/ #UAE censored
ispeed.com:8800 #not listening
http://tuewi.boku.ac.at:8801/ #works; not listening
proxy.magusnet.com 10080 #works; now UAE censored
gds.sfos.ro:9000 # works!; 99/10/1 not listening
98/7/27 UAE blocked port 9669 and others! search for port 10080 (now blocked as well - wayne) yielded:
dir.lut.ac.uk:10080; timeout(?)
www.dna.affrc.go.jp:10080; ok; timeout; ok; down permanently
smith.econ.kyoto-u.ac.jp:800; timeout
edhs1.gsfc.nasa.gov:8001; timeout; timeout
navi.sl.cae.ntt.jp:9998; host not resolved
navi.ntt.jp:9998; host not resolved
navi2.navi.ntt.jp:9998; host not resolved; timeout; timeout
www.kms.ac.jp:7080; timeout
www.sipeb.aoyama.ac.jp:1021; timeout
enulal.u-aizu.ac.jp:2226; timeout
etoj.dna.affrc.go.jp:10093; timeout
zak.tokai-ic.or.jp:30080; not resolved
sukyou9.cs.shinshu-u.ac.jp:8642; timeout
cygnus.race.u-tokyo.ac.jp:8888; timeout
etoj.dna.affrc.go.jp:10092; timeout
bes2d.ec.nagasaki-u.ac.jp:7777; timeout
delegate.coop.nagoya-u.ac.jp:10082; host not resolved
rio.pub.cc.kanagawa-u.ac.jp:10080; timeout
sol.ipc94.ulis.ac.jp:2000; host not resolved
www.hal.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp:5555; timeout
bes2d.ec.nagasaki-u.ac.jp:1990; host not resolved
search for proxy and port
www-cache.wi.hs-wismar.de;8181; timeout
www-cache.t1.missouri.edu 9090; no access
proxy.cise.ufl.edu 81 works;censored
pegasus.it.wsu.edu 3129
proxy.mercuryin.es 5580; no access
alaba.upc.es 9669 #gone
alabi.upc.es 9669
dejanews search for public and prox* not (3128 or 808*)
98/7/4 playing with netCat - starting at proxy.rediris.es
huldra.uninett.no [] 81; no access
zip-translator.dna.affrc.go.jp 30001 fast, but japanese character problems (???); now source blocked
proxy.idola.net.id 9090 - ok, medium speed - erratic; access denied
somebody.net 666 no connect (anonymizer service); not authorized
98/3/18 - squid proxies from 'scanForProxies.pl'
(data at http://ircache.nlanr.net/Cache/Tracker/caches/), sorted by port, blocked ports removed
internet.swh.sk 81 - host not found
ns1.agnes.aoyama.ac.jp 81 no connect; timeout
proxy.dji.connectnet.de 81 no connect; host not found
cache.gdl.iteso.mx 81 fast!; no access
roentgen.org.mx 81; timeout; no access
ns2.swh.sk 81; timeout
proxy.netppl.fi 81; no access
www.proxy.dublin.indigo.ie 82 - not public
wwwcache.ecp.fr:800 # not public; blocked
www-cache.thess.network.gr 800 - 'site not found'; ditto
iproxy.ericsson.dk 800 - 'site not found'
cache.cop.fi 800 'conn not established'
www.auth.gr 800 access denied
ibox.mba.com.ar 1080 - 'site not found'
ibox.sheraton.com.ar 1080 - no connect
www.edag.com 1080 ok, med speed, but censored!
internet.unilan.com.ar 1080 site not found
www.ikano.at 1080 - ok, medium; site not found
proxy.rtsa.co.za 1080 - ok, medium; not public
proxy.kabsi.at 1080 - ok, medium+; not found
ibox.libertador-hotel.com.ar 1080 - no connect; no connect
proxy.kfs.at 1080 - ok, slow; not public
proxy.snowhill.com 1700 - not public
proxy2.syd.seltek.com.au 2222 not public
gatekeeper.ohvi.hu 3129 - ok, slow; no connect; no connect
wsu.edu 3129 - no connect; site not found
alexander.cc.ece.ntua.gr 3129 - no connect; no connect
www.mercuryin.es 5580 - ok, slow; no connect; ditto
irmhp1.celcom.com.my 6969 - not public
pittige-tijden.ml.org 9000 - 9000 prolly blocked?; no connect; ditto
proxy.cr 9003 - ok, extremely slow; no connect
proxy1.una.ac.cr 9090 - no connect
proxy.enter.it 9090 - access denied
www-cache.t1.missouri.edu 9090 - ok, fast; not public :-(; ditto
alaba.upc.es 9669 ok unreliable; fast now!
freya.brunel.ac.uk 10000 access denied
wwwcache.brunel.ac.uk 10000; no access
puni.jaist.ac.jp 10080 access denied
neptun.beotel.yu 15514 access denied
proxy.beotel.yu 15514; access denied
from the proxy list at: http://ircache.nlanr.net/Cache/Tracker/caches/
nosara.una.ac.cr:9090 ok; no access
proxy2.cr:9003; host not resolved
iproxy.ericsson.dk 800; timeout
hotbot search on "proxy.pac"
http://www1.dgtu.donetsk.ua:8100 - not permitted
http://www1.dgtu.donetsk.ua:8101 - no response
proxy.is-1.net.au:8001 - not permitted
proxy.golden.net:3000 no response 1; timeout - not permitted - not permitted
# Web proxies as of Fri Dec 19 10:39:27 PST 1997
mail.acu-rite.com:8888; timeout
proxy.cr:9003 # 99/10/1 working
*windscheid.mind.de:8877 no response 1201ms; timeout
*proxy.netfab.de 3000 censored! 912ms
www-cache.t1.missouri.edu:9090 831ms # access controlled
wwwcache1.trincoll.edu:3128; ssh-fast
bsd.cc.uky.edu:3128; ssh-no response
toltec.lib.utk.edu:3128; ssh-connection reset
alaba.upc.es:9669 901ms; timeout
*cache.gdl.iteso.mx:81; censored
roentgen.gdl.iteso.mx:81 ok, fast!; no access
*roentgen.org.mx:81 no connect; no access
*dns.slu.edu.ph:8888; timeout
wwwcache.brunel.ac.uk:10000 censored!; no access
JP Translator zip-translator.dna.affrc.go.jp 30001 WWW / FTP -