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R'lon and Crenseth's Weyr

You enter a medium sized weyr. It is clean and well furnished. A bed is in one corner as well as a cabinet with a few necessities for a dragon, such as numweed, hide oil and things to rub it in with. A young man of about 17 is sitting down by the window, opposite to the stone dragon couch. He seems to be humming something, but you can’t make out the tune. “Excuse me?” you say, wanting to get his attention. He jumps and turns. He smiles at you, clearly shaken and then grins again.
"Oh, hello. I’m R'lon." he says, a twinkle in his eye. He looks to be about 20, with brown hair that is parted in the middle. It falls infront of his dark green eyes and he casually brushes it away. He is wearing a faded green tunic that once must have been a forest green. He is very muscular, most likely before he came to the weyr he was a miners apprentice. He relizes that you are studying him carefully, and he says.
"Welcome to my weyr, I mean, our weyr." he says after some clearing of the throat. You hide a smile behind you hand. “Do you want to see Crenseth, he just caught Gold Hannith in a resent flight. There are eggs on the sands, care to see if you can impress one?
"Maybe later." you say, looknig about the Weyr,
"He just fed he should be asleep right now."
:I am not asleep!: a booming voice echos in your head. I just woke up I finally cought her, no one else was close!: You nod and the yound man leads you to the main weyr area where you see a bronze adult lying on the stone dragon couch wings out streached. wow, is he big!
Crenseth, isn't he cute?
R'lon give him an afectionate pat on the heead.
"I was feeling a little unsure about taking part in the flight, but Creny wanted to, so I did. I'm rather still in shoke that Cren caught her but I was so sure he could do it." He laughs and clearly doesn't look very self conscious now.
"Really?" you ask.
"Yes, he's big, for a dragon and about slightly over the normal standard for a bronze. I was a little unsure, becasue, Crenseth had just gotten to full size and I don't want to push anything to heavey on him,, but in the end it was his choice. Annice one of the nicest people I have ever met, and I'm glad to have her for a WEyrmate."
Sorry about R'lon, he just get's a little exited and chatty, that's all.
R'lon blushes. At that moment a little flitter appears from between and lands on his shoulder.
Kyla. If you can't see her, she is a aol type only file and netscape doesn't like it. I can't change the way they make me save things.

"Oh, there she is, right in cue." he says. "This is Kyla, my fire lizard." she nestles into his shoulder crilling softly. "I impressed her at Jerden Weyr, the same place that I impressed Cren.
"Really?" you say, seizing the opportunity to make a conversation,
"Yes, when I was searched and came here." R'lon says. "I lived near Brita hold before that as a Miners apprentice, but I was no good at that sort of thing. I kept dropping things, or forgetting things. Luckily I was searched before I did any real damage." he laughs and the fire lizard chirps with him. "My father. Riloco, is a miner as well. A master miner in fact. He is very good about that sort of thing. My mother, Liona, works at the hold as a brewer. She was good at her job as well, though not as good as my father is at his job." you both settle into an uneasy silence. Then he looks around and says.

R'lon’s Stat’s

Name: R'lon
Age: 19 (my, time flys. I remember when he was just a tike!)
Position: Bronze Rider at Jerden Weyr
Pets: Green flitter Kyla
Mother: Liona
Father: Rilaco, a master miner.
Siblings: None!

Crenseth's Stats
Name: Crenseth
Age: Adult
From Jerdan Weyr Mother: Gold Coralyth
Father: Brown Ishpanth
Rider: R'lon
Mate: Gold Annice Rider, Annice
Offspring: Impress one!

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(if you can't see it, it's there, I have aol and it is a art file)
