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Taiva and Tarmeth's Weyr

You enter a medium sized weyr. The main weyr area is spacious with a tall ceiling. A large stone dragon couch is in on corner. Sitting on it with the regality of any queen is a green dragon.

You glance arond. A red curtain, newly hung, is in the main living area. It is open and a girl gathering many bottles of hide oil. Following her around and getting in her way is a canine. Seeing you the canine barks feircly and the girl raises her head, her checks flushed. She wipes a trickle of sweat of of her face and runs to greet you. "Hi, I'm Taiva, and I think you say the dragon hatchling over there, Tarmeth. I jusr can't beleive I impressed her!"
"I didn't get to many visitors when I was a candidate, now I do though!" You Laugh, she seems so cheerful. She looks about 15, give or take a year. "I impressed Tarmeth at Glass Island Weyr"she says, she seems so, chatty.
She goes on again, cutting you of from saying somthing. "When I first came to this place my family just dumped me here! It’s not that I didn’t want to become a dragon rider. In fact I really wanted to. But the way the made me go, as if I had no choice." a tear trikkles down her check and she hastily wipes it away. "At least they let me take Rose." She glances down at the canine who has put her head in the girls lap and looks up at her.

She strokes her face absently.
She seems more composed now, and she has lost that sad look in her face. "I’ve only been here for a few hours. And no one hads been near it for as long as this Weyr has been in place. It is not as as if I was not used to cleaning stuff." she galnces at her hands, which are rough and calused.
She gets up and straches. "Excuse me for a second." she disappers into a small pocket in the living chamber and slashes her face with water. You glance aroung the room. There is a bed in on corner. A table is in the other corner. Next to it is a table with two chairs.
The girl comes back in. She grins again her light brown eyes flasing in delight. Her light brown hair catches some light and shimmers.
Don't forgert Taiva, I still need to be oiled.
Taiva laughs and you follow her into the main weyr area. The draogon is impressive looking, and she is quite big for a green hatchling. That's betterthe hatchling says, But I still need to be oiled.
Taiva laughs and says "Aas you can see I've got a lot of work to do." She goes over to the dragon and starts too rub it with hide oil.
She laughs. You decide to ask her about her life before she was a canidate and before she impressed Tarmeth. "Oh, well, you see, I was born in a fisher hold to a perfectly respectable family. My parents had very little time for me, my mother was always either going to have a baby, or having another little one to take care of. I’m the oldest girl, so I was expected to help her all the time, as well as to be able to finish all of my chores." she sighs, wistful. "Father wanted my two older brothers to carry one the tradtion of the craft, but they had other ideas. My brother, Klemar ran away to become a healer and my other older brother Grelar left to become a canidate at a weyr far to the north. I don’t know which one. Well my father was really angry at them and was afariad that I would run away too, so he never let me out of his sight. I couldn’t stand it. Thank god the search riders came soom after Grelar left, or I may never have escaped him. My only regrete is having to leave my little sister, Klena there. Out of 14 children, only two girls. Well at least my father was happy with that.
"Anyway, sinse I impressed, maybe I can get her over here." he eyes are misty, and you are afraid that they might spill over when she laughs. "I'm so glad that I impressed. It's the best thing to ever happen to me. Well, I’d better get this weyr clean!" You laugh along with her and leave to explore the rest of this weyr.

Where to know wanderer? to the The winglist?
Or to the The main Weyr Bowl

Rose, (the canine) is from Glass Island Weyr
