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W'lisar and Halath

W'lisar looked lazily around the Weyr, glad of the freedom that came from his life as a dragon rider. The freedom to chose what to do and the power to foloow through with it. Well, that wasn't really true, he still had his duty to the weyr, and to his draogn, Halath. Halath was the greatest thing that had ever happened to him. At the beginning he had thought that he didn't fit in as a candidate, most of them were weyr breed. He was a younger son of a master, and had nothing going for him. His brother had been named heir and if it hadn't been for being chosen by some searchriders he might have never have left that hellhole of a hold. He looked and saw and felt that Halath was asleep. He started to creep out of the room for a cup of something hot.

nope can't get rid of me that easily
W'lisar smiled at the humor of his dragon, who had finnially reached full size, and boy was he big, though not the largest bronze he had seen Halath had certainly ranked up there. He was incredibly proud of him. Every dragonrider was proud of there dragon, and he was incredibly proud of him.

W'lisar rubbed his dragon on the head and smiled. "I;m hungry Hala, let's go and get some grub."
Good got you, I ate yesterday.
W'lisar left the room with a smile on his face and left to go to the dinning room to get some breakfast before he had to start potty training weyrlings and candidates. A dragon rider has to earn his keep.Wilisar's search story
Jerdan Weyr
The Winglist
The main weyr bowl
