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<img SRC="/wy/murray/images/deutchland.gif" BORDER=0 height=160 width=640 align=TOP>

GUBEN * Open Airs * Kinder Club * Jugend Cafe * DRESDEN * BERLIN * Modisch Murray * Die Heilsarmee
*  *  *

Mir mit Sandra
Hallo, ich bin Murray,
und that ist Sandra wearing the prächtig grün T-shirt.
Willkommen to my look at

(me is soooo confuseded, my
Apelish is turning into
Deuenglish... ook,ük! )

So... what happened in Germany? Were there bananas? Did Johnno act like a gen'leman wiv all dem girls about? Some of this MAY be revealed as you follow links and read between lines...

go back to 'Murray's World'

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Pop your name in my Dreambook thingy, go on!