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T'ron and Videth

You enter a mid -sized weyr. A standard issue stone dragon couch is in the far right corner. Sitting on it is a bronze weyrling! Next to him scrubing him all over with a oil with all his might is a youth about 16 or 17 turns old. He has strange fetures and a nose a little to big for good looks. His mop of brown hair looks is messy and there are streaks of dirt all accross his face.

Seeing you the young bronze looks up and stranches his neck out. The boy turns and smiles, wlking over to you, holding his greasy hand out for you to shake. You hesitate and he wipes his hands clean on the back of his pants, trying to get them clean that is. His brown eyes sparkle with amusement. "Hello" he say his voice craking ever so slightly, "My Name is T'ron, This is Videth. This is our weyr. I impressed him at Snow Valley Weyr. "I'm sorry please excuse my babbling. I just can't help it! The Weyr leader thought that we were both able to fly today and guess what?"
"What?" you say, indulging him, even though you are fairly sure of his answer.
"We did!" he says triumphantly. You laugh at this comical display. "When I impressed Videth it was my first time being a canidate and a lot of the others have applied many times before, I know because I checked. Andf he was the last of the regular hatchlings to hatch, I mean he was the last to hatch that was not a queen. I was so afraid that I would not impress you know, but I did and Videth, he's the best frined that I've ever had." You turn and look all around the weyr itself. It is clean and tidey looking, an occasional speck of dirt and a bucket of soapy water in the corner where T'ron was cleaning is evidence that much is going on here. Beides the appearance of T'ron himself, whose mosly tanned, partially sunnburned face is streaked with dirt. There is only a small cot of to one side, a chest for clothing and a table with two chairs, covered with a threadbare red table covering. But, what it lacked in furniture it had in an air of looking lived in and habitated. Every thing in the room looked loved. Seeing you look aroung his abode the lad says to you, "It's not much, but it's home," He smiles shyly, "My fire lizards seems to have disappered again, they do that occasionally, though never for more then a few hours at a time. And now they stay more oftan, talking to Videth.
Please Excuse T'ron's Babbling. He is ussually not this bad. He only does this occasionally
You jump, surprised. Was that voice in your head. Was that Videth?
Don't act so surprised. All dragons can talk this way to there chosen and others who they chose if the others chanel is open enough.
T'ron laughs and rubs more oil into Videth's back. you return to gazing around the weyr.
At that moment two little fire lizards chose to make their appearence in the room from Between

"These are my fire lizards, right on time!" Taron exclaims, 'The brown is called Bay and the blue is Imp. Imp loves to torment me, being a little devilish and eating all of Bay's food, of corse he still is a growing fire lizard and maybe this is a phase they all go through at on time or another." You smile and ask T'ron about his life befor he came to Twin Firestone Weyr. "I was born in a small hold near Fort. I'm on of the middle children of Torakar and Mirana, but you would never have heard of them. They are simple people that enjoy their work very much. My father is a runner best handler at my hold and my mother is a Brewer." He sighs and goes on, in mock depression, "I'm the first bronze rider in the fanily for generations.No one has been for at least 5 generations, we think. I heard that my great-great, grea, great, grandfather was a brown rider, but that's it." sighs again sadly, Mocking wipping a tear from one eye and you laugh at his comical display, he should have been a actor. Then his expression brightens and he says,"Have you been to the beaches around here there are many wild fire lizards that lay their eggs on this coast line." You thank him for his advice and leave to explore the rest of the weyr.

T'ron's Stats:
Name: T'ron
Possition: Bronze Rider
Dragons Name: Videth
Dragon's Color: Bronze
Dragon's Age: Weyrling
Pets: firelizards, Blue Imp and Brown Bay
Mate: to young, he's only a child! ~grin~
Offspring: What do you think?

Main Weyr Bowl

Both Imp and Bay were impressed at Dawn Sisters Weyr.
