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Ryana and Sinoseth

Ryana patted the head of her bronze firelizard. She had just finished a letter to her mother that morning and was feeling rather homesick.

:Don't be sad Ryana:Ryana smiled, feeling instantly cheered. Her dragon Sinoseth always had that knack for making her feel better. Bink, her firelizard, chose that time to go winging through the room.

Ryana laughed as Bink did a number of dives, turns, and rolls through the air. He was always a jokerster. When she was taken in as a candidate to Mooncreast Weyr she was lost and confused. Being a small holding girl all of her life everything then had been different to the great bustle of the Weyr. She had wanered in upon a room that to her had seemed rather small with a fireplace in one corner. There was a nice man there who offered to give her a firelizard egg and she accepted, knowing that she may not havfe a chance like that again in her life. She was glad she did for little Bink was a constant companion and a good little friend.
:What about me!!!: said Sinoseth indignetly.
"Oh Sinoseth, who could forget you?" she smiled. She had never reamed that she could impress at all, well she had dreamed and hoped just like every girl she knew but it was a dream that she was sure would never come to pass. When sinosth said that she wanted her Ryana's whole lie changed. And she was glad of it.

Ryana's Search
