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RM-APRS | KK7CN-8 | KK7CN-7 | KD7OCG-3 | KK7CN | KK7CN-5

Welcome To The
South Eastern Wyoming Automatic Position Reporting Systems Information

APRS On The High Plains

Local Development APRS Group

The KK7CN and KD7OCG Automatic Position Reporting System utilizes Technology and High Mountain Top Digipeater sites to provide efficient reliable position reporting in Eastern Wyoming and Western Nebraska. This digipeater system covers a vast area from Kimball, NE to Elk Mtn,WY along I-80 and from Carr, CO to Glendo, Wy on I-25 on US 85 from Rockport, CO to Lance Creek, WY and on US 26 From Dwyer, WY to 18 miles south of Alliance, NE.From Keeline,WY to Harrison ,NE on US Hwy 20 and many other roads in this region. These Digipeaters utilize state of the art Transceivers and Terminal Node Controllers with maximum output power as well as using high gain phased antenna arrays. The power supply at each site has primary and secondary automatic switching in case of failure a relay will switch to the next power supply if both power supplies are down then they switch to battery so with two power supplies and a battery back up you can rely on uninterrupted communications. This System reports all positions to the nearest I-GATE and other Digipeaters outside of this system to exchange information. This sytem is open to any licensed Amateur Radio Operator to use and enjoy.

APRS Story

The Automatic Position Reporting Systems (APRS) was developed by Bob Bruninga, WB4APR. To sum it up, APRS is the combination of real-time packet communications and maps. Although a GPS receiver is recommended for tracking, it is not required for most APRS operations. APRS can be thought of as a multi-user packet network using maps for a variety of amateur applications that include: Direction Finding, Weather Reporting, Search & Rescue Operations, Emergency Management, Satellite Tracking, AMSAT Ground Station, Telemetry Displays, Airline Tracking, Local Chating, Special Event Organization, DX Monitoring and Plotting, and of course, Marine/Mobile/RV Tracking APRS operation is coordinated in the U.S. on the 2 meter frequency of 144.390 MHz. Stationary and mobile stations alike use this single simplex frequency. Low cost, single channel, radios can be used when building your tracking system or home station. The HF frequency used as Gateways is 10.151.5 LSB. However, the bulk of APRS is on 2 meters and will be the best place for you to get started. As mentioned above, a GPS receiver is not required for most APRS operations, however, if you want to build a tracking device, then it is vital part. The Global Positioning System (GPS) receivers are readily available and most will easily integrate into your tracker. We have compiled a list of the most common GPS's used. APRS has grown from a simple DOS version (actually I think Bob started with the Vic-20) into versions for Windows, Macs, Palms, WinCE and others. We have compiled a complete list of the different software with descriptions of their uses.

Getting Started

How to get started in APRS. The first step is to decide on what software and hardware you will be using. There is a wide variety of software for several different operating systems. Hardware is also quite extensive and is mostly your preference. The basic APRS home station requires the APRS program, a TNC (terminal node controller) and a radio. That's it! Nothing more is required. However, there is one more step that you want to do, and that is to register with the individual authors. By registering, your not only helping the authors keep up with the development tasks, but also it saves your setup data and makes starting the programs much simpler.Wyoming APRS digipeaters 144.390 mhz Enjoy 73 Randy KK7CN

APRS Maps Choose a Site to View

KK7CN-8 Cheyenne and Laramie

KK7CN-7 Wheatland

KD7OCG-3 Scottsbluff and Gering

KK7CN-5 Lusk

KK7CN-6 Chadron Proposed

KK7CN-4 Laramie Peak Waiting Key to Install

NWS Cheyenne Radar

days 'til the end of the Month!

days 'til the end of the Year!

days and 96 years 'til the end of the 21st century !

SHYWY Amateur Radio Club Cheyenne Wyoming
Amateur Radio Callsign Database
Amateur Radio Modification Database
Amateur Radio Information
TAPR Homepage
American Radio Relay League Homepage
Rocky Mountain APRS Homepage TAPR Real Time APRS Display
APRS Technical Information How To Get Started In Aprs
TNC to RADIO Wiring Info

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