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Ayah and Shani

You see a door leading from the lower caverns into a room slightly upwards. You take a step forward, stumbling a little, for there is not even the smallest glow basket to lead the way. You finially enter a small room, it is almost as dark as the passage was that leads into it. You can barely make out a shape of a young girl sitting at a chair.
"Hello?" you hear a voice call from that direction, who's there?""Please come closer so that I can see you." she says and you oblige. You feel her touching you face gently with calosed fingers.
"You're pretty." she says at last realeasing you. It was then that you relized that this girl is blind.
"What's your name." you ask hesitantly.
"Oh, I'm Ayah, I'm blind if you haven't guessed already." You are surprised at her bluntness. "I'm down here away from the people of the weyr by chioce, not becasue they made me, you see. I was taking care of a watch wher egg a few days ago and then it hatched and Shani came out!" It was then that you could barely make out the form of a watch wher adult, in the almost near darkness you can make out her staring at you, trying to decide if you are a threat or not.

"I got Shani as an egg at Talor Cliff Weyr and they don't like the light. They told me it was a golden egg when she first came, but I find that hard to believe. Arn't golds the big females? Oh well, it doesn't mean a thing to me what color she is. I can't see and they see well in the dark. That's why I'm down here. Shani seems to be friendlier toward strangers as a hatchling, though it'm told that she'll grow out of it. It doesn't mean a thing to me either way, light or no light, even though it does for seeing people. I was born blind from the first generation of riders her at Twin Firestone Weyr. My parents wanted me to be a dragonrider, like they are, but I can't, I mean, whose ever seen a blind dragon rider?"
you nod, it must be hard what she is going through, but you are glad that she had the chance to impresss a little watch wher.
"I guess the room I choose was a little out of the way, but I mean, If it wasn't then some kids might come and hurt my wher, when she hatches. I couldn't stand that."
"I know what you mean, kids can be so creul, even without meaning to be." you know that she is refering to the method that some weyrlings use for fun, thrusting a glow bsket into the eyes of a watch wher and listening to it scream, not a fun thought. Shani looks up at you and you wonder why people find them so appealing, you, might be afraid to come down here soon, the bigger and more protective she gets.
"I'd better get going." you tell Ayah, but not really wanting to leave.
"Please come and visit us again, We get so feew visitors down here."
You promise that you will and carefully exit the room.
Talor Weyr
The Winglist
The Main Weyr Bowl
