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The PowerLeap™ PL-iP3/T™ Review

System Used: IBM PC 300PL Model 6862-27U and 6862-N8U

The 27U Came with a Pentium II 400 and the N8U came with a Pentium III 450.

I worked with the 27U mostly it has all my apps and stuff. Both pc's tested out just fine.

The 27U I ugraded it to a Celeron 850 I will be showing you before and after pictures of the 850 and the new 1.2GHz Super Fast Tualatin processor.

Here is the Celeron 850 before in Windows XP Professional

Here is the Mulitmedia benchmark:

Memory Benchmark:

Here is the NEW PowerLeap™ PL-iP3/T 1.2GHz Celeron Results:

Here is the Multimedia Benchmark:

Memory Benchmark:


As you can see the Before and after the powerleap upgrade is really worth Every Last Cent!

This new upgrade will have your PC flying a Jet! Just take a look at the results.


The upgrade kit comes allready put together so the only thing you have to worry about is taking the old processor out and install the new one. After that just connect the power adapter to a hard drive 4 pin power connector and be off. Make sure You Install the latest BIOS for your system. The upgrade fan is pretty quite on my IBM I can barely hear it running!


Make sure you upgrade your bios to the latest. Also make sure you turn off processor control in the BIOS before installation. Apon booting and going into setup the IBM says its a Pentium III 400 with 256k cache. In Windows the true speed was shown. The kit support the following:


  • Supports the latest .13 micron Intel "Tualatin" processors, including the 1.2 GHz Celeron with 256K L2 cache and Data Prefetch Logic.
  • Auto-configures the CPU voltage and frontside bus (manual setting available).
  • Supports the "Tualatin" 1.475 VCORE requirement even on motherboards that don't.
  • Integrated high-capacity switching on-board VRM .
  • Meets Voltage Regulator Module (VRM) specifications 8.5, 8.4, 8.3, 8.2, and 8.1.
  • Patented Independent Power Source (IPS™) technology bypasses motherboard's VRM.
  • Power-on LED.
  • On-board cooling fan power connector.
  • Includes a removable retention cartridge.
  • Note:  Does NOT support SMP for the Pentium-III-S processor
  • As you can see your PC is Well Protected and running just as suggested by the processor. It feels like I just went out and bought a brand new pc. As you can see in the Results above the Pentium 4 1.6GHz was beat by Cele 1.2Ghz in most cases.

    To Conclude, The Tualatin Kit by powerleap is well thought out. Forget buying the Pentium III 1Ghz Slot 1 SECC2 FSB 100 that so many have bought get The Poweleap kit today! Its cheaper that the Pentium III and way, way, way faster than it too! They are taking Preorders for 169.00 what a deal! I Urge you to preorder the kit its cheaper than the Pentium III 1GHz and faster. You couldn't pry this Upgrade kit from my hands.



    New OverClocked Results!: